New FWH 10.7

Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby MdaSolution » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:37 am

Not run
When resize it not refresh the items of explorerbar
all it no good
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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:49 pm


Here is a working example. I don't have the ribbonbar or explorer bar so I have used a buttonbar and panel instead. It should work the same with the ribbonbar and explorerbar.

Code: Select all  Expand view

// Purpose: Showing three objects in a window that resize
// Author : James Bott
// Date   : 8/14/2010

#include ""
#include ""

function main()
   local oWnd, oBar, oBrw, oPanel

   use C:\FWH\samples\customer

   define window oWnd title "Test"

   define buttonbar oBar of oWnd

   oPanel:= TPanel():new(0,0,400,150)

   @ 0,50 Listbox oBrw fields of oWnd

   oWnd:oTop:= oBar
   oWnd:oLeft:= oPanel
   oWnd:oClient:= oBrw

   activate window oWnd

return nil
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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby MdaSolution » Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:35 pm

on window seem run ok but I use a dialog

If you read the first message you could understood the problem

I use a dialog nor.4 ( with clausole no wait) into a window no mdi
I must use a tpanel because the explorerBar create a vertical scroll on the right and not on object explorerbar as we wants

With a panel the explorerbar create the vertical scroll at the end of this panel as you can see on picture ( read the old messages I wrote)

On fivewin there is a big bug ( AdjLeft()...) but it is an old question !!!

Perhaps the concept is bad

We thinked the explorerbar as a panel with vertical scroll and on it many small panels

Instead we must create texplorerbar as single small panel

texplorerbar run ok only in widow not good for dialog if we insert on it also a xbrowse ....
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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby Otto » Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:04 pm

I would help much if you post a screen design of what you want to do.
Maybe there is a better way as to use a dialog.

Best regards,
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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:47 pm


>on window seem run ok but I use a dialog

Why are using a dialog on a window? Why not just put the objects on the window?

>If you read the first message you could understood the problem.

I did read the first message, then later you were talking about it being on the main window. I did not understand that you had put a dialog on the window.

>I use a dialog nor.4 ( with clausole no wait) into a window no mdi

Again, I wonder what is the reason for the dialog?

>I must use a tpanel because the explorerBar create a vertical scroll on the right and not on object explorerbar as we wants

OK, this may be a bug in Explorerbar. Still you could put the explorerbar on the panel. Just use my example and put the Explorerbar on the panel. Try that and see if it gets you what you wanted.

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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby MdaSolution » Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:24 pm

James and Otto
Do you Know Tfsdi class ? go here

It use a dialog with nor.4 style , it use another explorerbar but we have fwh explorerbar....

the problem is it run ok when we have max two taskpanel but we have many taskpanel we need a vertical scroll
the explorerbar create this vertical scroll on the right of this dialog , but on the right of this dialog I have a vertical scroll of xbrowse
and the fwh explorerbar create the vertical scroll near to this vertical scroll of xbrowse
Then I found a solution to create a panel on the left to insert fwh explorerbar but this is good on xp professional but when I use it on windows seven it make error on resize , gpf, block the exe and go out ... I not have the error .log to understand whatis the error .

why not try it please ?
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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:39 am


>why not try it please ?

I believe you that it has problems. That is why I suggested trying your interface without the dialog. You still have not told me why you think you need it. Also, why you think you need the TFSDI class?

If I try your approach, I am sure I will find that it has problems as you did. Then we still have to find solutions.

I have made a suggestion that seems to solve your problems. Why not try my suggestion? All you have to do is put your explorerer bar on the panel and compile it. If it works, then you have a solution. If it doesn't, then you have to decide which approach will require the least amount of work to fix.

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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:50 am


Here is sample code with a simulated Explorer bar on a panel. The simulated Explorer bar is in red.

All you have to do to test it with the real Explorer bar is to replace the simulated explorer bar code with real code for the object.


Code: Select all  Expand view
// Purpose: Showing three objects in a window that resize
// Author : James Bott
// Date   : 8/14/2010

#include ""
#include ""

function main()
   local oWnd, oBar, oBrw, oPanel, oExplBar

   use C:\FWH\samples\customer

   define window oWnd title "Test"

   define buttonbar oBar of oWnd

   oPanel:= TPanel():new(0,0,400,150)

   // Simulated Explorer bar
   oExplBar:= TPanel():new(0,0,400,120)

   oPanel:oLeft:= oExplBar

   @ 0,50 Listbox oBrw fields of oWnd

   oWnd:oTop:= oBar
   oWnd:oLeft:= oPanel
   oWnd:oClient:= oBrw

   activate window oWnd

return nil
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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby MdaSolution » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:17 pm

also ?

on window run ok on dialog nor 4 NO
I understood you not want understand
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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:49 pm


also ?

on window run ok on dialog nor 4 NO
I understood you not want understand

I understand fully that you have a problem when using a dialog. I don't understand why you think you need a dialog and you don't seem willing to tell me. If you are not willing to justify the need for the dialog, then I am not willing to spend more of my time on your project.

I have proposed a simple solution to your problem that doesn't use a dialog. If you feel you must have a dialog, then obviously my solution is not for you.

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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby Silvio » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:28 pm

Dear James

perhaps I can explain you why

if you go to read the first message you will see that Mda asked to Antonio that there were problems with explorerBar when there are many panels into explorerbar, the class create the vertical scroll on the right of dialog and not on the right of the same control

We not want use window or mdichild window , we not want use oclient command or setparent command as outllok2003 control

because we have structured our application as the applications of alanit software

as you can see in this picture


IT is simply :

1. definition of creation of a dialog (style nor 4 ) in window no mdi
2. definition of xbrowse at right
3. definition of explorerbar at left
4. definition of tab down the xbrowse
5. definition of splitter beetween explorerbar and xbrowsr( and tabs)
6. activate dialog with nowait command

If we use Vtaskbar of Francisco Fernandez it run no problem,
the resizes of window are no problems, but we no have support

if we use ExplorerBar of Reyes it run no problems, the resizes of window are no problems,
we have support but we hoped and wanted use a fivetech control...

if we use Texplorerbar of Fivetech we must create it on tpanel1 on this dialog and the on another extern function on another tpanel ( it is over the tpanel1 oTPanel1:client:=Tpanel2) we can CREATE THE EXPLORERBAR CLASS
Only in this mode it create the vertical scroll near to object explorerbar.
But then we have many problems when we want resize the window ....

you sad
>I have proposed a simple solution to your problem that doesn't use a dialog.
> If you feel you must have a dialog, then obviously my solution is not for you

But only a question :

you think you use a window and the vertical scroll is on object
explorebar or on the right of the window near the vertical scroll of Xbrowse ? do you try it ?
Best Regards, Saludos

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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:59 pm


Well, thank you for that explaination. Now it makes some sense. In essence, MdaSolution doesn't want a dialog, he wants a scrollbar. This is what I was trying to find out.

As you pointed out, this is really an Explorer bar issue--a feature that needs to be added to the Explorer bar class. Spending a lot of time creating a workaround using the specified third party product is most likely more work than adding the scrollbar to the Explorer bar class. So why not spend the time on that instead?

Even if the workaround was completed, then the Explorerbar still needs to have the scrollbar added--so overall twice as much work is required.

This type of issue is exactly why I like to have all the reasoning on the table before I start spending time on a problem. Often there is a better solution.

If I was to work on this, I would work on the Explorer bar class, not the third-party class.

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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby Silvio » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:09 pm

"If I was to work on this, I would work on the Explorer bar class, not the third-party class"

RIght ... this is that I'm trying to say to you.
We must work on this class to resolve the problems.

Then there is bugs on adjclient and adjleft of Controls as the same Reyes say on his class "Fivewin Bug"

I hoped Reyes give his class to Antonio and published it on the next package...

I try it and it run ok on dialog and on window no problems
Best Regards, Saludos

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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:14 pm


Perhaps I still don't understand. Why to you think you would still need this class of Reyes?

If there is a scollbar on the Explorer bar class, then it would seem that there is no reason to the Reyes class. The Explorer bar could be put directly on the window or a panel if desired.

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Re: New FWH 10.7

Postby James Bott » Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:16 pm

Then there is bugs on adjclient and adjleft of Controls as the same Reyes say on his class "Fivewin Bug"

Also, if the Explorer bar is put on a window, there there is no need to do any adjusting--it is handled automatically by the window.

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