Missing working Button-Accellerators in TFolderEx ?

Missing working Button-Accellerators in TFolderEx ?

Postby ukoenig » Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:54 am


I changed from Ribbonbar to TFolder because of the missing Buttonaccelerators
hoping it would work, but the same problem ?


In sample TestFx4.prg I added 1, 2, 3 and 4 as Accelerator to the Buttons :
PROMPT "&Social", "&OS", "&Games", "&Movies", "&Email", "Mo&nths", "Se&tting", "E&xit";
ON PAINT TAB PaintTab( Self, nOption );
ON CHANGE ( If( nOption == 8, If( MsgYesNo( "Do you want exit??" ), ;
oWnd:End(), ( ::SetOption( nOldOption ), ::Refresh() ) ), ) );
ON PAINT TEXT( If( nOption == ::nOption .and. nOption == 2, CLR_BLUE, CLR_BLACK ) );

@ 5, 140 BUTTONBMP PROMPT "&1" BITMAP "..\bitmaps\bartop.bmp" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL;
ACTION ( oFld:SetLayOut( 1 ) )

@ 105, 140 BUTTONBMP PROMPT "&2" BITMAP "..\bitmaps\barDown.bmp" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL;
ACTION ( oFld:SetLayOut( 3 ) )

@ 55, 80 BUTTONBMP PROMPT "&3" BITMAP "..\bitmaps\barleft.bmp" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL;
ACTION ( oFld:SetLayOut( 2 ) )

@ 55, 200 BUTTONBMP PROMPT "&4" BITMAP "..\bitmaps\barright.bmp" OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL;
ACTION ( oFld:SetLayOut( 4 ) )

I changed the Buttons to BTNBMP
The Keys are working now, but only after at least at startup one Button is selected with the mouse.
Changing the folderpage and moving back to page 2,
the keys are disabled again and You have to click on one button to activate the accelerators.


@ 15, 140 BTNBMP oBtn1 FILENAME "..\bitmaps\bartop.bmp" ;
SIZE 60, 30 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL BORDER 2007 ;
LEFT PROMPT " &1" ACTION oFld:SetLayOut( 1 )
oBtn1:cTooltip := "Layout 1"
oBtn1:l2007 := .F.
oBtn1:SetColor( 0 )

@ 140, 140 BTNBMP oBtn2 FILENAME "..\bitmaps\bartop.bmp" ;
SIZE 60, 30 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL BORDER 2007 ;
LEFT PROMPT " &2" ACTION oFld:SetLayOut( 2 )
oBtn2:cTooltip := "Layout 2"
oBtn2:l2007 := .F.
oBtn2:SetColor( 0 )

@ 75, 80 BTNBMP oBtn3 FILENAME "..\bitmaps\bartop.bmp" ;
SIZE 60, 30 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL BORDER 2007 ;
LEFT PROMPT " &3" ACTION oFld:SetLayOut( 3 )
oBtn3:cTooltip := "Layout 3"
oBtn3:l2007 := .F.
oBtn3:SetColor( 0 )

@ 75, 200 BTNBMP oBtn4 FILENAME "..\bitmaps\bartop.bmp" ;
SIZE 60, 30 OF oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] PIXEL BORDER 2007 ;
LEFT PROMPT " &4" ACTION oFld:SetLayOut( 4 )
oBtn4:cTooltip := "Layout 4"
oBtn4:l2007 := .F.
oBtn4:SetColor( 0 )

Best Regards
Uwe :?:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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