ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

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Giovany Vecchi
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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by Giovany Vecchi »

I went to look at some examples in MySql. I will explain a situation.
1-Open the data dictionary of the present registry office. Ex: \\Server\UNC\Folder\MyDictionary.add
2-I'm going to UNION the AGENT's Document linking it to another data dictionary that is in the central registry office on the internet. Ex: \\\UNC\Folder\DictionaryCenter.add
This is to record in a temporary table that will be merged with two more tables later for reporting purposes.

How would you do this in MySql ?
Here's a simple example I use.

Code: Select all | Expand

    Tb01.cAgeCompareceuDoc ,
    Tb01.nAtoNumero ,
    Tb01.nAtoLivro ,
    Tb01.nAtoFolha FROM N_AUT_DOCUMENTOS AS Tb01
    Where Tb01.nAtoLivro = _nLivro_Lanca_ and Tb01.cAgeCompareceuNome <> ''  
Union Select
    Tb02.cAgeCompareceuDoc ,
    Tb02.nAtoNumero ,
    Tb02.nAtoLivro ,
    Tb02.nAtoFolha FROM CartDistribuidor.N_AUT_DOCUMENTOS AS Tb02
Where Tb02.nAtoLivro = _nLivro_Lanca_ and Tb02.cAgeCompareceuNome <> ''
                __ORDER_BY__  ;

From CartDistribuidor is a LINK referring to the address \\\UNC\Folder\DictionaryCenter.add recorded in the ad data dictionary for direct targeting by SQL commands.
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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by Giovany Vecchi »

Another example:

Code: Select all | Expand

Servidor01 > DicCentral = \\UNC\Carpeta\DicCentral.add //Central
Servidor02 > Cartorio01 = \\UNC\Carpeta\Diccionario.add // Notario 01
Servidor03 > Cartorio02 = \\UNC\Carpeta\Dicionario.add// Notario 02

Select Tb01., Tb02., Tb03.*
From Tb01 AS DicCentral.AGENTES
Inner Join Tb02 AS Cartorio01.PROTESTO ON cDocument = DicCentral.cDocRecent
Inner outher Join Tb03 AS Cartorio02.PROTESTO ON cDocument = DicCentral.cDocRecent
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Re: ADS - The future ( UPDATED -FINAL WORD)

Post by TimStone »

I have finally obtained OFFICIAL answers regarding ADS, and it's future:

1). Advantage Database Server reached End of Life on December 31, 2021.
2). The product will be user supported only starting 1/1/2023. Until then, individual questions will be answered ( if you can find someone to do so ).
3). ADS will NOT, repeat, NOT be released into open source, nor will the source code be made available to any other parties.
4). Though it is officially ended, additional seats can still be purchased for the last release ( dated 2015, v. 12 ). They are available on the portal at full price.
5). If Microsoft makes changes to the OS that would render ADS unusable ( without modification ), SAP will NOT modify the software in any way.

As a software developer/publisher for 40 years ( starting in 1982 with dBase II ), I would never consider selling my clients an expensive piece of software that was this dated, and had absolutely no guarantee it would be usable in even the near future.

So, it is absolutely time to move away from this product. Though I'm not happy to be spending the time to modify a very large, and intricate, application, fairness to my clients will require this change.

I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
Tim Stone
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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by Carles »

Dear Tim,

Every app has a deadline, everyone. this is the truth. We have to be aware of this in order to move ahead of this moment. What is the solution? Stop or evolve? And in most cases, how? Technology goes faster than us...

Salutacions, saludos, regards

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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by TimStone »


I've been doing this for the past 40 years, so I have evolved. However, at my age, I just want to keep my clients happy with updates, and I'm not trying to compete in the newest programming styles and languages.

Frankly, the reason I don't "stop" is because clients actually have called me and asked me to not do that. So I do continue, but I also focus my time with family, my garden, travel, and hobbies.

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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by Carles »


Then you have your paradigm solved... :D
Salutacions, saludos, regards

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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by Otto »

Hello Tim,
it is good that you mention that ADS might have a problem with a later version of Windows.

I am sure Antonio and the FIVEWIN team will provide us with a solution for this as well.

Fivetech has always had solutions.
WINDOWS METROSTYLE we had no problems,
now WINDOWS 11 everything works.
Remember PoketPC for WINDOWS. Fivetech also had a solution for this problem.

Latest innovation from FIVETECH is mod harbour!

And if your software is used professionally, you can switch to WINDOWS Server and RDP.
We still have WINDOWS Server 2008 in production. So, you will not have any problems in the next decade.

Have a nice Sunday and best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by TimStone »


A few years back, Microsoft turned off their Network Discovery feature that allowed ADS to query if a server existed. Suddenly, all installs failed. It also created massive problems for other Client Server systems.

Then, Five Tech could have done nothing to resolve the problem. However, at the time, Advantage was still receiving support, and we discovered that we could hardcode the server IP address ( which was done with an IP address ) and restore the connection.

While this may seem simple, it requires a static IP for the server. You might reply that should be a normal setup, but small businesses often were using the default IP address ( dynamic ) that was provided by their router, and had no idea how to setup their computer with a static IP.

So, yes, Microsoft does make changes in their Windows system that may well create problems with ADS and I imagine some people will appreciate the heads up now so they can also plan for their transition. With all the production efforts that the FiveWin team have going now, I would prefer they complete existing projects rather than have new problems to tackle. I've been waiting for 8 months for the completion of the RTF printing integration into the Printer class. It's part way there, but not complete.

As for mod harbour ... that is another project ... but Antonio did share a different approach is already under development by the team.

You also mention RDP. My clients have small networks, and many use a Windows 11 computer as the "server". I use Windows Remote Desktop from my iMac 27 to my Dell AIO where my programming resides. It works fine. However, it appears to me in this sitution, Win 11 will only support a single RDP session at a time, so how does that work for 4 workstations ? Also, 4 concurrent users would need 4 separate programs running on the server if I understand the process.

Tim Stone
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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by Otto »


>I've been waiting for 8 months for the completion of the RTF printing integration into the Printer class.

I have posted in 2018 here how to print RTF with EasyReport.
We use this for our registration forms daily.



Yes, you need WINDOWS server, and you need RDP calls.
Such an RDP call is around 150€. I think if someone uses a workstation for a business, this is affordable.

Best regards,

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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by TimStone »



First, ALL of my reports are complex and coded directly using the Printer class in FWH. I've never gotten Easy Report to function properly in my application anyway, so rewriting reports is not a practical idea.

Secondly, you have a fixed output. You essentially have a form, and then RTF text, all on one page. My situation is different:

1). The amount of output prior to the RTF section will vary. For example, the invoice includes parts, and labor, and the space that uses will change with every invoice.
2). The RTF section can start at the top of a page, or near the bottom, and it's length will vary.
3). In the current implementation ( latest FWH version ), we could output a fixed space for the RTF. However, after each line is printed, we need to know the postion it takes on the page ( line count ), and as it nears the bottom, we will then need to eject that page, start a new one, print the header information, and then resume the printing of the RTF. This option is not possible.
4). After the RTF is output, we may have further information to print, so we need to know the exact row position where the RTF ends. Again, this is not possible in the current version.

SO ... if your solution can provide for these two needs, thus allowing for in-line RTF printing within the Printer class, please immediately share that information with the developers so RTF can truly be supported.

AS for RDP ... my clients paid a significant amount of money for ADS which they can use in their small shops with Win 11 computers. It works beautifully. To suggest they should now get a new computer with WINDOWS SERVER software, and RDP licenses, to replace something that is still working for them ( but may fail in the future with no support available ) is something I would find hard to do. It would not be an easy thing for them to afford, especially now.

Tim Stone
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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by Otto »

I just wanted to let you know that there are workarounds.

Unfortunately, I have shifted my focus to HTML reporting.
With that being said, none of these is an issue.


Have please a look at the source code. EasyReport and TPrinter work on the same object. You can use them at the same time.
Your requirement is exactly the demo program of EasyReport, which is already available in the original version of Timm.

With EASYREPORT is here in our community much ignorance.
There are 2 parts there - that is the designer and the VRD.prg class.

With vrd.prg the report definition - it is an INI file - is processed and passed to the printer object, same (self) with which you work.

You do not need essentialy the designer. You can edit the ini-file with every texteditor. Same you do with your hard coded reports.

Best regards,
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Re: ADS - The future is <sadly> now so where do you go ?

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Tb01.cAgeCompareceuDoc ,
Tb01.nAtoNumero ,
Tb01.nAtoLivro ,
Where Tb01.nAtoLivro = _nLivro_Lanca_ and Tb01.cAgeCompareceuNome <> ''
Union Select
Tb02.cAgeCompareceuDoc ,
Tb02.nAtoNumero ,
Tb02.nAtoLivro ,
Tb02.nAtoFolha FROM CartDistribuidor.N_AUT_DOCUMENTOS AS Tb02
Where Tb02.nAtoLivro = _nLivro_Lanca_ and Tb02.cAgeCompareceuNome <> ''
__ORDER_BY__ ;

Yes, I use Unions as well. Very powerful. Especially across data dictionaries. The convenience of DD is not appreciated unless you've used them. Having Data Integrity rules, User logins, Stored Procedures, Functions, Replication, etc... is all foreign to most xbase developers. Having files on a file system does not protect or keep data private and secured the way you can with a DD. Files on a share can be deleted/stolen/corrupted by any user, either by accident or malice. Having orphan records is accepted as common as it is almost impossible to avoid it without integrity rules. The list goes on...

However, I don't think UNIONS are specific to ADS. All SQLs will have the same capability and similar syntax. Including Integrity rules, Stored Procedures, user logins with rights ...

If I were to re-write my apps (which I don't think I will), I would go MS-SQL or Mongo-DB this time. I don't think MS is going away and the user base is too big to fail.

Just my 2 cents,

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