if I use SetAlign with FW10.09 in following way:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- oLB:aCols[3]:SetAlign( AL_RIGHT )
oLB:aCols[4]:SetAlign( AL_RIGHT )
with oLB being my xBrowse, I get following error:
Path and name: D:\cto_win\eho40\eho.exe (32 bits)
Size: 6,246,912 bytes
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 1 secs
Error occurred at: 04.11.2010, 17:29:40
Error description: Error BASE/1004 Class: 'NIL' has no exported method: EVAL
[ 1] = U
Stack Calls
Called from: => EVAL(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\xbrowse.prg => (b)TXBROWSE:TXBROWSE(383)
Called from: => TXBROWSE:KEYCOUNT(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\xbrowse.prg => TXBROWSE:REFRESH(1127)
Called from: .\source\classes\xbrowse.prg => TXBRWCOLUMN:SETALIGN(8416)
Called from: AD_MAIN.prg => E_ADRESSEN(221)
Called from: EHO.prg => STARTADRESSEN(1257)
Called from: EHO.prg => (b)EHO_INIT(923)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TWINDOW:KEYDOWN(2546)
Called from: .\source\classes\MDICLIEN.PRG => TMDICLIENT:KEYDOWN(243)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(3394)
Called from: => WINRUN(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TMDIFRAME:ACTIVATE(978)
Called from: EHO.prg => MAIN(680)
If I remove the oBrw:Refresh() from SetAlign (in xBrowse.prg), the error disappears:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- METHOD SetAlign( nAlign ) CLASS TXBrwColumn
if ValType( nAlign ) == 'N'
nAlign := MinMax( nAlign, 0, 2 )
if nAlign != ::nDataStrAlign
::nDataStrAlign := nAlign
::nDataStyle := ::DefStyle( nAlign, ::oBrw:nDataLines == 1 )
//::oBrw:Refresh() <= I removed this line
Return Self
Is there a bug in this method or am I doing something wrong?