Amending preprocessor directive for TFolderEx
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 4:18 am
I am trying to build a dynamic TFolderEx so when it is REDEFINE, the value for aPrompts and aDialogs will come from file.
What do I need to change at its pre-processor directive so instead of coding
I could also pass arrays for prompts and dialogs like this
Can the #xcommand be coded to be able to accept both format?
Excerpt from FWH19.12's;
What do I need to change at its pre-processor directive so instead of coding
Code: Select all | Expand
REDEFINE FOLDEREX ::oFolder ID 110 OF ::oDlg ;
PROMPTS "tab1", "tab2" ;
DIALOGS "dlg1", "dlg2"
Code: Select all | Expand
REDEFINE FOLDEREX ::oFolder ID 110 OF ::oDlg ;
PROMPTS {"tab1", "tab2"} ;
DIALOGS {"dlg1", "dlg2"}
Excerpt from FWH19.12's;
Code: Select all | Expand
#xcommand REDEFINE FOLDEREX [<oFolder>];
[ ID <nId> ] ;
[ <of: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
[ <prm: PROMPT, PROMPTS, ITEMS> <cPrompt,...> ] ;
[ <bm: BITMAPS, IMAGES, BMPS> <cbmps,...> ] ;
[ <dlg: DIALOG, DIALOGS, PAGE, PAGES> <cDlgsName,...> ] ;
[ TAB HEIGHT <ntabheight> ];
[ OPTION <nOption> ] ;
[ ROUND <nRound> ];
[ SEPARATOR <nSep> ];
[ <lAdjust: ADJUST> ] ;
[ <lStretch: STRETCH> ] ;
[ POPUP <upop>];
[ ALIGN <nAlign,...> ] ;
[ BRIGHT <nBright> ] ;
[ ACTION <uAction> ];
[ ON CHANGE <uChange> ] ;
[ ON PAINT TAB <uPaint> ];
[ ON PAINT TEXT <uPaintxt> ];
[ HELPTOPICS <cnHelpids,...> ] ;
[ <layout: TOP, LEFT, BOTTOM, RIGHT> ] ;
[ <lAnimate: ANIMATE> [ SPEED <nSpeed> ] ] ;
[ FONT <oFont> ]; //-->> byte-one 2010
[ <lTransparent: TRANSPARENT> ] ;
[ <lBorder: NOBORDER > ] ;
[ COLOR <nClrPane> ] ;
=> ;
[<oFolder> := ] TFoldereX():ReDefine( <nId>, <oWnd>, [\{<cDlgsName>\}],;
[\{<cbmps>\}], [\{<cPrompt>\}], <ntabheight>, [\{<cnHelpids>\}],;
<nRound>, [{|nOption,nOldOption,Self| <uChange>}],;
[{|Self,nOption| <uPaint>}], [{|Self,nOption| <uPaintxt>}], ;
[\{<nAlign>\}], <.lAdjust.>, <nSep>, <nOption>, ;
[{|Self,nOption| <upop>}], <.lStretch.>, [ Upper(<(layout)>) ],;
[{|Self,nOption| <uAction>}], <nBright>, <.lAnimate.>, [<nSpeed>], ;
<oFont>, <.lTransparent.>, <.lBorder.>, <nClrPane> )