Hello Antonio,
I have 3 problems with touch.prg sample.
Thanks in advance
METHOD DrawEllipse( hDC, nRGBColor, n ) CLASS TRBtn
local hOldBrush := SelectObject( hDC, GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH ) )
local hPen := CreatePen( hDC, 1, nRGBColor )
DEFAULT n := -1
Ellipse( hDC, n, n, ::nWidth - 1 , ::nHeight - 1 , hPen )
SelectObject( ::hDC, hOldBrush )
DeleteObject( hPen )
return nil
METHOD finger(x) CLASS TScrollPanel
::GoToPos( x )
return nil
oPanel:bLClicked := { || oPanel:SetFocus(),lSlider := .t. }
oPanel:bLButtonUp := { |r,c,f,lDrag | lSlider := .f. }
oPanel:bMMoved := { |r,c,f,lDrag| if( lSlider = .t. , oPanel:finger(r), ) }
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