This is the fastest free AI available at the moment (GPT4All):
I do appreciate if you download it and check if the EXE is running for you.
You can also, alternatively, download the same files from the github repo: ... -win64.exe ... ntized.bin (I use an uncensored version in my download)
If you can, I prefeer if you use my files, so we asure we are all using the same files (for the start)
This morning meanwhile I was testing and helping on some python code of GPT4All dev team I realized (I saw and debugged the code) that they just were creating a process with the EXE and routing stdin and stdout, so I thought it is a perfect ocassion to use the great processes functions developed by Przemek!
Next we are going to use it as a process from Harbour:
Code: Select all | Expand
@call "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
c:\harbour\bin\win\msvc64\hbmk2 gpt4all.prg -comp=msvc64
Code: Select all | Expand
function Main()
local hProcess, hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr, cBuffer, nSize := 1024, cMsg := ""
hProcess = hb_processOpen( "gpt4all-lora-quantized-win64.exe", @hStdIn, @hStdOut, @hStdErr, .t. )
? "GPT4All running..."
cBuffer = Space( 1024 )
while ( nReaded := hb_PRead( hStdOut, @cBuffer, nSize, 500 ) ) == 0
InKey( 0.1 )
? nReaded, AllTrim( cBuffer ), "Hi my friend, how are you ?"
FWrite( hStdIn, "Hi my friend, how are you ?" + Chr( 13 ) )
while ( nReaded := hb_PRead( hStdOut, @cBuffer, nSize, 500 ) ) == 0
InKey( 0.1 )
? nReaded, AllTrim( cBuffer )
while .t.
cBuffer = Space( nSize )
nReaded = hb_PRead( hStdOut, @cBuffer, nSize, 500 )
if nReaded > 0
cMsg += Left( cBuffer, nReaded )
if nReaded < 0
? cMsg
hb_processClose( hProcess, .t. )
FClose( hStdIn )
FClose( hStdOut )
FClose( hStdErr )
return nil