and I add some line to draw the border of the xbrowse
Code: Select all | Expand
oBrw:lDrawBorder := .t.
oBrw:nClrBorder := CLR_BLACK

I not see the border after the vertical scroll , why ?
Code: Select all | Expand
oBrw:lDrawBorder := .t.
oBrw:nClrBorder := CLR_BLACK
Estoy orando por su pronta recuperación, también porque ya tengo tres problemas que resolver.Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,
Mr. Rao will review it, thanks for waiting
Maybe they can be added with a subclass ? It's not my cup of coffee to make classes, but it seems to be possible.ukoenig wrote:I'm not sure that all these options can be added to the xBrowse class