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Someone has an example of the use of a recorset with xbrowse
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:35 pm
by leandro
Friends of the forum have good day. As says in headline, I need to know if someone has an example of the use of a recorset in a xbrowse.
In advance thank you.
Pardon for the Englishman is a translation.
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:55 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Leandro
It is very simple to use XBrowse with RecordSets.
Please try this quick code.
Code: Select all | Expand
oBrw := TXBrowse():New( oWnd )
oBrw:SetADO( oRs ) // oRs is your record set
oWnd:oClient := oBrw
You can use other features of xBrowse for advanced purposes.
Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:57 pm
by Armando
Many thanks for your sample, and I have a couple questions.
What if the recordset is empty ?, Is the Txbrowse showing with no problem ?
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:47 am
by nageswaragunupudi
If we want to browse empty record sets also, we need to definte columns ourselves similar to the following code.
Code: Select all | Expand
oCol := oBrw:AddCol()
oCol:bStrData := { || If( oRs:RecordCount() > 0, oRs:Field(0):Value, space(10) ) }
oCol:cHeader := "Col-1"
// after defining all the columns
oBrw:SetADO( oRs )
// rest of the code
In any case, recordsets' features differ from the familiar dbf behaviour. There are other issues like handling Null values, variable length fields, etc. which always need extra coding on our part.
If we go for extensive use of ADO, it is worthwhile considering making a Wrapper class for RecordSet. By experience I consider this as not only extremely useful but essential in the long run.
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:44 pm
by Rick Lipkin
For what it is worth .. I always check for oRs:eof and if there are no rows from your query .. ask to add or just bug out.
If you have an embedded listbox in your form .. you still should have to test for eof and wrap your 'skipper' to keep from encountering a run-time error.
Rick Lipkin
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:29 pm
by Armando
Mr. nageswaragunupudi (It's a long name

Thanks to you for sample, I'll try.
Mr. Rick.
Thanks so much for your explanation.
With best regards
de nuevo yo
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:16 pm
by leandro
Mr. nageswaragunupudi, friend like these, which he(she) punishes to be a nuisance so much, but I have the problem that when there are no records in the table goes out for me a mistake to the moment to create the xbrowse, try as you answered him(her) to arming(assembling) but I me do not work. Of chance you do not have an example a bit clear mas since(as,like) the void recorset use.
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:28 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr leandro
If the RecSet has atleast one Row at the beginning, later even if all the rows are deleted also, the browse works well. But if we start with an empty RecordSet ( like an empty array ), the browse fails while trying to compute the datawidths.
Try writing code in the following manner. It worked for me here, with empty recordset.
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 10,10 XBROWSE oBrw ;
If( oRs:Eof, Space(20), oRs:Fields("First"):Value ), ;
If( oRs:Eof, Space(30), oRs:Fields("Second"):Value ) ;
"First", "Second" ;
OF oDlg SIZE 300,150 PIXEL
oBrw:SetADO( oRs )
Personally I use a wrapper class for recordset, which returns a equivalent blank value on eof() condition.
I guess we can improve the adogenblock to take care of eof situations. Also we can modify TXColumn's data width method not to compute datawidth if width is already specified.
We can make an improvement to the XBrowse class
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:46 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Here is a more generic code :
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 10,10 XBROWSE oBrw ;
OF oDlg SIZE 300,150 PIXEL
for n := 0 to oRs:Fields:Count() - 1
xbrAdoSetField( oBrw, oRs, n )
oBrw:SetADO( oRs )
return nil
function xbrAdoSetField( oBrw, oRs, cnFld )
local oCol := oBrw:AddCol()
local nwidth := oRs:Fields( cnFld ):DefinedSize
:cHeader := oRs:Fields(cnFld):Name
:bStrData := { || If( oRs:Eof, Space( nWidth ), cValtoChar( oRs:Fields( cnFld ):Value ) ) }
return oCol
This code is tested and will work
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:53 pm
by leandro
Friend nageswaragunupudi:
First that quite I want to be grateful to you for the help given till now has served me very much. But I have another couple of pregunticas mas to know if it(he,she) can help me.
1-> Since I do to refresh the recorset in time of ejecucción? I could not have achieved it.
2-> When I want to use the xbrowse on windows MDI, it saves a mistake that he says more or less this way:
Not if one has to see with the form that I define the cursor. I am doing it of the following way:
Code: Select all | Expand
oRsPro:CursorLocation := adUseClient
oRsPro:LockType := adLockOptimistic
oRsPro:CursorType := adOpenDynamic
oRsPro:Source := "SELECT * FROM proyecto ORDER BY PRO_PRO"
Since I can solve this problem?
Thank you for the whole given help.
Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:56 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
You shd open your recordset on clientside
Please reproduce your code for opening the recordset. I shall let you know what to do
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:42 pm
by leandro
Friend, gun-sight I am doing it of the following way:
Code: Select all | Expand
*Catalogo de Medidas
PROC pMedida()
LOCAL aCol:={0,0,0}
STATIC aArrayVars:= {"m_medida"}
#xtranslate vOrden => aArrayVars\[1\]
oVar := "SELECT * from "+oLamcla:tMedi+" ORDER BY "+alltrim(vOrden)
oLamcla:oRsMedida := CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
CATCH oError
MsgStop( "No se ha podido crear el RECORDSET !","Error de Datos" )
oLamcla:oRsMedida:CursorLocation := adUseClient //adUseServer
oLamcla:oRsMedida:LockType := adLockOptimistic
oLamcla:oRsMedida:CursorType := adOpenKeyset
oLamcla:oRsMedida:Source := oVar
oLamcla:oRsMedida:ActiveConnection( oLamcla:oServer )
CATCH oError
MsgStop( "No se ha podido ejecutar el comando !", "Error de Datos" )
DEFINE BRUSH oFondo FILE ".\res\res_403.BMP"
REDEFINE BUTTONBMP Btn_Limp ID 4003 OF oCuadro BITMAP "Blimpi2" TOOLTIP oLamcla:mTfil //ACTION pValiMed()
//REDEFINE BTNBMP Btn_Limp ID 4010 OF oCuadro RESOURCE "BLimpi2" TOOLTIP oLamcla:mTfil NOBORDER UPDATE //ACTION (oC1vg1:=space(100),pArMedi())
REDEFINE GET oC1og1 VAR oLamcla:oC1vg1 ID 4002 OF oCuadro UPDATE //VALID(pBusMed(),.T.)
oBrw := TXBrowse():New( oCuadro )
oBrw:nMarqueeStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
oBrw:nColDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_RAISED
oBrw:nHeaderLines := 1
oBrw:lColDividerComplete := .t.
oBrw:lRecordSelector := .t.
oBrw:bClrSel := {|| { CLR_BLACK,oLamcla:cClr7 } }
oBrw:bClrStd := {|| IF( (oLamcla:oRsMedida:AbsolutePosition()%2)==0,{CLR_BLACK,oLamcla:cClr2},{CLR_BLACK,oLamcla:cClr1} ) }
oBrw:bClrSelFocus := {|| { CLR_WHITE,RGB(147,160,112) } }
aCol[ 1] := oBrw:AddCol()
aCol[ 1]:bStrData := { || If( oLamcla:oRsMedida:Eof, Space( nWidth ), cValtoChar( oLamcla:oRsMedida:Fields( "m_medida" ):Value ) ) }
aCol[ 1]:cHeader := "Codigo"
aCol[ 1]:nHeadStrAlign := AL_LEFT
aCol[ 1]:nDataStrAlign := AL_LEFT
aCol[ 1]:nWidth := 80
aCol[ 2] := oBrw:AddCol()
aCol[ 2]:bStrData := { || If( oLamcla:oRsMedida:Eof, Space( nWidth ), cValtoChar( oLamcla:oRsMedida:Fields( "m_nombre" ):Value ) ) }
aCol[ 2]:cHeader := "Nombre"
aCol[ 2]:nHeadStrAlign := AL_LEFT
aCol[ 2]:nDataStrAlign := AL_LEFT
aCol[ 2]:nWidth := 225
aCol[ 3] := oBrw:AddCol()
aCol[ 3]:bStrData := { || If( oLamcla:oRsMedida:Eof, Space( nWidth ), cValtoChar( oLamcla:oRsMedida:Fields( "m_siglas" ):Value ) ) }
aCol[ 3]:cHeader := "Siglas"
aCol[ 3]:nHeadStrAlign := AL_LEFT
aCol[ 3]:nDataStrAlign := AL_LEFT
aCol[ 3]:nWidth := 225
oBrw:SetADO( oLamcla:oRsMedida )
oBrw:CreateFromResource( 102 )
oCuadro:cTitle := "Tabla de Medidas"
ACTIVATE DIALOG oCuadro On Init (Centra( oCuadro ),oCuadro:refresh(),BarraMed( oCuadro )) CENTERED
Abusing your confidence I am going to do another question to you. Since I do for actualiar the recorset and the xbrose in time of ejecuccion?
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:42 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
I guess you are getting the error only when the RecordSet is empty.
Please set the navigation codeblocks yourself in your code, before calling SetAdo
Code: Select all | Expand
oBrw:bGoTop := { || If( oRs:RecordCount() > 0, oRs:MoveFirst(), ) }
oBrw:bGoBottom := { || If( oRs:RecordCount() > 0, oRs:MoveLast(), ) }
oBrw:bSkip := { | n | If( oRs:RecordCount == 0, 0, AdoSkip( oRs, If( n == nil, 1, n ) ) ) }
oBrw:bBof := { || oRs:Bof }
oBrw:bEof := { || oRs:Eof }
oBrw:bBookMark := { | uBm | If( If( oRs:RecordCount() == 0, 0, If( uBm == nil, oRs:BookMark, oRs:BookMark := uBm ) ) }
oBrw:bKeyNo := { | n | If( oRs:RecordCount == 0, 0, If( n == nil, oRs:AbsolutePosition, oRs:AbsolutePosition := n ) ) }
oBrw:bKeyCount := { || oRs:RecordCount()}
Let us see if this is working well.
If with this modification it is working well even on empty recordsets, we can then request Mr Antonio to include the changes in the xBrowse.Prg
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:54 am
by Carlos Mora
Hi Nagesh,
nageswaragunupudi wrote:Here is a more generic code :
Code: Select all | Expand
function xbrAdoSetField( oBrw, oRs, cnFld )
local oCol := oBrw:AddCol()
local nwidth := oRs:Fields( cnFld ):DefinedSize
:cHeader := oRs:Fields(cnFld):Name
:bStrData := { || If( oRs:Eof, Space( nWidth ), cValtoChar( oRs:Fields( cnFld ):Value ) ) }
return oCol
This code is tested and will work
This code can be polished a little bit. Using DefinedSize property is not correct in all cases, mainly in those where the type is a numeric one. As an example, for fields with Type = 3 (numeric LONG) you get a DefinedSize of 4, what is wrong because 4 is the data len, in this case a LONG INT of 4 bytes. A more exact value can be get using the Precision property, that in the example evaluates to 10, the width needed to represent the max value ( +/- 2147483648 ) this field can adopt.
Another example is field type 5, numeric DOUBLE, with a defined size of 8 but a precision of 15.
My 2 cents.
Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:10 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Carlos
I totally agree with you. And my personal code is more elaborate. We need to examine the Type first and then decide whether to use DefinedSize or Precision and Scale.
This code would be much longer and I gave the above code which is simpler for demonstrative purpose.
That is the reason, I personal use a wrapper class with methods lika TDataBase which takes care of all these issues. I advise this approach for any serious user