ADO update visability between workstations
- Rick Lipkin
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ADO update visability between workstations
To All
I have completed a major SQL ADO application and am finding that workstation recordsets are not being updated as other workstations make changes.
I am caching the recordsets to the local client ..
In looking on MSDN I see a ReSync method ?? has anyone used this to just resync a specific record in a recodset ?? The documentation seems to support the single table record refresh .. I would think the syntax would be :
Issue that and the object record will be refreshed from the table and included in the client cache ??
Rick Lipkin
SC Dept of Health, USA
cSQL := "SELECT * FROM CERT order by reg_no"
oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRs:CursorType := 1 // opendkeyset
oRs:CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRs:LockType := 3 // lockoportunistic
oRs:Open( cSQL,'Provider='+xPROVIDER+';Data Source='+xSOURCE+';Initial Catalog='+xCATALOG+';User Id='+xUSERID+';Password='+xPASSWORD )
MsgInfo( "Error in Opening CERT table" )
I have completed a major SQL ADO application and am finding that workstation recordsets are not being updated as other workstations make changes.
I am caching the recordsets to the local client ..
In looking on MSDN I see a ReSync method ?? has anyone used this to just resync a specific record in a recodset ?? The documentation seems to support the single table record refresh .. I would think the syntax would be :
Issue that and the object record will be refreshed from the table and included in the client cache ??
Rick Lipkin
SC Dept of Health, USA
cSQL := "SELECT * FROM CERT order by reg_no"
oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRs:CursorType := 1 // opendkeyset
oRs:CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRs:LockType := 3 // lockoportunistic
oRs:Open( cSQL,'Provider='+xPROVIDER+';Data Source='+xSOURCE+';Initial Catalog='+xCATALOG+';User Id='+xUSERID+';Password='+xPASSWORD )
MsgInfo( "Error in Opening CERT table" )
Last edited by Rick Lipkin on Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Rick Lipkin
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According to the doccumentation I found :
(1)adOpenKeyset: A static snap-shot of the primary key values of the records that match your search criteria are put into the recordset. As you scroll backwards and forwards, the primary key value in the recordset is used to fetch the current data for that record from the database. This cursor thus allows you to see updates to the data made by other users, but it doesn't let you see new records that have been added by other users (because the primary key values for those records are not in your recordset).
(2)adOpenDynamic: A dynamic snapshot of the database is maintained by OLEDB/ADO. All changes by other users to the underlying database are visible. Obviously this is the most sophisticated cursor, and thus is usually the most expensive. Because the data in the recordset is dynamic,
attributes like AbsolutePosition and AbsolutePage can not be set. The adOpenDynamic cursor is not supported by the Jet OLEDB Provider.
AbsolutePosition I need for the skipper in the listbox .. that is why I chose OpenKeyset .. I have not tried OpenDynamic .. I can easily try it .. I did find a Resync method which seems to be my answer ... I am in 'un-charted' territory .. just curious if you have used Resync() .. and what the syntax would look like ?? oRs:ReSync() ?? when I open a record to view or edit ??
Rick Lipkin
oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRs:CursorType := 1 // opendkeyset
oRs:CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRs:LockType := 3 // lockoportunistic
oRs:Open( cSQL,'Provider='+xPROVIDER+';Data Source='+xSOURCE+';Initial Catalog='+xCATALOG+';User Id='+xUSERID+';Password='+xPASSWORD )
MsgInfo( "Error in Opening USERINFO table" )
oRs:Find("USERID = '"+xLOGIN+"'" )
IF oRs:eof
FROM 2,2 to 25,65 ;
of oWndMDI ;
TITLE "USERINFO Records Browse" ;
MENU BuildMenu(oRs) ;
@ 0, 0 LISTBOX oBrow FIELDS ;
oRs:Fields("USERID"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("READ"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("WRITE"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("INSP"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("SUPER"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("DISTRICT"):Value ;
SIZES 90,60,60,60,60,100 ;
HEADERS "Userid", ;
"Read", ;
"Write", ;
"Insp", ;
"Super", ;
"Dist" ;
ON DBLCLICK _userview( "V" ) ;
of oUser ;
oBrow:bLogicLen := { || oRs:RecordCount }
oBrow:bGoTop := { || oRs:MoveFirst() }
oBrow:bGoBottom := { || oRs:MoveLast() }
oBrow:bSkip := { | nSkip | Skipper( oRs, nSkip ) }
oBrow:cAlias := "ARRAY"
oUSER:oClient := oBROW
oUSER:SetControl( oBROW )
VALID ( IIF( !lOK, UserClose(.T., oRs), .F. ))
LOCAL nRec := oRsx:AbsolutePosition
oRsx:Move( nSkip )
IF oRsx:EOF; oRsx:MoveLast(); ENDIF
IF oRsx:BOF; oRsx:MoveFirst(); ENDIF
RETURN( oRsx:AbsolutePosition - nRec )
According to the doccumentation I found :
(1)adOpenKeyset: A static snap-shot of the primary key values of the records that match your search criteria are put into the recordset. As you scroll backwards and forwards, the primary key value in the recordset is used to fetch the current data for that record from the database. This cursor thus allows you to see updates to the data made by other users, but it doesn't let you see new records that have been added by other users (because the primary key values for those records are not in your recordset).
(2)adOpenDynamic: A dynamic snapshot of the database is maintained by OLEDB/ADO. All changes by other users to the underlying database are visible. Obviously this is the most sophisticated cursor, and thus is usually the most expensive. Because the data in the recordset is dynamic,
attributes like AbsolutePosition and AbsolutePage can not be set. The adOpenDynamic cursor is not supported by the Jet OLEDB Provider.
AbsolutePosition I need for the skipper in the listbox .. that is why I chose OpenKeyset .. I have not tried OpenDynamic .. I can easily try it .. I did find a Resync method which seems to be my answer ... I am in 'un-charted' territory .. just curious if you have used Resync() .. and what the syntax would look like ?? oRs:ReSync() ?? when I open a record to view or edit ??
Rick Lipkin
oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRs:CursorType := 1 // opendkeyset
oRs:CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRs:LockType := 3 // lockoportunistic
oRs:Open( cSQL,'Provider='+xPROVIDER+';Data Source='+xSOURCE+';Initial Catalog='+xCATALOG+';User Id='+xUSERID+';Password='+xPASSWORD )
MsgInfo( "Error in Opening USERINFO table" )
oRs:Find("USERID = '"+xLOGIN+"'" )
IF oRs:eof
FROM 2,2 to 25,65 ;
of oWndMDI ;
TITLE "USERINFO Records Browse" ;
MENU BuildMenu(oRs) ;
@ 0, 0 LISTBOX oBrow FIELDS ;
oRs:Fields("USERID"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("READ"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("WRITE"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("INSP"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("SUPER"):Value, ;
oRs:Fields("DISTRICT"):Value ;
SIZES 90,60,60,60,60,100 ;
HEADERS "Userid", ;
"Read", ;
"Write", ;
"Insp", ;
"Super", ;
"Dist" ;
ON DBLCLICK _userview( "V" ) ;
of oUser ;
oBrow:bLogicLen := { || oRs:RecordCount }
oBrow:bGoTop := { || oRs:MoveFirst() }
oBrow:bGoBottom := { || oRs:MoveLast() }
oBrow:bSkip := { | nSkip | Skipper( oRs, nSkip ) }
oBrow:cAlias := "ARRAY"
oUSER:oClient := oBROW
oUSER:SetControl( oBROW )
VALID ( IIF( !lOK, UserClose(.T., oRs), .F. ))
LOCAL nRec := oRsx:AbsolutePosition
oRsx:Move( nSkip )
IF oRsx:EOF; oRsx:MoveLast(); ENDIF
IF oRsx:BOF; oRsx:MoveFirst(); ENDIF
RETURN( oRsx:AbsolutePosition - nRec )
- Rick Lipkin
- Posts: 2677
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- Location: Columbia, South Carolina USA
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Changing the open dynamic did not seem to work .. the recordset opened and I had a top and bottom to my listbox .. however .. there was no visability of updates .. don't think SQL server supports dynamic and it just opened it like it was static.
The Resync() option gave a run-time error unfortunitly .. I have implemented a signature field so I can stop a stale recordset from writing over updated records .. I may have to abandon the local caching of the recordset in favor of just pointing to the server .. going to take a hit in performance .. I may have to re-think how I am presenting the data to the users and force them to query a record each time for get a fresh recordset.
Antonio .. I am using the same mechanism you are using in the ADO RDD with the same open methods .. have you tested multiple workstation visability ??
Rick Lipkin
Changing the open dynamic did not seem to work .. the recordset opened and I had a top and bottom to my listbox .. however .. there was no visability of updates .. don't think SQL server supports dynamic and it just opened it like it was static.
The Resync() option gave a run-time error unfortunitly .. I have implemented a signature field so I can stop a stale recordset from writing over updated records .. I may have to abandon the local caching of the recordset in favor of just pointing to the server .. going to take a hit in performance .. I may have to re-think how I am presenting the data to the users and force them to query a record each time for get a fresh recordset.
Antonio .. I am using the same mechanism you are using in the ADO RDD with the same open methods .. have you tested multiple workstation visability ??
Rick Lipkin
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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Only a test, but seems work:
Code: Select all | Expand
oRs := CREATEOBJECT( "ADODB.Recordset" )
cSQL := "SELECT * FROM Articoli ORDER BY codice ASC"
oRs:Open( cSQL, oConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic ) // 3, 3
CATCH oError
MsgStop(oError:Operation+CRLF+oError:Description,"Ado Connection")
ACTION ( nTimer++, IIF( nTimer > 10, RefreshSQL( @nTimer, oTimer, oRs, oBrw ), "" ) ) OF oDlg
FROM 7,7 to 35,104 ;
TITLE "Articoli"
@ 0, 0 LISTBOX oBrw;
FIELDS "", "", "", "", "";
HEADERS "Codice", "Descrizione", "Desc. Aggiuntiva", "Nota 1", "Nota 2";
OF oDlg
oBrw:bLine := { || { oRs:Fields( "codice" ):Value, oRs:Fields( "descrizione" ):Value, oRs:Fields( "descrizione_aggiuntiva" ):Value, oRs:Fields( "nota1" ):Value, oRs:Fields( "nota2" ):Value } }
oBrw:bLogicLen := { || oRs:RecordCount }
oBrw:bGoTop := { || oRs:MoveFirst() }
oBrw:bGoBottom := { || oRs:MoveLast() }
oBrw:bSkip := { | nSkip | SkipperAdo( oRs, nSkip ) }
oBrw:cAlias := ""
ON INIT ( oDlg:SetControl( oBrw ), nSecFine:= SECONDS(), InfStat( NTRIM( nSecFine-nSecIni ) + " secondi... - " + NTRIM( oRs:RecordCount ) + " records..." ), oTimer:activate() )
FUNCTION RefreshSQL( nTimer, oTimer, oRs, oBrw )
LOCAL nRec := oRs:AbsolutePosition
nTimer := 0
oRs:Move( nRec-1 )
Pedro Gonzalez
- Antonio Linares
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- Rick Lipkin
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- nageswaragunupudi
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- nageswaragunupudi
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There was a discussion above to use adOpenDynamic or adOpenKeyset for opening a recordset. But when a recordset is opened on clientside (with cursorlocation as adUseClient) the provider ignores what we speicfy as CursorType (adOpenDynamic or Keyset), and returns a recordset with cursortype as adOpenStatic only.
adOpenDynamic or adOpenKeyset cursortype is useful only for recorsets opened with cursor location adUseSever. Often this is not what we do.
adOpenDynamic or adOpenKeyset cursortype is useful only for recorsets opened with cursor location adUseSever. Often this is not what we do.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- Rick Lipkin
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1 2
oRs:Resync( adAffectCurrent, adResyncAllValues )
Excellant .. that is what I was looking for .. I will definitly surround it with Try\Catch .. and I will report back my success ..
adAffectCurrent = 1
adResyncAllValues = 2
I have tried the above and it fails each time .. does it matter if the data has changed or not ??
Rick Lipkin
oRs:Resync( adAffectCurrent, adResyncAllValues )
Excellant .. that is what I was looking for .. I will definitly surround it with Try\Catch .. and I will report back my success ..
adAffectCurrent = 1
adResyncAllValues = 2
I have tried the above and it fails each time .. does it matter if the data has changed or not ??
Rick Lipkin
- nageswaragunupudi
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I work extensively with very large applications ADO and Oracle. My experience with MSSQL is limitted to smaller applications. Resync generally works even when the other users update the same row but occassionally fails. Better we keep in mind how Resync command internally works:
RecordSet object has Properities collection.
oRs:Properties("Resync Command"):Value is what ADO internally uses to retrieve the values of the current row. This value can be set by our program but i am not able to change this property through xharbour. (works in vbasic)
ADO has to know the primary key or some unique id of the row to internally construct this command. For example a table has two columns "custid", "custname" with custid as primary key and if ado can know this, it will internelly construct the resync command as "select * from customers where custid = ?" and calls this command with custid as the parameter each time it refreshes. For oracle it uses rowid instead of primary key unless we configure ado differently. This has its own side effects.
This should give you some idea about the limiations of Resync command.
So we can use Resync, keeping in mind that it can fail at times and for some recordsets. Solution is to programitically assign right values to the two properties oRs:Properties("Root Table") and oRs:Properties("Resync Command")
RecordSet object has Properities collection.
oRs:Properties("Resync Command"):Value is what ADO internally uses to retrieve the values of the current row. This value can be set by our program but i am not able to change this property through xharbour. (works in vbasic)
ADO has to know the primary key or some unique id of the row to internally construct this command. For example a table has two columns "custid", "custname" with custid as primary key and if ado can know this, it will internelly construct the resync command as "select * from customers where custid = ?" and calls this command with custid as the parameter each time it refreshes. For oracle it uses rowid instead of primary key unless we configure ado differently. This has its own side effects.
This should give you some idea about the limiations of Resync command.
So we can use Resync, keeping in mind that it can fail at times and for some recordsets. Solution is to programitically assign right values to the two properties oRs:Properties("Root Table") and oRs:Properties("Resync Command")
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- Rick Lipkin
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RecordSet object has Properities collection.
oRs:Properties("Resync Command"):Value is what ADO internally uses to retrieve the values of the current row. This value can be set by our program but i am not able to change this property through xharbour. (works in vbasic)
ADO has to know the primary key or some unique id of the row to internally construct this command. For example a table has two columns "custid", "custname" with custid as primary key and if ado can know this, it will internelly construct the resync command as "select * from customers where custid = ?" and calls this command with custid as the parameter each time it refreshes. For oracle it uses rowid instead of primary key unless we configure ado differently. This has its own side effects.
Ok .. let me see here .. I have a table called CERT and a unique ID assigned to each row called EID
Programatically, how would you assign the above properties for the Resync method to work ??
cEid := oRs:Fields("eid"):Value
oRs:Properties("Resync Command"):Value := cEID
oRs:ReSync( 1, 2 )
Rick Lipkin
oRs:Properties("Resync Command"):Value is what ADO internally uses to retrieve the values of the current row. This value can be set by our program but i am not able to change this property through xharbour. (works in vbasic)
ADO has to know the primary key or some unique id of the row to internally construct this command. For example a table has two columns "custid", "custname" with custid as primary key and if ado can know this, it will internelly construct the resync command as "select * from customers where custid = ?" and calls this command with custid as the parameter each time it refreshes. For oracle it uses rowid instead of primary key unless we configure ado differently. This has its own side effects.
Ok .. let me see here .. I have a table called CERT and a unique ID assigned to each row called EID
Programatically, how would you assign the above properties for the Resync method to work ??
cEid := oRs:Fields("eid"):Value
oRs:Properties("Resync Command"):Value := cEID
oRs:ReSync( 1, 2 )
Rick Lipkin
- nageswaragunupudi
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It should be like this.
But as I said earlier, assignment is not working through xHarbour.
Please read this topc on msn
However in most cases resync is working for me usually with some exceptions.
Code: Select all | Expand
oRs:Properties("Resync Command"):Value := "SELECT * FROM CERT WHERE EID = ?"
But as I said earlier, assignment is not working through xHarbour.
Please read this topc on msn
However in most cases resync is working for me usually with some exceptions.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India