nageswaragunupudi wrote:As the name suggests, oBrw:cFilterFld is to be assigned with a Field Name, not cHeader of a column.
When the user selects a column in the combobox, you need to find of the name of the field used for that column and assign that name to oBrw:cFilterFld.
U're right
on sample test (xbincflt.prg) I assign the field name on oBrw:cFilterFld with oBrw:cFilterFld:=aFlds[::nat], what is wrong ?
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 10, 10 COMBOBOX oBrw:cFilterFld ; ITEMS aHdrs ; ON CHANGE ( CUST->(OrdSetFocus(::nat)),; oBrw:refresh(),; oBrw:cFilterFld:=aFlds[::nat],; Msginfo(oBrw:cFilterFld, aFlds[::nat]),; oBrw:Seek( "" ),; oBrw:SetFocus() ) ; SIZE 50,400 PIXEL OF oDlg
I insert a Msginfo to check if the oBrw:cFilterFld is changed
on your sample test modified, adding the combobox, I made the same
Code: Select all | Expand
#include "" REQUEST DBFCDX //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Main() local oDlg, oGet, oBrw local cSeek := Space( 100 ) local oCbx local aColumns :={"ID","FIRST","LAST"} LOCAL nField:= 2 SetGetColorFocus() FERASE( "CUSTOMER.CDX" ) USE CUSTOMER NEW EXCLUSIVE VIA "DBFCDX" FW_CdxCreate() SET ORDER TO TAG FIRST GO TOP DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 500,500 PIXEL TRUEPIXEL @ 20,20 GET oGet VAR cSeek SIZE 160,20 PIXEL OF oDlg @ 60,20 XBROWSE oBrw SIZE -20,-20 PIXEL OF oDlg ; DATASOURCE "CUSTOMER" ; COLUMNS 1,2,3 ; HEADERS "Codice","Nome","Cognome" ; AUTOCOLS AUTOSORT CELL LINES NOBORDER WITH OBJECT oBrw :lIncrFilter := .t. :cFilterFld := aColumns[nField] :oSeek := oGet // Required before :CreateFromCode() :CreateFromCode() END @ 20, 195 COMBOBOX oCbx Var oBrw:cFilterFld ; ITEMS {"Codice","Nome","Cognome"} ; SIZE 150,400 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 22 oCbx:bchange := <|Self| nField:= ::nat oBrw:cFilterFld := aColumns[nField] Msginfo(oBrw:cFilterFld, aColumns[nField]) //CHECK cSeek := Space( 100 ) oGet:refresh() oBrw:Seek( "" ) oBrw:SetFocus() oBrw:refresh() oGet:setfocus() return nil > ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED return nil
when I change on combobocx give me a msginfo to check if the field is changed
Msginfo(oBrw:cFilterFld, aColumns[nField])
So, the oBrw:cFilterFld is changed but the xbrowse search allways the name of the Header