on second xbrowse I make a list of all procedures for each user
when I add a user the procedur load all records found into Moduli.dbf
on a explorer I use a radioMenu
@ 2,5 RADIO oRad VAR nMod ;
ITEMS "Tutti","Hardware","Software","Manuali", "Prestiti","Magazzino","Utilità";
SIZE 120, 18 OF oApp():oCont3 ;
ON CHANGE Rinfresca(nMod)
and on change selection the procedure must refresh the second xbrowse you see on picture with the function Rinfresca(nMod)
Code: Select all | Expand
static Function Rinfresca(nMod)
LOCAL cMod:=STR(nMod,1), nTem:=nMod
oDPer is index with
USE Permessi NEW
INDEX ON Permessi->Utente+Permessi->Modulo TAG 'xUte' FOR !Deleted()
INDEX ON Permessi->Utente+Permessi->M+Permessi->Modulo TAG 'xMod' FOR !Deleted()
oDUsu is index with
INDEX ON Utenti->Chiave TAG 'Utenti' FOR !Deleted()
the dbfs
for the first time it refreshes the grid 2 but then it doesn't do it anymore
How Ican resolve it ?