2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby gkuhnert » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:29 pm


with TFolderex I've got 2 problems in displaying:

1) The last character of each of the say-items on the folder is missing. All resources are stored in a .rc-file. This was not happening with the fwh10.09 I used before. And it isn't happening in fwh11.03 with TFolder (look at the red marking lines in the screenshots) (This problem is new with FWH11.03) (and behind the say-items, there is enough space for painting another 2-3 characters, I checked it in my resources)

2) It seems it isn't possible anymore to disable say-items on a folder (whereas it's no problem to do at a normal dialog). Look at the red x-marks in the screenshots. (This behaviour was the same in fwh10.09)

The dialogs on the folders of TFolderex and TFolder are exactly the same ones


Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:46 pm


it's already fixed


try download again FWH
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby gkuhnert » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:54 pm

Daniel Garcia-Gil wrote:Hello

it's already fixed


try download again FWH

Thanks, obviously problem 1) is fixed.

But what about disabling a say on tfolderex?
Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
CTO Software GmbH
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby gkuhnert » Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:02 am

Just downloaded the newest fwh11.03, but the problem still exists. (the tfoldex.prg in my \source-directory still has 2010-12-18 as it's date)
It looks, both my problems still exist...

Any other suggestions?
Best Regards,

Gilbert Kuhnert
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:29 pm

Hello gkuhnert

to current fivewin version you can set FALSE the dialog transparence

Code: Select all  Expand view
oFld:aDialogs[1]:lTransparent = .F.

to next version will be fix
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby carlos vargas » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:47 pm

daniel ya que estamos con tfolderex, pudes hacer la prueba de un folder con un solo page
por lo menos en la version de dic/2010 falla.
ya se que no es logico un folder de un page. :-)

carlos vargas
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:54 pm


Code: Select all  Expand view

#include "FiveWin.ch"

#include "FiveWin.ch"

function main()
   local oWnd
   local oFld
   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "TFolderex - Testing -"
          PROMPT  "&Social" ;//, "&OS" , "&Games", "&Movies", "&Email", "Mo&nths", "Se&tting", "E&xit";


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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby carlos vargas » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:11 pm

yo probe por recursos :-)

Carlos Vargas
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby Francisco Horta » Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:39 pm


estoy usando FolderEx, y creo un arreglo antes de abrir el dialogo, en ese arreglo cargo los prompts del folder, el caso es que puede ser de 1 a 20, y cuando es solo 1 prompt la clase envia un error, esto lo hago desde recursos, con codigo si funciona, hay alguna solucion?
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Re: 2 Problems with TFolderex and FWH11.03

Postby Francisco Horta » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:27 pm

ya que vamos usando la folderex, claro que no suena lógico un folder de una pestaña, pero mi proceso asi lo requiere, aparte que tiene excelente pinta y me gusta, entonces le hice un pequeño engaño al folderex para cuando me queda solo 1 pestaña, a ver si te parece la idea, a mi me funcionó y me solucionó el problema mientras esperemos y se corrija la clase...
ahi va
si mi arreglo es de solo 1 registro, le agrego uno mas sin nombre, luego ya creado el folder lo oculto y nomas aparece 1 pestaña, en codigo me quedo asi:
se me paso utilizo una variable logica para saber si el arreglo es de solo 1 registro:

lUno := .F.

IF LEN(aPrompts) == 1
AADD( aPrompts, "" )
lUno := .T.

DEFINE DIALOG oDls .....bla bla bla

oFolder := TFolderEx():Redefine(100,oDls,aDialogs,,aPrompts,40,,5)

IF lUno
oFolder:aEnable := { .T., .F. }
oFolder:aVisible := { .T., .F. }


asi m ero y me va excelente, jejeje pequeño truco
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