Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

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Marc Venken
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Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by Marc Venken »

Afther testing and writing some sample code in FWH, i decided to convert my main 16 bit application to FWH

One important thing however : TSBrowse 6

I use TSbrowse6 a lot, and found a TSbrowse 9 !! in the download section, witch seems to be FWH ready.

So, I want first to put my 16 Bit version in TS9, so that the conversion to FWH will go more easy, since I get a lot of undefinded when linking in FWH.
The source is there as prg, but I also need the LIB.

1. Can someone send me the LIB version for 16 bit and 32 bit FWH ? I never created lib files, and maybe I even don't have the tools for it. (marc(at)

2. In my OLD makefile for linking, there is a tsbrowse.prg linked in, but also a Sbrowse.lib. i ask myself if this is correct, or is this linked in twice this way ? Maybe the prg only will do the trick?

I will sureley use the new Build Files for FWH, samples I have collected, but if I clear the TSbrowse issue, atleast i'm into FWH. First thing I will do then is conversions to the exelent Xbrowse,
my favorit tool...


fi maveco
FI functies,afdruk,ingeven,klanten,lever,artikel,statistiek,dagtaak,Users,prosp,Makefile,index,finddata,browsers
fi tsmtp,tsocket,tphdial
fi errsysw
fi wbrowse,wbrwline,tget,scrllbar,TSbrowse # Ts 6 bugfix
fi alloc,__wait_b
FI gxrteng1.lib
FI gxrteng2.lib

lib btnget,Sbrowse
LIB OLE2,super53
search five,fivec,objects
LIB barlib
LIB winapi,clipper,extend,dbfntx,terminal
lib cm52,cmx52

name Maveco.exe
description 'Facturatie MAVECO'
exetype Windows
code preload moveable discardable
data preload moveable
stacksize 14000
heapsize 12000
segment 'PLANKTON_TEXT' nondiscardable
segment 'EXTEND_TEXT' nondiscardable
segment 'OM_TEXT' nondiscardable
segment 'OSMEM_TEXT' nondiscardable
segment 'SORTOF_TEXT' nondiscardable
segment 'STACK_TEXT' nondiscardable
Marc Venken
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


2. In my OLD makefile for linking, there is a tsbrowse.prg linked in, but also a Sbrowse.lib. i ask myself if this is correct, or is this linked in twice this way ? Maybe the prg only will do the trick?

First, you don't link the PRG but rather the OBJ. I know you know that, but just to clarify.

You don't need to link both the OBJ and the Lib file--either one is fine. There is no real advantage to making a LIB file containing only one OBJ. Lib files usually contain lots of OBJs.

However if you want to make a lib file:

tlib sbrowse.lib tsbrowse.obj

To get tlib help:

tlib ?

The tlib file is in the Borland \bin subdirectory. You will have to set the system path to include this directory or include the path in the command.

FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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Marc Venken
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by Marc Venken »


If I leave the lib out of the compile , I get several enresolved errors, because the lib is not included.
Marc Venken
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James Bott
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


I haven't used TSBrowse in many years. However, I do have an old copy and I see there are 13 PRGs in the \source directory. So you would have to compile each one and add it to the lib file.

I do have concerns. At least one of the PRGs is a TGet class which would override the FWHs own TGet class. And there may be others. This could have serious side effects on the rest of your app. You can still try it an see, but keep an eye out for side effects. If there are side effects then I would advise spending your time converting to TXBrowse rather than trying to fix the side effects. Fixing the side effects would be wasted effort since when you do convert to TXBrowse then you have to undo all the fixes you made.

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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by TimStone »

It might be more productive to track the unresolved errors. If they come from one or two source .prg files, then link those in to your build ... no need for building new libraries. It may also be that the unresolved are due to other issues. There are some additional .lib files we need to add in to complete FWH builds ...

Tim Stone
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


I see you have version 9 of TSBrowse. Mine is ver 7. How many PRGs are in the \source directory and what are their names?

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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


There are some issues with V 9 discussed over on the Spanish forum here:


Apparently, ver 9 is from 2009, thus there have been no updates for 8 years. Not good.

Are the errors you are getting compiler errors or runtime?

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Marc Venken
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by Marc Venken »


I surely won't look back !! I don't need TS9, I was thinking that it made the transaction simpler.

I managed to get the app. into Fwh 32 bit. I have the master menu, but offcourse the first problems are there..

I used ntx and comix togetter. (will port them to cdx) but simply open a file will give the error (Error DBFNTX/1001 Open error: c:\marc\klant)
I believe that there is a issue about the memo fields DBT are 16 Bit, and wont work ?
I can open files with no DBT

there was a post in converting like this, but the file won't open because the DBT

close all

If I convert the field MEMO to text, the file will open. So there is a DBT issue.

I have a feeling that the conversion will become a work with many obstakels :oops:
Marc Venken
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


I think you have to do a REQUEST DBFFPT if you are using memo fields. And you also have to use the TAG clause in your indexes or they won't work and you will wonder why.

Also note that you can (and should) put all the indexes in the same file (it uses less memory). Just index them all TO [FILENAME] where FILENAME is the same name as the DBF.

There is a sample setup below for CDXs.


Code: Select all | Expand

// Example CDX RDD setup
// All indexes are in the same .CDX file
// You must use the TAG clause!

external ordkeyno, ordkeycount, ordKeygoto, ordCreate

Function Main()


REQUEST DBFFPT  // if you are using memo fields
SET(_SET_AUTOPEN, .T. ) // auto open index file (not needed as default is .t.)
rddsetdefault( "DBFCDX" )
set deleted on

// Also do all your indexes "for ! deleted()"
// And you MUST USE the TAG clause!

use customer  
   index on chgno tag "custid" to customer for ! deleted()
   index on descrip tag "company" to customer for ! deleted()
   index on phone tag "phone" to customer for ! deleted()
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


OK, I tested converting DBFNTX memo fields to DBFCDX and this is working.


Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""

Function Main()

   REQUEST DBFFPT  // if you are using memo fields

   use patients
   copy to test01 via "DBFCDX"
   use test01

Return nil
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Marc Venken
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by Marc Venken »



REQUEST DBFDBT into the program solved my issue with dbt file. (will convert all to cdx, including new indexes) afther I get the program active in the older way

Next Issue : Resources. I'm into converting my resources from workshop to pelles. Seems to get it working. finetuning now
Marc Venken
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


Yea, progress.

I am not clear, do your new memo files have the FTP extension?

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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by Otto »

Hello James,
is your compuserve email still working.
I send you a video (18 mB).
Best regards,
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Marc Venken
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by Marc Venken »

James Bott wrote:Marc,

Yea, progress.

I am not clear, do your new memo files have the FTP extension?


No, Still DBT, but I can edit them. For the conversion time that is ok, but when I rewrite the ntx to cdx and the reindex program, than I make FTP of them.

I have my first resources screen back online in 32 bit FWH.

Now looking into rewriting the main tsbrowse to Xbrowse.

I see that I had the bad habbit of almost never using any local statements.

Function blabla
Local cData:="", nValue:=0, ... // almost never done

Except for the lot of warnings, does it realy matter ? I can than uptimise while converting...
Last edited by Marc Venken on Fri Jul 07, 2017 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marc Venken
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James Bott
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Re: Final conversion 16 bit to FWH

Post by James Bott »


I sent you an email.

FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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