Transparent brush, SAY bug workaround

Transparent brush, SAY bug workaround

Postby Roger Seiler » Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:44 pm

If you use a transparent brush on a dialog that has SAY objects on it, then when you update any of the SAY objects, the brush will be reimposed on the SAY in a weird way. The brush will be redrawn "under" the SAY starting from the upper left corner of the brush instead of just leaving the original display of the brush image positioned as it was initially under the SAY.

A workaround to avoid this weirdness is as follows...

1. Hide the SAY ... oSay:Hide()

2. Update the data in the SAY ... cSay := "new data", then do oSay:Refresh()

3. Redisplay the SAY ... oSay:Show()

The result of the workaround is that the SAY will display revised data on top of the same background bush image as originally was in the background (instead of incorrectly redrawing the brush under it starting from the upper left corner of the bruch image).

Antonio, can a fix be implemented so that this workaround will no longer be necessary?

- Roger
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Roger Seiler
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Location: Nyack, New York, USA

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