copy protection

Re: copy protection

Postby Otto » Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:04 am


it protects from running not from copying.

I someone runs the program he needs the license code.

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Function main

IF lizenz() = .T.

Here is your code

   Msginfo("no lizenz")
Return nil

Best regards,
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Re: copy protection

Postby Silvio » Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:53 am

But I have another problem
I not want it be copied from anyone
Best Regards, Saludos

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Re: copy protection

Postby Otto » Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:12 am

Hello Silvio,

I am not sure what you understand by “copy”. If you understand that someone
copies your exe installs it on another system and runs the program than the
function I posted is a good protection.

You use the bios date, the disk number and if you want the mac address, too.
These are “unique” numbers. Yes I know you can change the bios, clone the
disk number emulate a mac address. But I think in most cases a user does not know
about that.

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Re: copy protection

Postby ukoenig » Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:55 am

Hello Silvio,

it is nearly impossible, to save a application from making a copy.
Many applications are on the market, You can copy everything ( mostly as a image ).
< CLONECD >, < ALCOHOL > and many more. Even to add bad section-parts to a CD / DVD
doesn't help ( it is used on Movie-DVD's ).
Like Otto told You, it is the only way, to connect Your application to any hardware-informations.

Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Re: copy protection

Postby Silvio » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:36 pm

I 'am thinking
to create a connection to my website from fwh application
the procedure must ask to user the name and the user code
and it must to control it into my website
on my site I put a mdb with many record of all users
is it a good Idea?
How I can make i t ?
Best Regards, Saludos

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Re: copy protection

Postby Otto » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:43 pm

Hello Silvio,

how do you copy protect the mdb from download?
Would you please be so kind to share this knowledge.

Thanks in advance
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Re: copy protection

Postby Jeff Barnes » Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:05 pm

Hi Silvo,

The method I use is to generate a "reference" number on the users side (basically the hard drive serial number)
The user gives me that number and I run it through my MakeKey() function to generate a "key".
I give this key to the user and they enter it into a field in a config screen.

I put code in my software to Verify this key against the reference number. If VerifyKey() returns "T" it is a valid install and the program runs. Otherwise the program stops.

Here is my code for protecting my software:

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#include ""

/* KeyGen
   Developed by Jeff Barnes  (
   Last Revised: March 18 2004

   MakeKey(nKey, nLicense)     //Returns cKey
   nKey = any numeric value (your "secret" password)
   nLicense = Number of licenses to be allowed

   MakeKey()      //Returns cKey
   This will ask for nKey, nSerial and nLicense

   VerifyKey(nKey, nLicense, cKey)   //Retruns logical .t. or .f.
   nKey = numeric value -must be same number as used in MakeKey()
   nLicense = numeric value -must be same number as used in MakeKey()
   cKey = The Key to be verified -generated from MakeKey()

   GetLicense(nKey, cStored)   //Returns nLicense
   nKey = numeric value -must be same number as used in MakeKey()
   cStored = the key returned by MakeKey()

   GetSecretKey( nSerial, cKey ) //Returns Secret Key
   nSerial = serial number of hard drive ( nSerialHD )
   cKey = The ket returned by MakeKey()


Static cStored, cKey, nSerial, oKeyGen

Function MakeKey(nKey,nLicense,lGetSecretKey, nSerial2)
   Local nTotal1:=0, nTotal2:=1,nTotal3:=0
   Local cDigit, i, lVisable:=.f.
   Local cHash1:=0, cHash2:=0, cHash3:=0, cHash4:=0
   Local cKey:=""
   Local nCount:=0
   Local nSerial:=nSerialHD(), oClp

   IF Empty(lGetSecretKey)
      lGetSecretKey := .f.
      nSerial := nSerial2

   if Empty(nLicense)

   if Empty(nKey)
      MsgGet("Key Generator","Enter Key: ",@nKey)
      MsgGet("Key Generator","Enter Serial Number: ",@nSerial)
      MsgGet("Key Generator","Number of Licenses: ",@nLicense)
   For i = 1 to nCount+1
       cDigit := SubStr( alltrim(str(nSerial)) ,i,1)
       if val(cDigit)<>0

   cKey:= cHash1+"-"+cHash2+"-"+cHash3+"-"+cHash4
   IF lVisable
      MsgInfo("Serial Number: "+str(nSerial)+CRLF+"Key: "+cKey,"Key Generator")
      Define Window oKeyGen FROM 0,0 to 0,0
      Define CLIPBOARD oClp of oKeyGen
      Activate CLIPBOARD oClp
      oClp:SetText("Serial Number: "+str(nSerial)+CRLF+"Key: "+cKey+CRLF+"Licenses: "+str(nLicense))
      MsgInfo("The KEY has been copied to the clipboard")
      Activate Window oKeyGen on init oKeyGen:End()
Return cKey

Function VerifyKey(nKey,cStored)
   If Empty(nKey) .or. Empty(cStored)
      MsgInfo("A value is missing for VerifyKey()","KeyGen Error")
      Return .f.
   If MakeKey(nKey,GetLicense(nKey,cStored)) = cStored
      Return .t.
      Return .f.
return nil
Function GetLicense(nKey,cStored)
   Local nLicense, i, j:=0, cHash4:="", nCount
   If Empty(nKey) .or. Empty(cStored)
      MsgInfo("A value is missing for GetLicense()","KeyGen Error")
      Return Nil

   for i = 1 to nCount
       if substr(cStored,i,1)="-"
       if j=3
           if substr(cStored,i,1)<>"-"          
   nLicense:=val(cHash4)/nkey/ ( len( alltrim( STR( nSerialHD() ))))
return nLicense

Function GetSecretKey( nSerial, cKey )
   Local cSecret
   if empty(nSerial)
      MsgInfo("You MUST supply a Hard Drive Serial Number","ERROR")
   if empty(cKey)
      MsgInfo("You MUST supply a Key [ made by MakeKey() ]","ERROR")

   DEFINE WINDOW oKeyGen FROM 0,0 to 5,35 TITLE "Key Generator"
   ACTIVATE WINDOW oKeyGen on INIT cSecret:=DoSecret( nSerial, cKey )
Return cSecret

Function DoSecret( nSerial, cKey )
   Local nSecret := 0, lSearching := .t., nCount, i:=0, j
   Local cGetKey, cTempKey:="", cTemp:=""
   Local cHash1:="", cHash2:="", cHash3:="", cHash4:=""
   Local cGetHash1:="", cGetHash2:="", cGetHash3:="", cGetHash4:=""
   Local oSay

   IF ! MsgYesNo("This may take a LONG TIME to run, Continue?","Find Secret Key")

   FOR j = 1 to len(trim(cKey))
      cTemp := SUBSTR( cKey, i, 1 )
      cTempKey = cTempKey + cTemp
      IF cTemp = "-"
         if EMPTY( cHash1 )
            cHash1:=Left( cTempKey,len( trim( cTempKey ))-1 )
         if EMPTY( cHash2 )
            cHash2:=Left( cTempKey,len( trim( cTempKey ))-1 )
         if EMPTY( cHash3 )
            cHash3:=Left( cTempKey,len( trim( cTempKey ))-1 )

   lSearching := .t.

   DO WHILE lSearching
      @ 1,1 SAY "Working..."+STR(i) of oKeyGen COLOR "R+/W"
      cGetKey := MakeKey( i, 5, .t., nSerial )

      if cHash1=cGetHash1 .and. cHash2=cGetHash2 .and. cHash3=cGetHash3
         @ 1,1 SAY "Done....................." of oKeyGen COLOR "R/w"
         MsgInfo("You Secret Key is: "+STR(i),"Secret Key Finder")
         lSearching := .f.
Return i


I hope this helps.
Jeff Barnes

(FWH 16.11, xHarbour 1.2.3, Bcc730)
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Re: copy protection

Postby Ugo » Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:25 pm

Silvio wrote:Now
I 'am thinking
to create a connection to my website from fwh application
the procedure must ask to user the name and the user code
and it must to control it into my website
on my site I put a mdb with many record of all users
is it a good Idea?

Dear Silvio,
is not a good idea!
Because if I copy from you the program I copy also the "user name" and "user code"!
And your site control that "USER" and "CODE" is right!
At this point my copy is not legal but work perfectly.

Is more secure one of the suggestions of our friends in this thread.
Ciao, best regards,
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Re: copy protection

Postby sambomb » Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:13 pm

I read anywhere to use HD size + HD serial because each HD have a little difference of size and it will give a secure protection to your .exe's, modify the MAC is too simple and some clients can give trouble because they could need to change it... so I don't recommend use it...
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Re: copy protection

Postby MdaSolution » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:04 pm

Jeff Barnes wrote:Hi Silvo,

The method I use is to generate a "reference" number on the users side (basically the hard drive serial number)
The user gives me that number and I run it through my MakeKey() function to generate a "key".
I give this key to the user and they enter it into a field in a config screen.

I put code in my software to Verify this key against the reference number. If VerifyKey() returns "T" it is a valid install and the program runs. Otherwise the program stops.

Here is my code for protecting my software:

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#include ""

/* KeyGen
   Developed by Jeff Barnes  (
   Last Revised: March 18 2004

   MakeKey(nKey, nLicense)     //Returns cKey
   nKey = any numeric value (your "secret" password)
   nLicense = Number of licenses to be allowed

   MakeKey()      //Returns cKey
   This will ask for nKey, nSerial and nLicense

   VerifyKey(nKey, nLicense, cKey)   //Retruns logical .t. or .f.
   nKey = numeric value -must be same number as used in MakeKey()
   nLicense = numeric value -must be same number as used in MakeKey()
   cKey = The Key to be verified -generated from MakeKey()

   GetLicense(nKey, cStored)   //Returns nLicense
   nKey = numeric value -must be same number as used in MakeKey()
   cStored = the key returned by MakeKey()

   GetSecretKey( nSerial, cKey ) //Returns Secret Key
   nSerial = serial number of hard drive ( nSerialHD )
   cKey = The ket returned by MakeKey()


Static cStored, cKey, nSerial, oKeyGen

Function MakeKey(nKey,nLicense,lGetSecretKey, nSerial2)
   Local nTotal1:=0, nTotal2:=1,nTotal3:=0
   Local cDigit, i, lVisable:=.f.
   Local cHash1:=0, cHash2:=0, cHash3:=0, cHash4:=0
   Local cKey:=""
   Local nCount:=0
   Local nSerial:=nSerialHD(), oClp

   IF Empty(lGetSecretKey)
      lGetSecretKey := .f.
      nSerial := nSerial2

   if Empty(nLicense)

   if Empty(nKey)
      MsgGet("Key Generator","Enter Key: ",@nKey)
      MsgGet("Key Generator","Enter Serial Number: ",@nSerial)
      MsgGet("Key Generator","Number of Licenses: ",@nLicense)
   For i = 1 to nCount+1
       cDigit := SubStr( alltrim(str(nSerial)) ,i,1)
       if val(cDigit)<>0

   cKey:= cHash1+"-"+cHash2+"-"+cHash3+"-"+cHash4
   IF lVisable
      MsgInfo("Serial Number: "+str(nSerial)+CRLF+"Key: "+cKey,"Key Generator")
      Define Window oKeyGen FROM 0,0 to 0,0
      Define CLIPBOARD oClp of oKeyGen
      Activate CLIPBOARD oClp
      oClp:SetText("Serial Number: "+str(nSerial)+CRLF+"Key: "+cKey+CRLF+"Licenses: "+str(nLicense))
      MsgInfo("The KEY has been copied to the clipboard")
      Activate Window oKeyGen on init oKeyGen:End()
Return cKey

Function VerifyKey(nKey,cStored)
   If Empty(nKey) .or. Empty(cStored)
      MsgInfo("A value is missing for VerifyKey()","KeyGen Error")
      Return .f.
   If MakeKey(nKey,GetLicense(nKey,cStored)) = cStored
      Return .t.
      Return .f.
return nil
Function GetLicense(nKey,cStored)
   Local nLicense, i, j:=0, cHash4:="", nCount
   If Empty(nKey) .or. Empty(cStored)
      MsgInfo("A value is missing for GetLicense()","KeyGen Error")
      Return Nil

   for i = 1 to nCount
       if substr(cStored,i,1)="-"
       if j=3
           if substr(cStored,i,1)<>"-"          
   nLicense:=val(cHash4)/nkey/ ( len( alltrim( STR( nSerialHD() ))))
return nLicense

Function GetSecretKey( nSerial, cKey )
   Local cSecret
   if empty(nSerial)
      MsgInfo("You MUST supply a Hard Drive Serial Number","ERROR")
   if empty(cKey)
      MsgInfo("You MUST supply a Key [ made by MakeKey() ]","ERROR")

   DEFINE WINDOW oKeyGen FROM 0,0 to 5,35 TITLE "Key Generator"
   ACTIVATE WINDOW oKeyGen on INIT cSecret:=DoSecret( nSerial, cKey )
Return cSecret

Function DoSecret( nSerial, cKey )
   Local nSecret := 0, lSearching := .t., nCount, i:=0, j
   Local cGetKey, cTempKey:="", cTemp:=""
   Local cHash1:="", cHash2:="", cHash3:="", cHash4:=""
   Local cGetHash1:="", cGetHash2:="", cGetHash3:="", cGetHash4:=""
   Local oSay

   IF ! MsgYesNo("This may take a LONG TIME to run, Continue?","Find Secret Key")

   FOR j = 1 to len(trim(cKey))
      cTemp := SUBSTR( cKey, i, 1 )
      cTempKey = cTempKey + cTemp
      IF cTemp = "-"
         if EMPTY( cHash1 )
            cHash1:=Left( cTempKey,len( trim( cTempKey ))-1 )
         if EMPTY( cHash2 )
            cHash2:=Left( cTempKey,len( trim( cTempKey ))-1 )
         if EMPTY( cHash3 )
            cHash3:=Left( cTempKey,len( trim( cTempKey ))-1 )

   lSearching := .t.

   DO WHILE lSearching
      @ 1,1 SAY "Working..."+STR(i) of oKeyGen COLOR "R+/W"
      cGetKey := MakeKey( i, 5, .t., nSerial )

      if cHash1=cGetHash1 .and. cHash2=cGetHash2 .and. cHash3=cGetHash3
         @ 1,1 SAY "Done....................." of oKeyGen COLOR "R/w"
         MsgInfo("You Secret Key is: "+STR(i),"Secret Key Finder")
         lSearching := .f.
Return i


I hope this helps.

Jeff I have problem with msgget please see this topic viewtopic.php?f=3&t=22216
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