how to run Console App with QOut() under Fivewin
i try to use a Demo Sample which use Qout() but i got not "output" on Screen
i do have sane under HGM where i can add
but this does not work with Fivewin while "unknown"
so how run this CODE so i can "see" Output
Code: Select all | Expand
// $Id: dynobj.prg 14676 2010-06-03 16:23:36Z vszakats $
// DynObj
// Implementation of dynamic objects in Harbour
// Date : 1999/05/12
// Written by Eddie Runia <eddie@runia.com>
// www - http://harbour-project.org
// Placed in the public domain
function Main()
local oForm := TForm():New()
local nSeq
QOut( "What methods are in the class :" )
Debug( __objGetMethodList( oForm ) )
/* Let's add an inline at run-time. Should already be possible */
QOut( "Let's add inline 'CalcArea' at run-time to an already instanced class" )
__objAddInline( oForm, "CalcArea", ;
{|self| ( ::nRight - ::nLeft ) * ( ::nBottom - ::nTop ) } )
QOut( "What methods are in the class :" )
Debug( __objGetMethodList( oForm ) )
QOut( "What is the Form area ?" )
QOut( oForm:CalcArea() )
QOut( "Let's add method 'Smile' at run-time to an already instanced class" )
__objAddMethod( oForm, "Smile", @Smile() )
QOut( "What methods are in the class :" )
Debug( __objGetMethodList( oForm ) )
QOut( "Smile please " )
QOut( "Data items before" )
Debug( oForm )
QOut( "Let's add an additional data item" )
__objAddData( oForm, "cHelp" )
oForm:cHelp := "This is a real tricky test"
QOut( "Data items after" )
Debug( oForm )
QOut( "Let's attach a bigger smile" )
__objModMethod( oForm, "Smile", @BigSmile() )
QOut( "Let's smile" )
QOut( "And CalcArea() will now give a result in square inches" )
__objModInline( oForm, "CalcArea", ;
{|self| ( ::nRight - ::nLeft ) * ( ::nBottom - ::nTop ) / (2.54*2.54) } )
QOut( "What is the Form area ?" )
QOut( oForm:CalcArea() )
QOut( "What methods are in the class :" )
Debug( __objGetMethodList( oForm ) )
QOut( "Delete CalcArea" )
__objDelInline( oForm, "CalcArea" )
QOut( "What methods are in the class :" )
Debug( __objGetMethodList( oForm ) )
QOut( "Delete Smile" )
__objDelMethod( oForm, "Smile" )
QOut( "What methods are in the class :" )
Debug( __objGetMethodList( oForm ) )
QOut( "Data items before" )
Debug( oForm )
QOut( "Let's delete cHelp" )
__objDelData( oForm, "cHelp" )
QOut( "Data items after" )
Debug( oForm )
/* oForm:cHelp := "Please crash" */
return nil
function TForm()
static oClass
if oClass == nil
oClass := HBClass():New( "TFORM" ) // starts a new class definition
oClass:AddData( "cText" ) // define this class objects datas
oClass:AddData( "nTop" )
oClass:AddData( "nLeft" )
oClass:AddData( "nBottom" )
oClass:AddData( "nRight" )
oClass:AddMethod( "New", @New() ) // define this class objects methods
oClass:AddInline( "Show", {|self| ::cText } )
oClass:Create() // builds this class
return oClass:Instance() // builds an object of this class
static function New()
local Self := QSelf()
::nTop := 10
::nLeft := 10
::nBottom := 20
::nRight := 40
return Self
static function Smile()
local self := QSelf()
if ::CalcArea() == 300
QOut( ":-)" )
QOut( ":-(" )
return self
static function BigSmile()
local self := QSelf()
QOut( ":-)))" )
return self
function Pause()
__Accept( "Pause :" )
return nil