New FTDN December/Diciembre 2022 (FW 22.12)
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2023 7:31 am
December 2022
* Enhancement: Class TSkin now fully supports MDICHILD windows too. Please review new example
samples\skin3.prg and skin3.rc. A new theme Windows 11 style has also been implemented.
Thanks to Master Lailton!
* New: samples\webiew2.prg shows how you can use scripts from your html code using a TWebView object.
* Fix: Recent DLL.CH changes were not including changes for DLL32 FUNCTION too. This problem
appeared for xHarbour users, as xHarbour LoadLibrary() gets used instead of FWH LoadLibrary(),
and as xHarbour LoadLibrary() returns a "P" (pointer type) then it fails when calling Abs().
If you are a xHarbur user please remember to check this if you get an Abs() error.
* New: Class TBtnClr developed by Silvio Falconi. Please review samples\TestBtnClr.prg
many thanks to Silvio!
* Enhancement: Class TRibbonBar new DATA nQuickHigh and nQuickHigh use implementation instead of previous
fixed 32 value. Many thanks to Ubiratan! ... 49#p255649
* New: FW_ASORT( aArray, [nStart], [nCount], [aColPos/bSort] ) --> aSorted
By default, this works just as normal ASort(), but if the
fourth parameter is an array of column numbers, a nested
sort is performed on multiple columns. For descending order,
specify the column number as negative number.
Eg: ASort( aArray,,{ 2, -4, 5 } )
Performs ascending sort of column 2 and where column 2 is
equal, descending sort on column 4 and so on.
* TGraph:
- Fix: Runtime error when printing PIE graph direct to printer
using DEFINE PRINTER (without creating as control) fixed. ... 7f98b4af92
- Fix: PIE graph of PERIDD_VALUES either diaplays wrong data
or results in runtime error. Fixed.
* Trees (TLinkList class)
Now, items and nested subitems can be accessed using object
like syntax. Eg
? oTree:Americas:USA:Washington:Value
* New: function SHFileOperation(). Please review samples\dlgfile.prg. Many thanks to Jimmy
for telling us to adapt it to 64 bits and we have made it part of FWH, removing it from
dlgfile.prg sample
- When using Incremental Filter feature, the totals are not
recalculated. Fixed.
- In fullgrid browse, if new data lFullGridClr is set to .T.,
the colors of each column is extended till bottom, like Excel.
* New functions in olefuncs.prg:
- WinHttpObj( [[@]cCls] ) --> oHttp
- FileSysObj() --> oFileSystem
* FWMariaRowSet:
- improvement in sorting speeds of char fields.
* New function FW_SaveThumbnail( cImage, cThumb, nWidth, [nHeight] )
--> lSuccess
in source\function\imgtxtio.prg
* Enhancement: Class TSkin now fully supports MDICHILD windows too. Please review new example
samples\skin3.prg and skin3.rc. A new theme Windows 11 style has also been implemented.
Thanks to Master Lailton!
* New: samples\webiew2.prg shows how you can use scripts from your html code using a TWebView object.
* Fix: Recent DLL.CH changes were not including changes for DLL32 FUNCTION too. This problem
appeared for xHarbour users, as xHarbour LoadLibrary() gets used instead of FWH LoadLibrary(),
and as xHarbour LoadLibrary() returns a "P" (pointer type) then it fails when calling Abs().
If you are a xHarbur user please remember to check this if you get an Abs() error.
* New: Class TBtnClr developed by Silvio Falconi. Please review samples\TestBtnClr.prg
many thanks to Silvio!
* Enhancement: Class TRibbonBar new DATA nQuickHigh and nQuickHigh use implementation instead of previous
fixed 32 value. Many thanks to Ubiratan! ... 49#p255649
* New: FW_ASORT( aArray, [nStart], [nCount], [aColPos/bSort] ) --> aSorted
By default, this works just as normal ASort(), but if the
fourth parameter is an array of column numbers, a nested
sort is performed on multiple columns. For descending order,
specify the column number as negative number.
Eg: ASort( aArray,,{ 2, -4, 5 } )
Performs ascending sort of column 2 and where column 2 is
equal, descending sort on column 4 and so on.
* TGraph:
- Fix: Runtime error when printing PIE graph direct to printer
using DEFINE PRINTER (without creating as control) fixed. ... 7f98b4af92
- Fix: PIE graph of PERIDD_VALUES either diaplays wrong data
or results in runtime error. Fixed.
* Trees (TLinkList class)
Now, items and nested subitems can be accessed using object
like syntax. Eg
? oTree:Americas:USA:Washington:Value
* New: function SHFileOperation(). Please review samples\dlgfile.prg. Many thanks to Jimmy
for telling us to adapt it to 64 bits and we have made it part of FWH, removing it from
dlgfile.prg sample
- When using Incremental Filter feature, the totals are not
recalculated. Fixed.
- In fullgrid browse, if new data lFullGridClr is set to .T.,
the colors of each column is extended till bottom, like Excel.
* New functions in olefuncs.prg:
- WinHttpObj( [[@]cCls] ) --> oHttp
- FileSysObj() --> oFileSystem
* FWMariaRowSet:
- improvement in sorting speeds of char fields.
* New function FW_SaveThumbnail( cImage, cThumb, nWidth, [nHeight] )
--> lSuccess
in source\function\imgtxtio.prg