For my online soccer member program, I want to have a password protection for access level.
There are 5 levels (Admin, Headmember, Submember, trainer, player)
I have a loop that builds btnbmp's for each team (see right) Team are in a database.
Each button will give a scooped team with players.
Code: Select all | Expand
@ nTop+nMove,nLeft BTNBMP aBtn[i] OF oDlg SIZE 80, 25 NOBORDER PROMPT aPloegen[i] 2007 ACTION SET_SCOPE_ploegen(oBrw,::cCaption) font oBold CENTER

I want only to see the buttons that are allowed :
The admin sees all
But submembers ex. 7 selected teams
trainer : only see 1 selected team (17 diferent trainers)
players : only there personal data (not yet build)
Any advice/Tips before I get into this ?