function BmpEBExpanded()
return ReadBitmap( 0, "expanded.bmp" ) // reading it from an external BMP file
function BmpEBExpanded()
return LoadBitmap( GetResources(), "expanded" ) // load it from your resources, where "expanded" is the identifier of your bitmap
and if not want show any button (as this picture) how I can make ?
function BmpEBExpanded()
return 0
function BmpEBExpanded()
return 0
Second question
On each panel I must use addlink to insert a item
I want use a big bitmap for each item, can I create a space from a item to another ? or create a link to n position ?
Can I set the font for each item ( link) ? and How ?
Third question
I'd like to create on each panel a black border because is professional and elegant border as this picture
Another question
can insert a watermark image trasparent on each panel ?
METHOD WaterImage() CLASS TTaskPanel //add by MdaSolutions
local hBmp
if !Empty(::cWaterImage ) .and. !::lCollapsed
hBmp := ::LoadImage( ::cWaterImage )
if ::hWaterImage != 0
nWidth = nBmpWidth( hBmp )
nHeight = nBmpHeight( hBmp )
nTop := ::nHeight - nHeight-1
nLeft := ::nWidth - nWidth-10
nBottom := nTop + nHeight
nRight := nLeft + nWidth
nAlphaLevel := 20
::hWaterImage = FWWaterMark( hBmp )
if SetAlpha()
ABPaint( ::hDC, nLeft, nTop, ::hWaterImage, nAlphaLevel )
DrawBitmap( ::hDC, ::hWaterImage, nLeft, nTop )
DeleteObject( hBmp )
return nil
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