Thank you so much.
I conducted a test with two oSay elements. Everything is working fine except for the destroy method.
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
#include ""
static oWnd
static h := {=>}
static csend2js := "send from Harbour"
static oWebView, oWebView2
function Main()
local oDlg, oSay1, oSay2, lExit := .f., oBtn
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 5, 5 TO 55, 180 TITLE "A Dialog Box"
@ 10,10 ;
SAY oSay1 ;
PROMPT "oSay1" ;
SIZE 300, 300
@ 10,380 ;
SAY oSay2 ;
PROMPT "Osay2" ;
SIZE 300, 300
@ 20, 4 BUTTON "&Say" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ACTION webshow( 1, oSay1:hWnd,1)
@ 20, 14 BUTTON "&Say1" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ACTION webshow2( 1, oSay2:hWnd,2)
@ 20, 60 BUTTON oBtn PROMPT "&Cancel" OF oDlg SIZE 40, 12 ACTION oDlg:END()
VALID ( oWebView:Destroy(), oWebView2:Destroy(),.T. )
return nil
function webshow(console,hWnd, nlink)
local hPost := {}
local cHtmlOrUrl := "C:\fwh2023\samples\address.html"
oWebView := TWebView():New( , hWnd )
oWebView:bOnBind = { | cJson, cCalls | ;
hb_jsondecode( cJson, @hPost ), fromjavascript(hPost) , ;
oWebView:Return( cCalls, 0, "{ 'result': '" + csend2js + "' }" ) }
oWebView:Bind( "SendToFWH" )
oWebView:Navigate( cHtmlOrUrl )
oWebView:SetTitle( "This is Fivewin 2024" )
return oWebView
function webshow2(console,hWnd, nlink)
local hPost := {}
local cHtmlOrUrl := "C:\fwh2023\samples\address.html"
oWebView2 := TWebView():New(1 , hWnd )
oWebView2:bOnBind = { | cJson, cCalls | ;
hb_jsondecode( cJson, @hPost ), fromjavascript(hPost) , ;
oWebView2:Return( cCalls, 0, "{ 'result': '" + csend2js + "' }" ) }
oWebView2:Bind( "SendToFWH" )
oWebView2:Navigate( cHtmlOrUrl )
oWebView2:SetTitle( "This is Fivewin 2024" )
return oWebView2
function fromjavascript(hPost)
local hTemp, aTemp
local hTemp1
local aParameters := {}
local nIdx := 0
local aNames := {}
if len(hPost) > 0
aParameters := hPost
// xbrowse(hPost)
FOR nIdx := 1 to len( aParameters )
// xbrowse( aParameters[ nIdx ] )
if len(hPost)= 0
// oWebView:SetSize( 1260, 800 )
aTemp := hPost[3]
hTemp := aTemp['param1']
USE ( "address" ) SHARED NEW
address->name := hTemp['name']
address->street := hTemp['street']
address->city := hTemp['city']
h['response'] := "["
select address
go top
do while .not. eof()
h['response'] += "{" + '"name":' + '"' + ALLTRIM( address->name ) + '",'
h['response'] += '"street":' + '"' + ALLTRIM( address->street ) + '",'
h['response'] += '"city":' + '"' + ALLTRIM( address->city ) + '" },'
h['response'] := left( h['response'] , len(h['response'] )-1 ) + "]"
csend2js := h['response']
return nil
FUNCTION start_sample()
return nil
function CheckTables()
if ! File( "address.dbf" )
DbCreate( "address.dbf",;
{ {"name", "C", 100, 0 },;
{"firstNm", "C", 100, 0 },;
{"street", "C", 100, 0 },;
{"postCode", "C", 100, 0 },;
{"ctryCode", "C", 100, 0 },;
{"city", "C", 100, 0 },;
{"numIn1", "N", 10, 2 },;
{"numIn2", "N", 10, 2 },;
{"numIn3", "N", 10, 2 },;
{"numIn4", "N", 10, 2 } } )
return nil
and the HTML code.
Code: Select all | Expand
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<title>Bootstrap Example</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container mt-5">
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="name" class="form-label">Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" >
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="street" class="form-label">Straße</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="street" >
<div class="mb-3">
<label for="city" class="form-label">Ort</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="city" >
<button id="edit-btn" class="btn btn-outline-success" >Abfrage</button>
<!-- Tabelle -->
<table class="table mt-3">
<th scope="col">name</th>
<th scope="col">street</th>
<th scope="col">city</th>
<tbody id="tableBody">
<!-- Zeilen werden hier über JavaScript hinzugefügt -->
<!-- JavaScript Logik -->
document.getElementById('edit-btn').addEventListener('click', editbtn);
function editbtn(evt) {
var name = document.getElementById('name').value
var street =document.getElementById('street').value
var city =document.getElementById('city').value
const data = {
text: 'editbtn button clicked',
name: name,
street: street,
city: city,
btn: 'anfrageformular'
var someData = { 'param1': data };
var s = SendToFWH(, evt.type, someData)
.then(s => {
const jsonString = s.result;
// alert(jsonString);
console.log('Type:', typeof jsonString);
console.log('Length:', jsonString.length);
console.log('Content:', jsonString);
const resultArray = JSON.parse(jsonString);
const resultObject = JSON.parse(s.result);
const tableBody = document.getElementById("tableBody");
resultArray.forEach(item => {
const row = tableBody.insertRow();
Object.keys(item).forEach((key, index) => {
const cell = row.insertCell(index);
cell.textContent = item[key];