I have oRs:oChild and oRs:oChild:oChild ..
but oRecA := oRs:oChild:Record(,.F.) and oRacB := oRs:oChild:oChild:Record(,.T.) was saved by oRecA:save() and oRecB:save(), the database confirms the update/appended but even with
oRs:SyncChild() or oRs:oChild:SyncChild(), or oRs:oChild:ReSync() oRs:oChild:oChild:ReSync() .... or :ReQuery or :Refresh() the content of oRs:oChild:oChild wasn't updated ???
I couldn't make a small sample since I rely on internal data.. but I know you get the point.
To make it short, how can I refresh/update the content of oRs:oChild:oChild?