hb_base64 link
hb_base64 link
Hi, im convert an old prg /mak to new fwh2206 and xharbour/bcc 32, and receive the error:
Unresolved external : hb-fun_hb_base64decode from fivehx.lib, i have missing some lib in link file?
is this a xharbour lib?
very thanks
Unresolved external : hb-fun_hb_base64decode from fivehx.lib, i have missing some lib in link file?
is this a xharbour lib?
very thanks
- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: hb_base64 link
Please read buildx.bat in the samples folder and make sure to include all the libs contained therein, in your link script.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Re: hb_base64 link
Hi Nages, thanks.
i checked, all libs of buildx are in my mak, could you tell me which lib specifies this function uses? could it be a xharbour version error? compiling prg with fwh 20.02 works perfectly.
thanks again
i checked, all libs of buildx are in my mak, could you tell me which lib specifies this function uses? could it be a xharbour version error? compiling prg with fwh 20.02 works perfectly.
thanks again
- Antonio Linares
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Re: hb_base64 link
thanks, now work fine.
I tried several times migrate to VS2022, read posts on the forum but I use a portable ssd, I need something like:
I saw that vs2022 despite changing the directories, vs2022 community installs in programfiles, lots of directory and files , languages i don't use.
there is no process like this? only the files necessary to fwh\harbour ?
I tried several times migrate to VS2022, read posts on the forum but I use a portable ssd, I need something like:
I saw that vs2022 despite changing the directories, vs2022 community installs in programfiles, lots of directory and files , languages i don't use.
there is no process like this? only the files necessary to fwh\harbour ?
- Antonio Linares
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Re: hb_base64 link
I have been assiting recently to Enrico to get a reduced version of Visual Studio Community 2022
Going to ask him if he minds to share it...
Going to ask him if he minds to share it...

Re: hb_base64 link
i try to make this, but have lots of directory, languages, extras...
best regards
i try to make this, but have lots of directory, languages, extras...
best regards
- carlos vargas
- Posts: 1723
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Re: hb_base64 link
Yo lo tengo, dejenme ver donde lo pongo para que lo bajen.
Carlos Vargas
Desde Managua, Nicaragua (CA)
Carlos Vargas
Desde Managua, Nicaragua (CA)
Re: hb_base64 link
carlos vargas wrote:Yo lo tengo, dejenme ver donde lo pongo para que lo bajen.
Carlos, very thanks

- carlos vargas
- Posts: 1723
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- carlos vargas
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- Location: Nicaragua
Re: hb_base64 link
es vc2022 32 y 64 bits, ver los archivos vc2022\myvar32.bat y vc2022\myvar64.bat, adecuar los path segun el lugar donde lo descompriman.
Carlos Vargas
Desde Managua, Nicaragua (CA)
Carlos Vargas
Desde Managua, Nicaragua (CA)
- Enrico Maria Giordano
- Posts: 8770
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- carlos vargas
- Posts: 1723
- Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:01 pm
- Location: Nicaragua
Re: hb_base64 link
ECHO ³ FiveWin for Harbour 22.06 (VS32bits) Jun. 2022 Harbour development power ³Ü
ECHO ³ (c) FiveTech 1993-2021 for Microsoft Windows 9X/NT/200X/ME/XP/Vista/7/8/10 ³Û
ECHO ÿ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß
if A%1 == A GOTO :SINTAX
if "%FWDIR%" == "" set FWDIR=d:\fwh
if "%HBDIR%" == "" set HBDIR=d:\compiler\harbour
set GT=gtgui
set HDIRLIB=%HBDIR%\lib\win\msvc
set VCDIR=d:\compiler\vc2022
set VCDIRBIN=%VCDIR%\bin32
set VCDIRLIB=%VCDIR%\lib\win32
ECHO Compiling...
%HBDIR%\bin\32\harbour %1 /n /w /p /i%FWDIR%\include;%HBDIR%\include /d__FLAT__ %2 %3 > comp.log 2> warnings.log
@type comp.log
@type warnings.log
%VCDIRBIN%\cl.exe -nologo -TC -W3 -c /GS- /I%VCDIR%\include /I%HBDIR%\include /GA %1.c
IF EXIST %1.rc %VCDIRBIN%\rc -nologo -r -d__FLAT__ -I%VCDIR%\include %1
echo %1.obj > msvc.tmp
echo %FWDIR%\lib\fiveh32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %FWDIR%\lib\fivehc32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %FWDIR%\lib\hbhpdf32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %FWDIR%\lib\libhpdf32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbrtl.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbvm.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\%GT%.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hblang.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbmacro.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbrdd.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\rddntx.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\rddcdx.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\rddfpt.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbsix.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbdebug.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbcommon.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbpp.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbcpage.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbwin.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbcplr.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbpcre.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbct.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\xhb.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\png.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbzlib.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbziparc.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbmzip.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\minizip.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbtip.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbzebra.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %HDIRLIB%\hbusrrdd.lib >> msvc.tmp
rem Uncomment these two lines to use Advantage RDD
rem echo %HDIRLIB%\rddads.lib >> msvc.tmp
rem echo %HDIRLIB%\ace32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo %FWDIR%\lib\libmysql32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo kernel32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo user32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo gdi32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo winspool.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo comctl32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo comdlg32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo advapi32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo shell32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo ole32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo oleaut32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo uuid.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo odbc32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo odbccp32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo iphlpapi.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo mpr.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo version.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo wsock32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo msimg32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo oledlg.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo psapi.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo gdiplus.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo winmm.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo vfw32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo runtimeobject.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo ws2_32.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo shlwapi.lib >> msvc.tmp
echo strmiids.lib >> msvc.tmp
IF EXIST %1.res echo %1.res >> msvc.tmp
%VCDIRBIN%\link @msvc.tmp -nologo /SUBSYSTEM:windows /FORCE:multiple /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt /LIBPATH:%VCDIRLIB%
rem borrando archivos temporales y ejecutando aplicacion
ECHO * Delete temporal files *
@del %1.c
@del %1.obj
@del %1.ppo
@del warnings.log
@del comp.log
@del msvc.tmp
ECHO * Application successfully built *
@type comp.log
@type warnings.log
ECHO * Compiling errors *
ECHO * Resources errors *
ECHO * Linking errors *
ECHO SYNTAX: BuildH32 [Program] {-- No especifiques la extensión PRG
ECHO {-- Don't specify .PRG extension
ECHO The specified PRG %1 does not exist
Carlos Vargas
Desde Managua, Nicaragua (CA)
Carlos Vargas
Desde Managua, Nicaragua (CA)
- Enrico Maria Giordano
- Posts: 8770
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Re: hb_base64 link
With Harbour no problem. With xHarbour I get the following error. Any ideas?
Code: Select all | Expand
rdd.lib(dbcmdx.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_DBPACK already defined in fivehmx.lib(ERTOOLS.obj)
rtl.lib(dllcall.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_LOADLIBRARY already defined in fivehcm.lib(DLL.obj)
rtl.lib(dllcall.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_FREELIBRARY already defined in fivehcm.lib(DLL.obj)
ct.lib(disk.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_GETVOLINFO already defined in fivehmx.lib(OLDFUNC.obj)
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LIBC.lib'
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
- Posts: 42655
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Re: hb_base64 link
Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:With Harbour no problem. With xHarbour I get the following error. Any ideas?Code: Select all | Expand
rdd.lib(dbcmdx.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_DBPACK already defined in fivehmx.lib(ERTOOLS.obj)
rtl.lib(dllcall.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_LOADLIBRARY already defined in fivehcm.lib(DLL.obj)
rtl.lib(dllcall.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_FREELIBRARY already defined in fivehcm.lib(DLL.obj)
ct.lib(disk.obj) : error LNK2005: _HB_FUN_GETVOLINFO already defined in fivehmx.lib(OLDFUNC.obj)
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'LIBC.lib'
Dear Enrico,
We should rename DbPack(), LoadLibrary(), FreeLibrary() and GetVolInfo() in FWH. The problem is that LoadLibrary() and FreeLibrary() are used in many FWH places... not sure how much code we may break
Regarding LIBC.lib I have no idea why is being requested to be linked. If you review all FWH\samples\build*.bat files you will see that we don't use it at all