nageswaragunupudi wrote:Please try this function insteadnageswaragunupudi wrote:I see the problem. Thanks.
Let me fix itWe'll look into other issues laterCode: Select all | Expand
static function DeleteControl( oPanel, nItem ) local nTop, nLeft, nLen, n if ( nLen := Len( oPanel:aControls ) ) == 1 .or. nItem == nLen return .f. endif for n := nLen to nItem + 1 STEP -1 oPanel:aControls[ n ]:nTop := oPanel:aControls[ n - 1 ]:nTop oPanel:aControls[ n ]:nLeft:= oPanel:aControls[ n - 1 ]:nLeft next oPanel:aControls[ nItem ]:End() HB_ADel( oPanel:aControls, nItem, .t. ) WITH OBJECT oPanel n := :nPos :GoTop() :SetRange() :GoToPos( MIN( n, oPanel:nScrollRange ) ) :Refresh() END return .t.
while deleting some records I noticed that some buttons cannot be pressed and when they are deleted from xbrowse the images do not refresh immediately but after a certain time and if I pass over the mouse