A client notified me this morning about a problem. I am waiting to hear about his computer and windows version, but here is what I have found:
First, the code for the xbrowse using a resource
Code: Select all | Expand
DATASOURCE ::oOrders ;
HEADERS " Done ", "Paid", "Type", "W/O #", "Company", sLbl[4], sLbl[1], "Due Date", "Time", " Started ", " Paid ", " Status " ;
COLUMNS "ordnot", "Totals", "status", "wrkord", "ordcom","vehlic", "ordveh", "duedat", "duetim", "wrkdat", "paydat", "CliUs1" ;
JUSTIFY ,,2,2,,,2,2,2 ;
ID 390 OF oWdlg ;
ON DBLCLICK ( ::oWorkOrder:FullEdit( ::oOrders, oWdlg ), oLbxo:update(), oOrderList:LoadDisplayValues( ), oWdlg:update()) ;
ON CHANGE ( oOrderList:LoadDisplayValues( ), oWdlg:update() ) ;
wrkdat displays as "999999" while the others display as normal dates.
On my Windows 64 bit, Version 11, 23H2 OS, ALL dates display correctly. On my Virtual machine ( Parallels, on an Mac Mini with ARM processor ), the wrkdat displays incorrectly.
This occurs on a few other xbrowse controls, and it is consistent. I see it on the same locations where he sees it.
Any thoughts on this ? It is only in the latest FWH 2310 release ( downloaded after the last fixes ).