Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
> Fatal: Illegal option: NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt
Esta opción es para MSVC y no para Borland
> Fatal: Illegal option: NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt
Esta opción es para MSVC y no para Borland
Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Antonio, eliminé la configuración que se me había quedado de MSCV en el archivo HBP de Borland y copie el archivo C0W64.OBJ en el directorio de trabajo y ahora me el siguiente error:Antonio Linares wrote:Sergio,
> Fatal: Illegal option: NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt
Esta opción es para MSVC y no para Borland
Code: Select all | Expand
c:\Pro\Raig32>C:\harbour64\bin\win\bcc64\hbmk2.exe test64.hbp -xhb -comp=bcc64
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2407221137)
Copyright (c) 1999-2021, https://harbour.github.io/
Compiling 'Prgh\Sisven.prg'...
Lines 7604, Functions/Procedures 27
Generating C source output to 'Sisven.c'... Done.
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2407221137)
Copyright (c) 1999-2021, https://harbour.github.io/
Compiling 'Prgh\New_tablas.PRG'...
Lines 9249, Functions/Procedures 18
Generating C source output to 'New_tablas.c'... Done.
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2407221137)
Copyright (c) 1999-2021, https://harbour.github.io/
Compiling 'Prgh\Codigos.PRG'...
Lines 7249, Functions/Procedures 16
Generating C source output to 'Codigos.c'... Done.
bcc64.exe: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-Lc:\bcc7764\LIB' [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
Turbo Incremental Link64 6.98 Copyright (c) 1997-2023 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Fatal: Unable to open file 'CT.A'
hbmk2[test64]: Error: Running linker. 2
ilink64.exe @C:\Users\SVACAR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\f3k3qb.lnk
Sergio Vacarezza S.
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
> Fatal: Unable to open file 'CT.A'
la librería CT.A pertenece a xHarbour64
comprueba que esté en c:\xharbour64\lib
la librería CT.A pertenece a xHarbour64
comprueba que esté en c:\xharbour64\lib
Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Antonio no estoy usando Xharbour64, si no que uso Harbour64 para BCC77Antonio Linares wrote:> Fatal: Unable to open file 'CT.A'
la librería CT.A pertenece a xHarbour64
comprueba que esté en c:\xharbour64\lib
Sergio Vacarezza S.
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
- Antonio Linares
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- Posts: 42660
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Entonces quita el flag -xhb de esta línea:
c:\harbour64\bin\hbmk2.exe test64.hbp -xhb -comp=bcc64
c:\harbour64\bin\hbmk2.exe test64.hbp -xhb -comp=bcc64
Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Antonio, eliminé lo que me indicaste del archivo GO64.bat quedando de esta manera:Antonio Linares wrote:Entonces quita el flag -xhb de esta línea:
c:\harbour64\bin\hbmk2.exe test64.hbp -xhb -comp=bcc64
Code: Select all | Expand
set bcc=bcc7764
set path=c:\%bcc%\bin
set HB_USER_CFLAGS=-Ic:\%bcc%\INCLUDE\windows\crtl -Ic:\%bcc%\INCLUDE\windows\sdk -Lc:\%bcc%\LIB
set HB_USER_LDFLAGS=-Lc:\%bcc%\LIB;c:\%bcc%\LIB\psdk
C:\harbour64\bin\win\bcc64\hbmk2.exe test64.hbp -comp=bcc64
Code: Select all | Expand
c:\Pro\Raig32>C:\harbour64\bin\win\bcc64\hbmk2.exe test64.hbp -comp=bcc64
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2407221137)
Copyright (c) 1999-2021, https://harbour.github.io/
Compiling 'Prgh\Sisven.prg'...
Lines 7604, Functions/Procedures 27
Generating C source output to 'Sisven.c'... Done.
Compiling 'Prgh\New_tablas.PRG'...
Lines 9249, Functions/Procedures 18
Generating C source output to 'New_tablas.c'... Done.
Compiling 'Prgh\Codigos.PRG'...
Lines 7249, Functions/Procedures 16
Generating C source output to 'Codigos.c'... Done.
bcc64.exe: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-Lc:\bcc7764\LIB' [-Wunused-command-line-argument]
Turbo Incremental Link64 6.98 Copyright (c) 1997-2023 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Fatal: Unable to open file 'CT.A'
hbmk2[test64]: Error: Running linker. 2
ilink64.exe @C:\Users\SVACAR~1\AppData\Local\Temp\q2by1u.lnk
Sergio Vacarezza S.
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
- alerchster
- Posts: 97
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
see my hpb.file
Code: Select all | Expand
# Source File
# include path FWH64
# lib path FWH64
# FWH64 libs
# run after create
Ing. Anton Lerchster
Ing. Anton Lerchster
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
If you want, I can show you a simple list of batch commands that do the work correctly. Please confirm.
Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Erico many thanks. Can you send this command sample.
Sergio Vacarezza S.
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
Programador Freelance
Santiago, Chile
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2006301601) - FWH 22.03 - MariaDB - FivEdit
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Here it is, for Harbour and BCC 7.70 64 bit:
Code: Select all | Expand
SET BCC=e:\fw\temp\bcc64\bcc
SET HRB=e:\fw\temp\bcc64\harbour
SET FWH=e:\fwharbour
SET LIB=-L%BCC%\lib;%BCC%\lib\psdk @%BCC%\bcc.rsp
SET HARBOURCMD=-a -es2 -gc0 -n -q -w3
IF EXIST %1.prg %HRB%\bin\harbour -i%FWH%\include -i%HRB%\include %1
IF EXIST %1.c %BCC%\bin\bcc64 -I%HRB%\include %1.c
IF EXIST %1.o %BCC%\bin\ilink64 -j%HRB%\lib c0w64 %1, %1, , %FWH%\lib\five64 %FWH%\lib\fivec64 @%HRB%\hrb.rsp %LIB%
IF EXIST %1.c DEL %1.c
IF EXIST %1.o DEL %1.o
IF EXIST %1.exe %1.exe
- alerchster
- Posts: 97
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Enrico's solution is a very good alternative to hbmk2 from (x)harbour, make from Borland and the batch files from FW.
Now the only question that remains is how to compile multiple prg files in one project.
Now the only question that remains is how to compile multiple prg files in one project.
Ing. Anton Lerchster
Ing. Anton Lerchster
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
If you have all the PRGs of the program in a single folder, this is a simple way:
Code: Select all | Expand
SET BCC=e:\fw\temp\bcc64\bcc
SET HRB=e:\fw\temp\bcc64\harbour
SET FWH=e:\fwharbour
SET LIB=-L%BCC%\lib;%BCC%\lib\psdk @%BCC%\bcc.rsp
SET HARBOURCMD=-a -es2 -gc0 -n -q -w3
FOR %%i IN (*.prg) DO %HRB%\bin\harbour -i%FWH%\include -i%HRB%\include %%i
%BCC%\bin\bcc64 -I%HRB%\include *.c
FOR %%i IN (*.prg) DO CALL SET lst=%%lst%% %%~ni.o
%BCC%\bin\ilink64 -j%HRB%\lib c0w64 %lst%, , , %FWH%\lib\five64 %FWH%\lib\fivec64 @%HRB%\hrb.rsp %LIB%
- alerchster
- Posts: 97
- Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:43 pm
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Enrico's solution, very good old dos time; Thanks;
a small correction otherwise the exe is called c0w64
a small correction otherwise the exe is called c0w64
Code: Select all | Expand
%BCC%\bin\ilink64 -j%HRB%\lib %1 c0w64 %lst%, , , %FWH%\lib\five64 %FWH%\lib\fivec64 @%HRB%\hrb.rsp %LIB%
Ing. Anton Lerchster
Ing. Anton Lerchster
- Enrico Maria Giordano
- Posts: 8770
- Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:17 pm
- Location: Roma - Italia
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Re: Ayuda compilar 64 bits con FivEdit y BCC7764
Better:alerchster wrote:Enrico's solution, very good old dos time; Thanks;
a small correction otherwise the exe is called c0w64Code: Select all | Expand
%BCC%\bin\ilink64 -j%HRB%\lib %1 c0w64 %lst%, , , %FWH%\lib\five64 %FWH%\lib\fivec64 @%HRB%\hrb.rsp %LIB%
Code: Select all | Expand
%BCC%\bin\ilink64 -j%HRB%\lib c0w64 %lst%, myexe.exe, , %FWH%\lib\five64 %FWH%\lib\fivec64 @%HRB%\hrb.rsp %LIB%
- alerchster
- Posts: 97
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