converting BMP to JPG, there are still more Parameters possible like :
Image-crop ( I noticed there is much space around the text ),
adding a Frame to the Dokument ..
maybe You want to add any of these possibilities ?
Crop Image and define a 3D-Frame- Size and Color :
Samples are adding a Frame to the BMP and saving with a new Name ( no Crop )
You can test it from Command-line ( change the BMP-path )
1. a blue Frame
convert -quiet e:\t_ribbontest\Bitmaps\angebotsbrief.Bmp -mattecolor SkyBlue -frame 16x16+8+8 e:\t_ribbontest\Bitmaps\_angebotsbrief.Bmp2. a red Frame
convert -quiet e:\t_ribbontest\Bitmaps\angebotsbrief.Bmp -mattecolor Tomato -frame 16x16+8+8 e:\t_ribbontest\Bitmaps\_angebotsbrief.BmpDifferent Frame-samples ( from Commandline ) :
CONVERT -quiet e:\t_message\bitmaps\olga.bmp -mattecolor SkyBlue -frame 6x6+3+3 e:\t_message\bitmaps\_olga.bmp
CONVERT -quiet e:\t_message\bitmaps\olga.bmp -mattecolor Tomato -frame 10x10+5+5 e:\t_message\bitmaps\_olga.bmp
CONVERT -quiet e:\t_message\bitmaps\olga.bmp -mattecolor SkyBlue -frame 10x10+10+0 -frame 15x15+10+0 e:\t_message\bitmaps\_olga.bmp
A crop-sample : save a Part to a new Image.
convert e:\t_message\bitmaps\olga.jpg -crop "0x0+150+200" e:\t_message\bitmaps\_olga.jpgBest Regards