CDO Email strange behavoir

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Rick Lipkin
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CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by Rick Lipkin »

To All

I have been trying to use CDO to send SMTP e-mail from a Project Management application I am writing. I have created a Gmail account and I use Rafa's CDO code mentioned in the Spanish forum... and I have been successful. Unfortunately, when I login to a different network or location ( other than the location\Network that created the Gmail account ) the CDO e-mail fails every time.

I am just curious ... I have the same code that runs flawlessly from my office ( location and IP where I created the gmail account ) .. has anyone experienced this behavor in any applications they are currently using ?

To clarify .. I am using gmail as an SMTP relay to distribute my application's e-mail to various Project stakeholders.

Again .. this code runs perfectly from my office ... but if I login to a different network and run the same code .. it fails.

Any Ideas??

Rick Lipkin

Code: Select all | Expand

Function _SendMail(cSmtp_Host,nPort,lSsl,;

Local oEmailCfg,oErr,lFailed,oEmailMsg,cAddress,i


// smtpauthenticate
// 0 cdoAnonymous Perform no authentication.
// 1 cdoBasic     Use the basic (clear text) authentication mechanism.
// 2 cdoNTLM      Use the NTLM authentication mechanism.

If empty(aCC)
   cAddress := ""
   For i = 1 to Len(aCC)
       If i = 1
          cAddress := aCC[i]
          cAddress := cAddress+","+aCC[i]

lFailed := .f.
  oEmailCfg := CREATEOBJECT( "CDO.Configuration" )
  WITH OBJECT oEmailCfg:Fields                                                          // cSmtp_Host
  :Item( "" ):Value       := cSmtp_Host  //::smtpServer
  :Item( "" ):Value   := nPort //465 //::smtpPort
  :Item( "" ):Value        := 2 //::sendusing  // Remote SMTP = 2, local = 1
  :Item( "" ):Value := 1 //::AUTH // 0 , 1 ,2
  :Item( "" ):Value       := lSsl //::SSL
  :Item( "" ):Value     := cSmtp_Userid   //::username
  :Item( "" ):Value     := cSmtp_Password
  :Item( ""):Value := 15 //::TimerOut

CATCH oError
   MsgInfo( "Error in Configuration" )

oError := NIL
   oEmailMsg  := CREATEOBJECT ( "CDO.Message" )
   WITH OBJECT oEmailMsg
        :Configuration = oEmailCfg
        :From     := cFrom
        :To       := cTo
        :CC       := cAddress

        :BCC      := ""
        :Subject  := cSubject
     // :MDNRequested = .T.       // Solicitud de reconocimiento, o acuse de recibo
        :TextBody := cMessage

        * for each cFile in ::aFiles
                *    :AddAttachment( cfile )
        * next
     // ? "[ "+Time()+" ] Enviado correo :"+ ::email
CATCH oError
      MsgINfo("Error in sending e-mail:"+  oError:Description )
      lFailed := .t.

oEmailCfg := NIL
oEmailMsg := NIL



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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by lucasdebeltran »


Sometimes, if gmail detect that the account is being used from another location it asks to enter a veryfication code.

Maybe this will be the issue.

Can you use another SMTP provider, ie Amazon cloud services?.
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.

Un saludo, Best regards,

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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by cnavarro »

For it could be useful
Verify that you have activated the option "two-step verification" of your account. (Security)

If so, in Gmail maybe have to enlist the application that you are using and does not allow that protocol and assign a password. When you walk from this application have to put the password defined for that application, not the account.
Not if he has anything to do with your problem.
This text is translated Translate, so I recommend you look in Google "two-step verification GMail".
I've also had a problem on computers that the user has activated the option "Do not close session".
I hope you can fix it.

Por si te puede ayudar
Comprueba que no tienes activada la opcion "Verificacion en dos pasos" de tu cuenta. (Seguridad)

Si es asi, en Gmail quizas tengas que dar de alta la aplicacion que vas a usar y que no permite ese protocolo y ponerle una contraseña. Cuando entras desde esa aplicacion tienes que poner la contraseña definida para esa aplicacion y no la de la cuenta.
No se si tiene algo que ver con tu problema.
Este texto esta traducido con Translate, por lo que te recomiendo que busques en Google "Verificacion en dos pasos de GMail".
Tambien he tenido algun problema en equipos en los que el usuario tiene activa la opcion "No cerrar sesion".
Espero que puedas solucionarlo.
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by Rick Lipkin »


I have done some research on Google searching for 'gmail smtp relay' .. and it does seem to be possible.

I have entered and verified my security code and the account is active. I am using port 465 and some of the research suggests using port 587.

I am continuing my research.

Rick Lipkin
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James Bott
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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by James Bott »


Two things to try. Check to make sure that the port isn't being blocked at the customer's site. Also, try increasing the timeout interval (it is normally 30).

:Item( ""):Value := 30

Is your code trapping and displaying errors? If not add it. OK, that was three things.

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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by James Bott »


Another thought. The customer company may be intentionally blocking the Gmail site to prevent employees from accessing their personal mail at work.

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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by Rick Lipkin »


I had a second set of eyes look at this and I was getting the infamous "Member not found" ADO error which doesn't really tell me much ..

Here is what I found and this seems to be the fix .. the cFrom when dealing with gMail has to be a fully distinguished email address rather than just a value even if it is a dummy name and domain.

cFrom := "PMO Admin" // works on my machine but fails everywhere else
cFrom := "" // works all the time :shock:

Apparently when I created my gMail account .. CDO must have pulled a value ( perhaps from the registry ) from my machine and plugged in the value of cFrom and the email was delivered as <Pmo Admin>. Using "" ( fully distinguished address ) allows the email to be sent and it does get delivered.

I have tested this fix on a different machine in my office and it worked great ( which previously errored to ) .. what I have not done is to test this again on my laptop logged into a different network.

I think everything should work .. I will let you know in the morning. :)

Rick Lipkin
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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir ( solved )

Post by Rick Lipkin »

To All

As I mentioned in the last post .. sending email with CDO is quite possible and using gMail as a 'SMTP RELAY' is a great way to integrate sending e-mail from your applications.

The final solution ( specific to gmail ) was to put a qualified e-mail address in the 'from' parameter even if it is not a real address .. as log as you have a name and domain ( ) .. along with a legitimate 'to' .. CDO and gMail makes a great combination.

Rick Lipkin
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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by James Bott »


Glad to hear you solved the problem.

I always specify the From field like this:

cFrom:= ["James Bott" <>]

I never tried using a bogus email address during testing--I just send test emails to myself.

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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by TimStone »

I implemented CDO several months back and resolved the remaining SSL issues some of my clients faced.

With that said, I do NOT use Gmail. It would not surprise me that any corporation or individual who seeks to not have 100% of their information broadcast to the world would block Gmail. Please carefully read the Privacy Policy ( very easily found ) that applies to all Google services ( and doesn't that include Android phones ? ) . Because I often handle items for others, I cannot voluntarily submit their information to a global server to be sold to anyone with any interest.

Nothing is ever FREE. Everything has a cost, and the fee for using "free" services is to allow them to do whatever they want with your data.

Tim Stone
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by Rick Lipkin »


I truly understand your concerns .. when using SMTP Relay .. I am using the gMail service to just distribute my e-mail. None of the messages are stored anywhere on any gMail account.

All I have done is created a gmail account and then use CDO to point it to SMTP.GMAIL.COM, port 465 with SSl and furnish my email credentials UserId and Password.

I can direct mail, cc, bc to anyone I want and all gMail does is handle the Relay.. nothing is stored anywhere, Google is just the traffic handler.

Rick Lipkin

ps .. and it is free 8)
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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by James Bott »


Well, just because you don't store it, doesn't mean that Google doesn't.

Tim, which SMTP server are you using? Or, do you have your own mail server setup?

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Re: CDO Email strange behavoir

Post by TimStone »


It doesn't have to be stored there. Anything you touch Google is recorded ... even your searches, and cross referenced. The EU is now on the verge of assessing massive fines for privacy violations against them.


I have Microsoft hosted Exchange accounts. They have a different policy. Its only $4 a month and totally worth the cost. I can also use email accounts with my web hosting service, and that is unlimited.

Tim Stone
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