Printing of Images on Printers having different resolutions

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Printing of Images on Printers having different resolutions


Hi all

Can anybody guide me how to print the images exactly at the desired
row, col co-ordinates (whether in pixels or Cm) on different printers with different resolutions.

With the following code I got this out using different printers with different
printer resolutions:


Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""

#define PAD_LEFT      0
#define PAD_RIGHT     1
#define PAD_CENTER    2


LOCAL oPrn, oPen, oFont, oFont1, oFont2, oFont3
LOCAL pno := 1, nLs := 0, n, nLinI, nColI, nLinF, nColF,nColL
LOCAL aRowCol := {}, aData := {}


FOR n = 1 TO 90
    AADD(aData,{"1234","12345",REPLI("A",20),REPLI("B",20), "C", REPLI("D",8),REPLI("E",8), "99/99/9999", "99/99/9999"})

PRINT oPrn NAME "Testing Windows Printing" PREVIEW FROM USER

      DEFINE PEN  oPen   WIDTH  2 OF oPrn
      DEFINE FONT oFont  NAME "Arial Bold"   SIZE 0, -16 OF oPrn
      DEFINE FONT oFont1 NAME "Arial Italic" SIZE 0, - 8 OF oPrn
      DEFINE FONT oFont2 NAME "Arial Bold"   SIZE 0, - 9 OF oPrn
      DEFINE FONT oFont3 NAME "Arial"        SIZE 0, - 8 OF oPrn


         nLinI := 03.75
         nLinF := 27.25

         IF .NOT. OS_IsWinXP()
            nColI := 01.00
            nColF := 20.75
            nColL := 00.20
            nColI := 00.70
            nColF := 20.25
            nColL := 00.45
         oPrn:Cmtr2Pix(@nLinI, @nColI)
         oPrn:cmtr2Pix(@nLinF, @nColF)

         aRowCol := oPrn:Cmtr2Pix(1,1)
         oPrn:SayBitmap(aRowCol[1], aRowCol[2],"c:\fwh\bitmaps\fivewin.bmp") //, 131, 168)

         oPrn:CmSay(1.00, 10.50-nColL, "NAME OF THE COMPANY", oFont,,CLR_BLACK,,PAD_CENTER )
         oPrn:CmSay(1.55, 10.50-nColL, "This is the place where address of the company is printed", oFont1,,CLR_BLACK,,PAD_CENTER )
         oPrn:CmSay(2.15, 10.50-nColL, "THIS IS THE HEADING OF REPORT", oFont2,,CLR_BLACK,,PAD_CENTER )

         oPrn:Box(nLinI, nColI, nLinF, nColF, oPen )
         oPrn:Box(nLinI-(oFont2:nHeight()*2.75), nColI, nLinI+(oFont2:nHeight()*.75), nColF, oPen  )

         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,01.35-nColL,"SL.",  oFont2)
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,02.15-nColL,"AAAA", oFont2)
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,03.25-nColL,"BBBB", oFont2)
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,04.55-nColL,"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", oFont2)   
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,08.60-nColL,"DDDDDDDDDDDDD", oFont2)   
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,12.70-nColL,"EEE",     oFont2)   
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,13.60-nColL,"FFFFFFF", oFont2)   
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,15.70-nColL,"GGGGGGG", oFont2)   
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,17.60-nColL,"HHHHHH",  oFont2)   
         oPrn:CmSay(3.05,19.25-nColL,"KKKKKK",  oFont2)   
         oPrn:CmSay(3.50,01.35-nColL,"NO.", oFont2)
         oPrn:CmSay(3.50,02.15-nColL,"AAA", oFont2)
         oPrn:CmSay(3.50,03.25-nColL,"BBB", oFont2)

         FOR n = 1 TO LEN(aData)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,01.35-nColL, STR(n,3,0), oFont3 )
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,02.15-nColL, aData[n,1],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,03.25-nColL, aData[n,2],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,04.55-nColL, aData[n,3],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,08.60-nColL, aData[n,4],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,12.85-nColL, aData[n,5],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,13.50-nColL, aData[n,6],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,15.70-nColL, aData[n,7],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,17.60-nColL, aData[n,8],oFont3)
             oPrn:CmSay(4.50+nLs,19.25-nColL, aData[n,9],oFont3)
             nLs := nLs + .50

             IF nLs > 22

                oPrn:CmSay(27.25,20.90-nColL,"Contd .. "+LTRIM(STR(pno))+"/", oFont3,,CLR_BLACK,,PAD_RIGHT)



                pno ++

                oPrn:CmSay(1.00, 10.50-nColL, "Page No. "+LTRIM(STR(pno)), oFont2,,CLR_BLACK,,PAD_CENTER )     
                oPrn:CmSay(1.80, 10.50-nColL, "THIS IS THE HEADING OF REPORT", oFont2,,CLR_BLACK,,PAD_CENTER )
                oPrn:Box(nLinI, nColI, nLinF, nColF, oPen )
                oPrn:Box(nLinI-(oFont2:nHeight()*2.75), nColI, nLinI+(oFont2:nHeight()*.75), nColF, oPen  )

                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,01.35-nColL,"SL.",   oFont2)
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,02.15-nColL,"AAAA",  oFont2)
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,03.25-nColL,"BBBB",  oFont2)
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,04.55-nColL,"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", oFont2)   
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,08.60-nColL,"DDDDDDDDDDDDD", oFont2)   
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,12.70-nColL,"EEE",     oFont2)   
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,13.60-nColL,"FFFFFFF", oFont2)   
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,15.70-nColL,"GGGGGGG", oFont2)   
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,17.60-nColL,"HHHHHH",  oFont2)   
                oPrn:CmSay(3.05,19.25-nColL,"KKKKKK",  oFont2)   
                oPrn:CmSay(3.50,01.35-nColL,"NO.", oFont2)
                oPrn:CmSay(3.50,02.15-nColL,"AAA", oFont2)
                oPrn:CmSay(3.50,03.25-nColL,"BBB", oFont2)

                nLs := 0






Thanks in advance

- Ramesh Babu P
Posts: 840
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Post by R.F. »

Your error is here:

oPrn:SayBitmap(aRowCol[1], aRowCol[2],"c:\fwh\bitmaps\fivewin.bmp") //, 131, 168)

4th and 5th parameter are the SIZE of the image, (131,168) you have to transform the size into centimeters (the same way you did with the coordinates of the position.)
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James Bott
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Post by James Bott »


I find that often print drivers are inaccurate. They don't report the proper values for width, height, and x and y offsets (non-printable areas). So first I would check these.


Also check:

To see if they are accurate.

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Thank you Mr.Rene and Thank you Mr.James

I am testing it now after conversion of Bitmap's height and width into

Regards to both of you

- Ramesh Babu P
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Roger Seiler
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Post by Roger Seiler »


Did you mean to say "trnasform the size into pixels" instead of "transform the size into centimeters"?

Here is what you said:

"4th and 5th parameter are the SIZE of the image, (131,168) you have to transform the size into centimeters (the same way you did with the coordinates of the position.)"

This appears to be how the coordinates of the position are set in the code:

aRowCol := oPrn:Cmtr2Pix(1,1)

The TPrinter method Cmtr2Pix() apparently transforms a number from centimeters into pixels instead of from pixels into centimeters.

Although TPrinter has a method to convert pixels into inches, it doesn't seem to have a method to convert pixels into centimeters (which one could easily create).

If you are correct that the dimensional values of the bitmap have to be given in centimeters in order to properly show the bitmap at the same size regardless of printer resolution, this is an important concept for us to understand. (I've had to wrestle with it myself.) But if so, apparently Cmtr2Pix() isn't the way to make that transformation - another method is needed.

- Roger
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Roger Seiler
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Post by Roger Seiler »


Did you mean to say "transform the size into pixels" instead of "transform the size into centimeters"?

Here is what you said:

"4th and 5th parameter are the SIZE of the image, (131,168) you have to transform the size into centimeters (the same way you did with the coordinates of the position.)"

This appears to be how the coordinates of the position are set in the code:

aRowCol := oPrn:Cmtr2Pix(1,1)

The TPrinter method Cmtr2Pix() apparently transforms a number from centimeters into pixels instead of from pixels into centimeters.

Although TPrinter has a method to convert pixels into inches, it doesn't seem to have a method to convert pixels into centimeters (which one could easily create).

If you indeed meant that the dimensional values of the bitmap have to be given in centimeters in order to properly show the bitmap at the same size regardless of printer resolution, this is an important concept for us to understand. (I've had to wrestle with it myself.) But if so, apparently Cmtr2Pix() isn't the way to make that transformation - another method is needed.

- Roger
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Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Printing of Images on Printers having different resoluti

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Code: Select all | Expand

         aRowCol := oPrn:Cmtr2Pix(1,1) 
         aSize   := oPrn:Cmtr2Pix(1.5,1.5)
         oPrn:SayBitmap(aRowCol[1], aRowCol[2],"c:\fwharbour\bitmaps\fivewin.bmp", aSize[2], aSize[1])

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