September 2011
* New: DATA lFastEdit and Method FastEdit() in Class TWindow. Please review samples\designer.prg for
an example of use.
* Fix: rpreview.prg: Incorrect page orientation in some cases while exporting to Word is fixed.
* Enhancement: All #include <ClipApi.h> have been replaced with #include <hbapi.h> and required changes
for better compatibility with Harbour 3.0
* Fix: ButtonBar painting difference with FWH 8.12 reported by Javier LLoris:
* Enhancement: More development on samples\xbrdbu.prg
* Fix: SetRDD() method SQLRDD sets bKeyNo incorrectly (v11.07 and v11.08). Fixed.
* Fix: function cFileNoExt() didn't work with filenames containing more than one dot. Now it is fixed.
* New: Class TDialog Method cGenPrg(), tested from samples\design.prg
* New: Class TComboBox Method cGenPrg()
* Enhancement: Class TRibbon now accept a Array in xbase command to set text of tabs
* New: samples\TestDlgU.prg shows how to manage the dialog base units measurement
* New: Class TDataBase Methods CopyTo() and AppendFrom(), thanks to James!
* New: Class TXBrowse DATAs nSizePen, nColorPen to draw the column and rows lines as proposed in this
forums thread: viewtopic.php?p=119408#p119408 by JLL and Bayron!
* New: Class TMetro that implements an early prototype of the Windows 8 Metro UI look. Please
review samples\metro.prg
* New: folder bitmaps\metro with very nice Windows 8 Metro style developed by Ruth, Otto's daugther!
* New: samples\TestDskI.prg showing how to use the Class TDiskInfo from Antonio Castro.
A nice example of the use of Alfredo's Class TGraph.
* Fix: samples\gdiplus.prg now properly compiles using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. To compile it
using Borland add -P to force C++ mode. Also gdiplus.lib has to be linked:
%bcdir%\bin\bcc32 -M -c -P @b32.bc (in samples\buildh.bat)
* Enhancement: function nExtMem() now uses Windows API GlobalMemoryStatusEx() instead of GlobalMemoryStatus()
as it was failing on some computers.
* New: samples\metro2.prg shows new Windows 8 Metro UI concepts, that you can easily implement in your apps!
* New: New DATA lMultiSelect in xbrowse.prg.
By default marquee styles HIGHLROWMS and HIGHLWIN7 provide multiselect feature.
HIGHLCELL turns on multiselect feature temporarily if user presses SHIT and CTRL keys during museclcks.
By setting oBrw:lMultiSelect := .f., the multiselect feature can be turneoff totally even for these styles.
Similarly setting oBrw:lMultiSelect := .t., turns on multiselect feature for any marquee style.
For styles 1 to 3, though multiselect features is turned on, there will be no visual indication. Users have to implement their own visual indication.
* New: New DATA bSumCondition for Xbrowse column, for conditional totals. If specified, this funtion is evaluated with column's value and column object for every row. The value is included in the aggregate only if the result is true.
* New: function IsWin8() --> lYesNo
* Enhancement: function cWinVersion() returns "8" for Windows 8
* Fix: Class TBtnBmp painting bug reported by Hua and Peter Harmes in the forums:
* New: function GetDiskFreeEx( cDirName ) --> aInfo // { nFreeBytesAvailable, nTotalNumberOfBytes, nTotalNumberOfFreeBytes }
* Enhancement: Class TRibbon now accept a string in: "OPTION" caluse, Method SetOption and "TO OPTION" clause (ADD GROUP)
with the Caption of tab to select it