to load Resource into Imagelist i use
Code: Select all | Expand
iIcon := LoadIcon( GetResources(), "ICOUP" )
iIcon := LoadIcon( GetResources(), "ICODOWN" )
iImage := ILADDICON( ::oImageLHeader:hImageList, iIcon )
Code: Select all | Expand
iIcon := LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "GRID_ASC" )
iIcon := LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "GRID_DSC" )
iImage := ILADD( ::oImageLHeader:hImageList, iIcon )
when use "File"-Icon i use
Code: Select all | Expand
iTemp_0 := Icon_Read( ::cPath + cFile, 32 )
ILADDICON( ::oImageListSmall:hImageList, iTemp_0 )
Code: Select all | Expand
aBitmaps := ::oWnd:ReadImage( ::cPath + cFile, { ::nIcoSmall + 8, ::nIcoSmall + 8 } )
iTemp_0 := aBitmaps[ 1 ]
ILADD( ::oImageListSmall:hImageList, iTemp_0 )
what can be the Problem that Bitmap from Resource seems not to work
it there another Way to load Bitmap Resource into Imagelist