New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:35 am

New feature Quick Access and Quick Button


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#include ""
#include ""
Function Main()

   local oWnd, oRibbon
   local oGrupo, oBtn1, oBtn2, oQbtn1, oQbtn2, oQbtn3
   local oQck, oBtn
   SetBalloon( .T. )

   Define window ownd Title "Fivewin RibbonBar"

   DEFINE RIBBONBAR oRibbon PROMPTS "Start","Edition","Tools","Themes","Help" OF oWnd ;
          HEIGHT 180 TOPMARGIN 60
   ADD GROUP oGrupo RIBBON oRibbon TO OPTION 1 PROMPT "Only a Group to Test"
   @ 04,04 ADD BUTTON oBtn1 PROMPT "Testing 1" BITMAP "..\bitmaps\paste32.bmp";
           GROUP oGrupo SIZE 142,40 LEFT ;
           Action( oBtn := oRibbon:oQuickAcc:AddButton("..\bitmaps\16x16\calc.bmp",{|| MsgInfo("1")} ),;
                   oBtn:bRClicked := {| nRow, nCol, nFlags, oBtn | MenuQuickDelete( oBtn, oQck ) } )
   @ 45,04 ADD BUTTON oBtn2 PROMPT "Testing 2" BITMAP "..\bitmaps\stylechange32.bmp";
           GROUP oGrupo SIZE 142,40 LEFT;
           Action oRibbon:oQuickAcc:DelButton( ATail( oRibbon:oQuickAcc:aButtons ) )
          BITMAP  "..\Bitmaps\16x16\fivetech.bmp", "..\Bitmaps\btnqcka.bmp", "..\Bitmaps\btnqckb.bmp", "..\Bitmaps\btnqckc.bmp" ;
          ACTION AbreMenu( oWnd )
   ADD BUTTON oQbtn1 QUICKACCESS oQck BITMAP "..\bitmaps\16x16\floppy.bmp"  ;
       ACTION MsgInfo("1")
   ADD BUTTON oQbtn2 QUICKACCESS oQck BITMAP "..\bitmaps\16x16\closeall.bmp"  ;
       ACTION MsgInfo("2")
   ADD BUTTON oQbtn3 QUICKACCESS oQck BITMAP "..\bitmaps\16x16\additem.bmp" ;
       ACTION MsgInfo("3")

   ADD BUTTON oQbtn3 QUICKACCESS oQck BITMAP "..\bitmaps\16x16\adddbf.bmp" ;
       ACTION MsgInfo("4")
   oBtn1:bRClicked := {| nRow, nCol, nFlags, oBtn | MenuQuickAdd( oBtn, oQck, "..\bitmaps\16x16\paste.bmp" ) }
   oBtn2:bRClicked := {| nRow, nCol, nFlags, oBtn | MenuQuickAdd( oBtn, oQck, , .T.) }
   AEval( oQck:aButtons, {|o| o:bRClicked := {| nRow, nCol, nFlags, oBtn | MenuQuickDelete( oBtn, oQck ) } } )
   oRibbon:nSeparation( 5 )
   SET MESSAGE OF oWnd TO "Sample Quick Button + Quick Access" CENTERED CLOCK KEYBOARD 2007
   Activate window ownd

Return Nil  

Function AbreMenu( oWindow )

 Local oMenu
 MENU oMenu POPUP 2007
    MENUITEM "Open"
       MENUITEM "New"
       MENUITEM "Other"
    MENUITEM "Save As..."
       MENUITEM "DBF..."
       MENUITEM "XML..."
    MENUITEM "Close App..." Action oWindow:End()
ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu AT 48, 2 OF oWindow

return NIL

FUNCTION MenuQuickDelete( oBtn, oQuickAcc )
   Local oMenu
   MENU oMenu POPUP 2007
      MENUITEM "Remove QuickAccess" Action oQuickAcc:DelButton( oBtn )
   ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu AT oBtn:nHeight, oBtn:nLeft OF oQuickAcc:oRibbon
Return Nil

FUNCTION MenuQuickAdd( oBtn, oQuickAcc, cName, lAdjust )
   Local oMenu, o
   DEFAULT cName := oBtn:cName
   DEFAULT lAdjust := .F.
   MENU oMenu POPUP 2007
      MENUITEM "Add to QuickAccess" ;
                ACTION ( oBtn:Cargo := oQuickAcc:AddButton( cName, oBtn:bAction, , lAdjust ),;
                         oBtn:Cargo:bRClicked := {| nRow, nCol, nFlags, oBtn | MenuQuickDelete( oBtn, oQuickAcc ) } );
                WHEN ( If( oBtn:Cargo == NIL, .T.,;
                           AScan( oQuickAcc:aButtons, {| oB | oB:hWnd == oBtn:Cargo:hWnd } ) == 0 ) )
   ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu AT oBtn:nHeight() + oBtn:nTop, oBtn:nLeft OF oBtn:oWnd
Return Nil



Thanks to lailton by collaborate to build this feature, shared code and time
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby RAMESHBABU » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:59 am


Congratualation. Excellent Addition to Ribbonbar Class.

- Ramesh Babu P
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby gkuhnert » Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:22 am

Wow, very cool. Is this nice feature to come in the June upgrade?
Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby fraxzi » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:02 pm

Dear Daniel,

Can I add an MDIChild window to ribbon quick access when child window is maximized and remove from quick access when restored/iconized?

If so, can you post a sample?

Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby TecniSoftware » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:06 pm


Esta online la web?
He querido descargar el ejemplo desde esta mañana y no he podido.

Muchos saludos!
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:12 pm

TecniSoftware wrote:Daniel:

Esta online la web?
He querido descargar el ejemplo desde esta mañana y no he podido.

Muchos saludos!

que error te genera ?

what error do you get?
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby TecniSoftware » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:30 pm


Debe ser algun problema con mi isp por que le tire un ping y me dio los 4 paquetes perdidos, tiempo de espera agotado, sin embargo, hice un remote upload a rapidshare y ahi pudo cargarlo.
Por si alguien lo prefiere, quedo subido a:

Saludos y gracias.
Alejandro Cebolido
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:20 pm


Gracias por el feedback
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:34 pm


Yes, it will be included in FWH 10.6 June :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:45 pm

fraxzi wrote:Dear Daniel,

Can I add an MDIChild window to ribbon quick access when child window is maximized and remove from quick access when restored/iconized?

If so, can you post a sample?


i hope this sample work how you expect
Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""


function Main()

   local oGrupo, oQck, oBtn1, oRibbon, oWnd

   SetBalloon( .T. )

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd FROM 1, 1 To 22, 75 ;
      TITLE "This is a MDI enviroment" MDI VSCROLL
   DEFINE RIBBONBAR oRibbon PROMPTS "Start","Edition","Tools","Themes","Help" OF oWnd ;
          HEIGHT 150 TOPMARGIN 60
   ADD GROUP oGrupo RIBBON oRibbon TO OPTION 1 PROMPT "Only a Group to Test"
   @ 04,04 ADD BUTTON oBtn1 PROMPT "Add MdiChild" BITMAP "..\bitmaps\new3.bmp";
           GROUP oGrupo SIZE 142,40 LEFT ;
           ACTION CreateChild( oQck, oWnd )

          BITMAP NIL, "..\Bitmaps\btnqcka.bmp", "..\Bitmaps\btnqckb.bmp", "..\Bitmaps\btnqckc.bmp" ;
          ACTION MsgInfo( "Informartion" )

   SET MESSAGE OF oWnd TO "A message bar"


return nil


function CreateChild( oQck, oWnd )

   local oChild, oQbtn1
   oChild = oWnd:ChildNew()
   oChild:bResized = {| nType | AddToQuick( nType, oChild, oQck, oWnd ) }
   oChild:bPostEnd   = {|| DelToQuick( oQck, oChild, oWnd ) }

return nil

function AddToQuick( nType, oChild, oQck, oWnd )
   local oBtn1
   local oWndChild

   if oChild:Cargo == NIL
      if nType == 2
         for each oWndChild in oWnd:oWndClient:aWnd
            ADD BUTTON oWndChild:Cargo QUICKACCESS oQck BITMAP "..\bitmaps\16x16\form.bmp"  ;
                ACTION oWndChild:SetFocus()
            oWndChild:Cargo:cToolTip = oWndChild:cTitle
      if nType == 1 .or. nType == 0
         if  AScan( oWnd:oWndClient:aWnd, {| oWndChild | IsZoomed( oWndChild:hWnd ) } ) == 0
            for each oWndChild in oWnd:oWndClient:aWnd
               oQck:DelButton( oWndChild:Cargo )
               oWndChild:Cargo = NIL
return nil      


function DelToQuick( oQck, oChild, oWnd )
   local oWndChild

   if Len( oQck:aButtons )  > 0
      oQck:DelButton( oChild:Cargo )
      // we need change the action in each button
      for each oWndChild in oWnd:oWndClient:aWnd
         // one button by mdichild
         oQck:aButtons[ oWndChild:__EnumIndex ]:bAction = {| | oWndChild:SetFocus() }
return .T.
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby MdaSolution » Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:04 pm

A question...
You perhaps U know exist 4 color skyn of the Ribbon ( Blue,Black,Orange and the new 2010 color)

I see it on office 2007

if we change the color of ribbon how we can change color the quickacess?

Have you think to implment skyn color function for It ?

have you sample test of backstage feature ?
FWH .. BC582.. xharbour
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:24 pm


MdaSolution wrote:if we change the color of ribbon how we can change color the quickacess?

the ribbon color are customizables

and you can control alpha channel level too


MdaSolution wrote:Have you think to implment skyn color function for It ?

the programmer can build you own skin to set ribbon
we wan not limit to only 4 color skin

MdaSolution wrote:have you sample test of backstage feature ?

we're working in that
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby fraxzi » Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:25 am

Dear Daniel,

This is great! I can now eliminate the MDI Menu.. Better with quick access..

Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby fraxzi » Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:06 am

Dear Daniel,

When I maximized child window.. the MDI Menu appears..

I add this to remove MDI Menu on parent window

Code: Select all  Expand view

Menu oMenu 2007

DEFINE WINDOW oWnd FROM 1, 1 To 22, 75 ;
       TITLE "This is a MDI enviroment" MDI VSCROLL;
       MENU oMenu

sorry. Could this be a different matter. :)

Kind Regards,

Fivewin for xHarbour v18.07
xHarbour v1.2.3.x
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Re: New feature to Ribbon, QuickAccess Area

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:37 pm

fraxzi wrote:Could this be a different matter

i don't think so :D
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