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Recompile TWBRW32X.LIB problem **Fixed**

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:54 am
by dutch
Dear All,

I've try to recompile but it has many error in WBRWLINE.C code. I use xHarbour 1.2.3/FWH1509.
How can I fix it?

Code: Select all | Expand

xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20150603)
Copyright 1999-2015,
Generating C source output to 'OBJ\WBROWSE.C'...

Lines 4098, Functions/Procedures 72, pCodes 15450
xHarbour 1.2.3 Intl. (SimpLex) (Build 20150603)
Copyright 1999-2015,
Generating C source output to 'OBJ\TMULTISE.C'...

Lines 198, Functions/Procedures 6, pCodes 897
Embarcadero C++ 7.00 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2015 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Embarcadero C++ 7.00 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2015 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Embarcadero C++ 7.00 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2015 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 669: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWSELBOX
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 669: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWSELBOX
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 752: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 752: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 764: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 764: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 812: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 812: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 814: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 817: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 818: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 823: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Error E2342 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 824: Type mismatch in parameter 'pAtext' (wanted '_HB_ITEM *', got 'int') in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 835: Call to function '_reta' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWLINE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 867: Call to function '_reta' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_AWBRWROWDIM
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 969: Call to function '_reta' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWRECT
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1005: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1005: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1006: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1006: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1007: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1007: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1025: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1025: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1034: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1034: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1043: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8069 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1043: Nonportable pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1173: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1174: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1178: Call to function '_param' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Error E2342 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1179: Type mismatch in parameter 'pTextColor' (wanted '_HB_ITEM *', got 'int') in function HB_FUN_WBRWPANE
Warning W8065 SOURCE\WBRWLINE.C 1653: Call to function '_reta' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_FWDISPBEGIN
*** 2 errors in Compile ***
TLIB 6.4 Copyright (c) 1987-2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
TLIB 6.4 Copyright (c) 1987-2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Warning: 'OBJ\WBRWLINE.OBJ' file not found
TLIB 6.4 Copyright (c) 1987-2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Re: Recompile TWBRW32X.LIB problem

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:35 am
by Silvio.Falconi
you must compile (xharbour) with


with bcc7 is ok

Re: Recompile TWBRW32X.LIB problem

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:16 am
by dutch
Dear Silvio,

It doesn't work and still got the same error. It seem the parameter is incorrect type.
Silvio.Falconi wrote:you must compile (xharbour) with


with bcc7 is ok

Re: Recompile TWBRW32X.LIB problem

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:34 pm
by Silvio.Falconi


I'm using Fwh 16.03
I compiled it with bcc7
I create the lib xWbrowse with xmate with the parameter I wrote you

I try with fwbrow.prg fivetech sample test ( c:\fwh\samples\) .... here run ok !!!!!

Re: Recompile TWBRW32X.LIB problem

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:37 am
by dutch
Dear Silvio,

I've fixed already, thanks for your help.