Mr. Rao thanks for your answer.
1.- Dimensiones gets:
Ok, your suggestion works well in the example, but in full app produce error.
Code: Select all | Expand
Path y nombre: D:\MSTVS\CG_VP.EXE
Tam.: 8,605,184 bytes
Máximo de ficheros abiertos: ( SetHandleCount() ) 0
Error ocurrido el día: 06-10-2024, a la hora: 18:45:24
Nombre del error: Error BASE/1083 Error de argumento: *
[ 1] = N 16
[ 2] = U 16
Llamadas a funciones
Llamado por TCONTROL:CTOCHAR(404)
Llamado por (b)TGROUP:TGROUP(28)
Llamado por TGROUP:CTOCHAR(0)
Llamado por TDIALOG:CTOCHAR(725)
Llamado por TDIALOG:ACTIVATE(309)
Llamado por CGINI31(219)
Llamado por (b)INICIAL(269)
Llamado por TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE(1106)
Llamado por INICIAL(269)
Llamado por INICIO(558)
CPU tipo: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz
Memoria: 16935899904 (16538964 megas)
Recursos libres .....: % 90
GDI recursos ..: % 90
Usuarios recurs.: % 90
Version de Windows y MS-Dos: 6. 2, **. 2
Total de aplicaciones WIN ejecutandose: 0
1 ,
Variables en uso
Programa Tipo Valor
Param 1: C "BUTTON"
Local 1: O Class: TGROUP
Local 2: N 1048584
Local 3: U
Local 4: U
Local 5: U
Local 6: U
Local 7: N 16
Local 8: U
Local 9: U
Local 10: U
Param 1: O Class: TGROUP
Param 1: N 7736026
Local 1: O Class: TDIALOG
Local 2: C "
It is understandable, somewhere the call to the CalcSize() method needs to evaluate a numeric value with PCount and not a Boolean value.
The expression "if PCount() > 0" handles a different type compared to "if .F.".
In other way, I have a question: The file 'Control.prg' that comes in FWH-24.09 has:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD CalcSize( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, lRelative, oWnd, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS TControl
local aRect
DEFAULT oWnd := ::oWnd, lRelative := oWnd:lAutoSizeCtrls
if .F.
Which is slightly different from yours:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD CalcSize( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, lRelative, oWnd, nBottom, nRight ) CLASS TControl
local aRect
local lTruePixel := .t.
DEFAULT oWnd := ::oWnd, lRelative := oWnd:lAutoSizeCtrls
if .f.
The version I have does not include local lTruePixel := .t., why ?, Is it important ?
2.- Maria_Connect():
Yes, the issue is specific to xHarbour 64-bit.
I only have '', could it be useful for you ?
I looked online, but I couldn't find another.
3.- TPrinter():lUseHaruPDF:
Using lUseHaruPDF (like pdfharu1.prg and others) fails in 32-bit xHarbour and Harbour, but works as expected in 64-bit versions of both.
I don't have a version of xHarbour bcc7, only bcc7.3 and bcc7.7, and neither of them work. Could you send me "libharu.lib" compiled with bcc7 to test? While I believe mixing different compiler versions could cause headaches in future updates, it would be fine for testing. Hopefully, the xHarbour experts will find definitive solutions.
I tried including libharu.lib version bcc7.3, but it didn't work.
Are the difficulties we're encountering with the most recent xHarbour version a sign that we're reaching the end of the road for xHarbour ?
Does this mean we are forced to migrate to Harbour?
Best regards,