Small sample taken from senddata.prg:
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// Sockets use sample developed by Enrico M.G.#include "" FUNCTION MAIN() LOCAL oWnd DEFINE WINDOW oWnd @ 1, 2 BUTTON "Send"; SIZE 100, 50; ACTION SENDDATA( 25, "") // - Infinite loop// ACTION SENDDATA( 25, "") // - This works good ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd RETURN NIL STATIC FUNCTION SENDDATA( nPort, cIP, cMsg ) LOCAL oSocket := TSocket():New( nPort ) oSocket:lDebug :=.t. oSocket:cLogFile:="senddata.log" oSocket:bConnect := { || oSocket:GetData() , SysWait(1) , oSocket:SendData( "HELO TEST"+CRLF ), SysWait(1),; oSocket:GetData() , SysWait(1) , oSocket:SendData( "QUIT"+CRLF ), SysWait(1),; oSocket:GetData() , SysWait(1) , oSocket:End() } oSocket:Connect( cIP ) RETURN NIL
When it's run through you obtain a senddata.log file like follows:
04/19/10 02:23:14: Connect Socket handle: 340
04/19/10 02:23:14:
04/19/10 02:23:14: Write Socket handle: 340
04/19/10 02:23:14: Read Socket handle: 340
04/19/10 02:23:16: 220 ESMTP j10sm25406824mue.48
250 at your service
04/19/10 02:23:17: Read Socket handle: 340
04/19/10 02:23:17: Close Socket handle: 340
04/19/10 02:23:18: 221 2.0.0 closing connection j10sm25406824mue.48
While with ...
04/19/10 02:26:31: Connect Socket handle: 340
04/19/10 02:26:31:
04/19/10 02:26:32: Sent: -1 Len: 11 Buffer Len: 0 Error: 10057
04/19/10 02:26:32: Sent: -1 Len: 11 Buffer Len: 0 Error: 10057
04/19/10 02:26:32: Sent: -1 Len: 11 Buffer Len: 0 Error: 10057
04/19/10 02:26:32: Sent: -1 Len: 11 Buffer Len: 0 Error: 10057
04/19/10 02:26:32: Sent: -1 Len: 11 Buffer Len: 0 Error: 10057
... infinite
I tried manually telnetting the yahoo IP and it kindly reply me a couple of text lines stating that I'm disallowed because I'm on a residential/dynamic IP, then it puts the connection down, but that's not the problem (this is just a sample I made for you to understand the problem).
The problem is that looks like a WSA error in SendData() like the above puts tSocket in an infinite loop instead of retrieving those 2 lines of text, that are informative and helpful to know why the 10057 error was triggered, and then closing the socket.
How could I fix it ?