DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

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DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Otto »

Hello friends,

The DBF file format is a stable, reliable, and widely used option for data storage and management.
In a multi-user environment, the probability of concurrent access is relatively low, and the wait times in the event of collisions are minimal.
Therefore, the DBF format represents a good and secure choice, especially for applications that require robust and simple data management.

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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by wartiaga »


I currently use dbf a lot as a database, I have some problems but nothing serious, the big problem for me is that anyone with the slightest knowledge can access the database from outside the system using a third-party program. Any suggestions in this regard?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Otto »

Hello wartiaga,

How does your program work? Direct DBF access by the user is not good. That's why we have switched all applications to RDP.
Only the RDP user has access through the program. Except in our case WINHOTEL - there is no program in his account.

There are various measures you can take to increase the security of your DBF files. Here are some suggestions:

Changing the file extension:
Changing the file extension can help prevent careless users from opening the files, but it does not provide real protection against someone knowledgeable about the file structure.

Hiding folders:
You can hide folders on single-user Windows systems. This can be done simply by changing the folder properties. However, it is important to note that this method only provides superficial protection, as hidden folders can easily be made visible.

Restricting access rights:

Folder access
rights: You can set NTFS access rights so that only certain users or applications can access the files.

Database encryption:
If possible, you can encrypt the data in the database itself. However, this requires the application to be able to read and write the encrypted data.

A column with a continuous checksum is ideal for you as security, as it allows you to detect any manipulation. Log files where changes are additionally recorded also provide security.

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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by MarcoBoschi »

Very interesting dear Otto
Marco Boschi
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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Rick Lipkin »

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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Otto »

Dear Rick,

Do you agree with me that the existing FIVEWIN users already have their solution or a precise plan, e.g., switching to MySQL?

Which new users could we attract by focusing on one of the databases you mentioned?

Can you provide me with arguments on how we can reach new users with this focus? We need new users.

DBF would be "Blue Ocean Strategy" pure. DBF is currently a "Blue Ocean."
In the SEO and marketing context, "Blue Ocean" refers to a market with little to no competition, as opposed to a "Red Ocean," which is highly competitive.

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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Rick Lipkin »


I think every developer has his or her favorite database and I am in no way saying to use this database or not .. I still use .dbf\cdx to write my reports and build my temp databases .. I like dbf\cdx .. the take away for me is I use what I am comfortable with and .dbf is simple to for me to create, append and delete from and create difficult reports and when done .. just delete the temp report .dbf and its indexes

I like FiveWin because it connects to the most popular Sql databases and I can use .dbf to manipulate data locally ... Fivewin is the PERFECT development environment ..

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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by vilian »

I loved DBF files too, and i'm grateful everything i conquered developing with them, but i believe its time is already passed.

I still using them, but just as temporary files, to process reports, like you.

Migrate from DBF to Mysql is too easy, using the mysql native functions provided by FWH. Mr Rao made a great job, your support is amazing and makes the migrate from dbf to mysql easier. MySql is fast, easy, cheap and security, mainly if you are thinking about moving your system to internet.
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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Otto »

Dear Rick, dear Vilian,

You are right. But the point is to find new users for harbour/fivewin.
And the only market I see are beginners who need a simple database.

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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by vilian »


Mysql is also teach at colleges, so everyone who is starting to developer now, already knows mysql. I think will be easier to them, just learning how to use it with FWH. They don't need to learn DBF.
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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Otto »

Dear Vilian,
see this:


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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Jimmy »

hi Vilian,
vilian wrote:but i believe its time is already passed.
don´t forget that MYSQL is a Client / Server System so you need to Setup that Server Part.

but you also must optimize Server configuration depend on Machine and Type of using
the Website https://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/ can give you Answer for PostgreSQL
i´m still searching for similar for MySQL
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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by vilian »


The default configuration of MySql is good enough to the majority of my small customers. However, to some customers we have to setup better the server.
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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by reinaldocrespo »

Hello. It is easy to defend and swear by DBF when you have not experimented with SQL. It is hard to miss or even imagine what you have never experienced.

If you are a DBF user, you don’t care much for referential integrity. Sync and replication are just fancy words. Relational joints and result sets are not exiting. Client server technologies, AES256 encryption, user rights, Binary fields, double, integer, money fields, and a hundred others— who needs that?

In my opinion, if you are starting with this, do yourself a favor and learn SQL.

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Re: DBF File Format - Considerations A Secure Option

Post by Jimmy »

vilian wrote:The default configuration of MySql is good enough to the majority of my small customers.
However, to some customers we have to setup better the server.
I have little experience with MYSQL, I work with PostgreSQL
As I said, the most important thing in a client/server system is the configuration of the SQL Server, otherwise you waste a lot of performance.

The default configuration of PostgreSQL Server is designed for an "old" server with 4 GB and 5 clients and is nowhere near the performance of a current server.

There are also differences in the intended use of the SQL Server: LAN or Web

That's why I'm looking for a website for MYSQL, such as https://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/ for PostgreSQL, in order to get maximum performance
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