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CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 7:47 am
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
This question from Jimmy is very important for me.
We need a blueprint for this.
Hi Antonio,
How do I use those modifications with CLASS TCalendar()?
Do I make a copy of tcalenda.prg and include it in my App, or do I create a new CLASS FROM, or how do I build a new LIB with modified Source?
For example, I asked ChatGPT about horizontally scrolling in a TScrollPanel.
Here is the answer, and I would like to try a solution.
Thank you for providing the second part of the TScrollPanel class definition.
The methods in this part of the class definition are primarily involved with the vertical scrolling behavior of the panel, such as moving up and down,
going to a specific position, handling vertical scroll events, and painting the panel's contents.
As with the previous part of the class, there are no methods that explicitly handle horizontal scrolling.
The steps to add horizontal scrolling would still be similar to what I described before:
Define a horizontal scrollbar in addition to the vertical one.
This would be similar to the line
Adjust the SetRange() method to set the range of the horizontal scrollbar based on the width of the contents of the panel.
Handle the scroll event of the horizontal scrollbar to adjust the visible part of the panel's contents.
To apply these steps to your code, you would likely need to create new methods similar to the existing methods for vertical scrolling,
but adjusted for horizontal movement instead. This could include methods like hSetPos() for setting the horizontal scrollbar position,
ScrollHorizontallyBy() for scrolling a certain number of pixels horizontally, GoLeft() and GoRight() for moving left and right, HScroll() for handling horizontal scroll events, and so on.
Please note that these are general recommendations and the specific implementation would depend on the details of your application and the FiveTech library.
It would likely require a good understanding of the library and possibly some trial and error to get it working correctly.
It might be best to reach out to the FiveTech community or their support for specific guidance on how to implement this.
But changing the class??
Inheriting or extending the class and then experimenting in your own prg, I think, would be one way.
Copy the original functions from the class, then rename them and see what happens.
Best regards,
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 9:40 am
by Silvio.Falconi
chagpt not Know Harbour clipper fivewin , perhaps only Minigui
I tried many functions but it always gave me minigui code or code that looks like fivewin and harbur but in reality it's not and every time you have to tell it "I don't know this class" or "this function doesn't exist"
for a sample I ask this
can you create me a function in harbor and fivewin that can display a perpetual calendar in a dialog ?
this is the result
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
FUNCTION Calendar()
LOCAL oDlg, oCal
LOCAL nYear, nMonth
// Creazione della finestra di dialogo
oDlg := TDialog():New(nil, "Calendario", 20, 20, 200, 200, DWSYSMENU)
// Creazione del calendario
oCal := TCalendar():New(oDlg, 10, 10, 180, 160)
// Funzione per visualizzare il calendario perpetuo
oCal:OnDateSelected := { |nDate|
nYear := Year(nDate)
nMonth := Month(nDate)
// Ottieni il giorno della settimana per il primo giorno del mese
LOCAL nDayOfWeek := WeekDay(Date(nYear, nMonth, 1))
// Ottieni il numero di giorni nel mese
LOCAL nDaysInMonth := DaysInMonth(nYear, nMonth)
// Pulisci il calendario
// Imposta l'intestazione del calendario
oCal:Title := PadL(MonthName(nMonth), 9) + " " + PadL(AllTrim(Str(nYear)), 4)
// Imposta le etichette dei giorni della settimana
oCal:SetDaysOfWeek({"Dom", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Gio", "Ven", "Sab"})
// Aggiungi i numeri dei giorni nel calendario
FOR i := 1 TO nDaysInMonth
// Imposta le posizioni dei numeri dei giorni nel calendario
FOR i := 1 TO nDayOfWeek - 1
oCal:MoveDay(0, 1)
// Visualizza la finestra di dialogo
do you tried it to compile ?
alternatives to TCalendar are
1) msgcalc which is not professional
2) Nages' xbrgetdt that cannot be made smaller without losing the year's get
Also to me Chatgpt wrote this, when Not Know how resolve something
Code: Select all | Expand
Please note that these are general recommendations and the specific implementation would depend on the details of your application and the FiveTech library.
It would likely require a good understanding of the library and possibly some trial and error to get it working correctly.
It might be best to reach out to the FiveTech community or their support for specific guidance on how to implement this.
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 11:49 am
by Otto
Have you provided the classes and manual to ChatCPT?
This is important.
Best regards,
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 12:50 pm
by karinha
Regards, saludos
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 1:01 pm
by karinha
Que tal?
Regards, saludos.
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 1:54 pm
by Marc Venken
Nice Calendar....
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:24 pm
by karinha
Marc Venken wrote:Nice Calendar....
Download Complete: ... WLymsU4fJ8
Regards, saludos.
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:38 pm
by Antonio Linares
Dear Otto,
> Do I make a copy of tcalenda.prg and include it in my App
Usually this is the best way
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 6:43 pm
by Marc Venken
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 4:16 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I Wish calendar as datepick where the finale user can select year, mourh etc .
Why i mudt change my oldest applications onlyvehen i must recompilre It for modifications?
It Is not right
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 6:09 am
by Jimmy
hi Silvio,
Silvio.Falconi wrote:I Wish calendar as datepick where the finale user can select year, mourh etc .
Why i mudt change my oldest applications onlyvehen i must recompilre It for modifications?
It Is not right
Calendar is "SysMonthCal32" ... ar-control ... -reference
Datepicker is "SysDateTimePick32" ... er-control ... -reference
Difference : Datepicker can show only 1 Month
but you can change Month / Year in "Header"
you can use Calendar as "Date Picker" when set dDate1 = dDate2
but while it have "Start-Date" and "End-Date" you need LbDown / LbUp and not DblClick which will "destroy marker"
when include last Modification, which you have found out, both work now
DblClick -> Array(dDate1,dDate2) where dDate1 = dDate2
Ctrl+ (End) click -> mark "Start" to "End" where dDate1 <>,dDate2
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 7:55 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Jimmy,
> when include last Modification, which you have found out, both work now
What modification is it ? thanks!
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 8:06 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Sorry, I still don't understand, I'll be slow on the uptake.
Read carefully what I write to you
I have an old application that I've been using for many years at school where I have a get (action) control that opens a calendar (Tcalendar class) in a dialog (popup) and the user selects the date.
Now it happened that I had to modify some procedures of that program and I went to recompile and that get while loading the calendar (Tcalendar) doesn't make doubleclick work so it's unusable.
I have to read bullshit or meaningless sentences on the forum, I don't want to use other procedures, I want a calendar like Tcalendar .
I know well the differences between SysDateTimePick32 and SysMonthCal32. with Tcalendar you could select the months and years in a perpetual way and the same thing does datepick unless you have admitted a range of dates
I want this ( opened on a dialog popup and the user can select the date)
I don't ask for the moon!!!
I just ask you to restore my old software, I don't understand why I have to change everything, because the selection of the date is in almost all the program procedures.
Tcaledar Modifications
the latest modifications on the Tcaledar class suggested by Cristobal work, ie the user can select a date through the doubleclick system.
But the Tcalendar doesn't work ie the end user can't view the months and years
logically the IsOverDay() function is wrong as I can't find this function determines that the mouse is on the prompt of the days or in other areas.
if you hover the mouse over the name of the month or over the year it is not highlighted !!!
while if you click on the black arrows you can change the month before and after
so it's the Isoverday function that determines where the mouse is positioned
so you have to change this function to isoverday
Code: Select all | Expand
#ifndef _WIN64
HWND hwndMC = ( HWND ) hb_parnl( 1 );
HWND hwndMC = ( HWND ) hb_parnll( 1 );
BOOL lOver;
memset( pMCHitTest, 0, sizeof( MCHITTESTINFO ) );
pMCHitTest->cbSize = sizeof( MCHITTESTINFO );
pMCHitTest->pt.y = hb_parnl( 2 );
pMCHitTest->pt.x = hb_parnl( 3 );
lOver = ( MonthCal_HitTest( hwndMC, pMCHitTest ) == MCHT_CALENDARDATE );
hb_xfree( pMCHitTest );
hb_retl( lOver );
This function determines whether a given point (x, y) on a month calendar control is over a specific day or not.
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 9:05 am
by Otto
Silvio, As you are one of the young people here in our group, technology and especially your users will soon force you into the web.
Best regards,
Re: CLASS modification
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 9:42 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Otto wrote:Silvio, As you are one of the young people here in our group, technology and especially your users will soon force you into the web.
Best regards,
I'm not the youngest of your group, I use fivewin from version 14.4 (1992)
maybe you are the youngest in fact I don't remember you in the famous outlook newsgroups!!!!
My users will never go on the web with my applications and I have already explained to you several times why
I see no need to create web applications when windows applications and especially basic procedures are not correct
You who make Web applications, can you do everything in Windows system?
I don't think so... there are many things that still don't work properly or you don't care
and I'm not young I'm 57 years of age and in 5 years I'm retiring as a teacher and I don't think I'll make applications in windows but I'll take care of gardening, grandchildren until the last day of my old age