Enhanced version (memo fields display when editing), edited dates:
function View( oBrw, oWnd )
local cAlias := Alias()
//local cFileName := oBrw:aRow[ 2 ]
//local cExt := Lower( cFileExt( cFileName ) )
IF ( Alias() )->( FIELDTYPE( oBrw:nArrayAt ) ) = "C" .and. ;
LEN( ( cAlias )->( Fieldget( oBrw:nArrayAt ) ) ) > 7
cFileName := ALLTRIM(oBrw:aRow[ 2 ])
cExt := Lower( cFileExt( cFileName ) )
IF !EMPTY( cExt )
do case
case cExt == "bmp"
WinExec( "mspaint" + " " + cFileName )
case cExt == "txt"
WinExec( "notepad" + " " + cFileName )
ShellExecute( oWnd:hWnd, "Open", cFileName )
MsgAlert( "No valid File to load for Preview !", "File-Error")
return nil
as if to say that they were wrong the whole time, so let’s try something altogether new
Now Microsoft wants to take all the habits and workflows and new skill sets we’ve developed and toss them into the bin for this?
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