New FTDN February/Febrero 2013 (FWH 13.02)

New FTDN February/Febrero 2013 (FWH 13.02)

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:24 pm

February 2013

* Enhancement: samples/classtree.prg has been updated to work fine with the most
recent Harbour version.

* Fix: Class TComboBox was not End()ing the used DATA oGet. Now it is ok:


* Fix: XBrowse: Where oCol:nEditType is EDIT_LISTBOX, even when oCol:bEditWhen returns .f.,
editing the column was possible. Fixed now.

* Enhancement: Report engine's main window VALIDation has been enhanced to avoid errors
when it gets closed:


* New: samples\report\repdemo32.mak makefile for build repdemo.prg using Harbour and FWH.

* Enhancement: samples\report.prg has been enhanced to avoid the exiting of the app
meanwhile the preview is shown:


* New: Added samples/twitter.prg, a first prototype to implement a Class Twitter:


* New: The mistery of the vanishing bitmaps on the buttonbar is finally solved! :


* Enhancement: UEStudio settings for Harbour and FWH have been updated. Please
review FWH\UStudio

* Enhancement: function GetProcAdd() has been adapted to 64 bits.

* Enhancement: Class TImage is properly working on 64 bits. You can check it using
samples\testimg.prg. FreeImage64.dll is provided.

* Fix: Enter key was not triggering edit as expected when classes derived from TXBrowse
or other browses are used where the derived class name does not contain the string
"BROWSE". This required a fix in the function ScanParents in Window.Prg. Now fixed.

* Fix: Several classes were missing in FWH 64 in order to properly run
samples\vistamnu1.prg. Now it is ok:


* New: function GetProcAddress( hModule, cName ) --> hFarProc, just a wrapper to
Windows API function GetProcAddress(). We have used it to check FreeImage64.dll
from new samples\lucas.prg.

* Enhancement: XBrowse: When the value of a cell is binary data, if the data is a valid image, image is displayed and otherwise the data is shown as a memo, after replacine control characters with '.'. Earlier such data was displayed as "<binary>"

* Enhancement: XBrowse: When the value of a cell is an array, the contents of the array are displayed as CRLF delimited memotext. The number of elements displayed is limited to the oBrw/oCol:nDataLines.

* New: Functions FW_ArrayAsList( aArray, [cDelim] ) and FW_ListAsArray( cList, [cDelim] ) in valtostr.prg

* Enahancement: ValToStr( aItems ) returns the elements of aItems as a CRLF delimited text.

* Enahancement: Report Class: When a column is declared with MEMO style and the data contains an Array, the items of the array are printed as CRLF delimited memo text. Prior to this enhancement this would result in a runtime error.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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