Can anyone tell me the minimum installation on the client machine to connect to Oracle 11g via ADO? There are some mini-pack, mini-installation, mini dll registration, ... to avoid having to install the entire kit.
Thanks !
Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
- Carles
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Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
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Re: Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
Carles wrote:Hi,
Can anyone tell me the minimum installation on the client machine to connect to Oracle 11g via ADO? There are some mini-pack, mini-installation, mini dll registration, ... to avoid having to install the entire kit.
Thanks !
Not sure , but if in the system exist MS Oracle DB provider , then you can to connect to Oracle . I was working with Oracle 10 . Used "MSDAORA" as Oracle provider . Then , as usual :
cOra_prv := alltrim( cOra_prv ) // MSDAORA
cOra_srv := alltrim( cOra_srv )
cOra_usr := alltrim( cOra_usr )
cOra_psw := alltrim( cOra_psw )
oCnct := TAdoConnect():New( cOra_prv, cOra_srv,, cOra_usr, cOra_psw ):Connect()
MsgAlert( "Can't to connect !" )
This MSDAORA let to work without instalation of Oracle client kit .
Regards !
Rimantas U.
- Carles
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Re: Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
Thanks for your help. This is my purpose, to work without instalation of Oracle client kit . Can you send me your TADOConnect for test ? I'm understand that 1 parameter is "MSDAORA" and 2 parameter the service name. Its true ?
Thanks for your help. This is my purpose, to work without instalation of Oracle client kit . Can you send me your TADOConnect for test ? I'm understand that 1 parameter is "MSDAORA" and 2 parameter the service name. Its true ?
Salutacions, saludos, regards
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- Rick Lipkin
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Re: Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
When I was working with Oracle I used the client kit for the version of the database I was connecting to. I did a quick search and found this client which should be the latest version.
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/datab ... 01290.html
The provider was "OraOledb.oracle" .. here is a coding example with ADO. You need to make sure your TnsNames.ora and SqlNet.ora are configured correctly to connect to your database.
Rick Lipkin
When I was working with Oracle I used the client kit for the version of the database I was connecting to. I did a quick search and found this client which should be the latest version.
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/datab ... 01290.html
The provider was "OraOledb.oracle" .. here is a coding example with ADO. You need to make sure your TnsNames.ora and SqlNet.ora are configured correctly to connect to your database.
Rick Lipkin
Code: Select all | Expand
xPROVIDER := "OraOledb.oracle"
xSOURCE := "yourdatabase"
xUSERID := "youruserid"
xPASSWORD := "yourpassword"
cSql := "Select * from [YourTable]"
oRs := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
oRs:CursorType := 1 // opendkeyset
oRs:CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRs:LockType := 3 // lockoportunistic
oRs:Open(cSQL,'Provider='+xPROVIDER+';Data Source='+xSOURCE+';User Id='+xUSERID+';Password='+xPASSWORD )
MsgInfo( "Error in Opening Oracle table" )
xBrowse( oRs )
- Carles
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Re: Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
Thank you. I'll try this example but it will be the second option. I would like the customer didn't have to install any client oracle kit. I'll try to do it with the proposed of Rimantas. If I fail, I will seek the oracle client kit to test your example
Tanks for your suport
Thank you. I'll try this example but it will be the second option. I would like the customer didn't have to install any client oracle kit. I'll try to do it with the proposed of Rimantas. If I fail, I will seek the oracle client kit to test your example
Tanks for your suport
Salutacions, saludos, regards
"...programar es fácil, hacer programas es difícil..."
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"...programar es fácil, hacer programas es difícil..."
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Re: Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
Carles wrote:Rimantas
Thanks for your help. This is my purpose, to work without instalation of Oracle client kit . Can you send me your TADOConnect for test ? I'm understand that 1 parameter is "MSDAORA" and 2 parameter the service name. Its true ?
It's old prg from Rao. I'm adding here :
Code: Select all | Expand
* Program name: AdoConct.Prg
* Purpose: Create a connection with various databases through ADO (TADOConnect class)
* Author: Nagesh G. Rao
* Co-authors: Kleyber Derick and Antonio Ortega
#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
#err "Library for xHarbour only. Does not work for Clipper/Harbour"
#include "fivewin.ch"
#include "adodef.ch"
CLASS TAdoConnect
METHOD Connect()
METHOD ConnectDS()
METHOD IsOpen() INLINE ( ::oConnect:State > 0 )
METHOD RecordSet()
METHOD OpenTable()
METHOD GetTables()
METHOD Close()
METHOD New( cProvider, cDataSource, cDatabase, cUserID, cPassWord ) CLASS TAdoConnect
if valtype( cProvider ) == "C" ; ::cProvider := cProvider ; endif
if valtype( cDatabase ) == "C" ; ::cDatabase := cDatabase ; endif
if valtype( cDataSource ) == "C" ; ::cDataSource := cDataSource ; endif
if valtype( cUserID ) == "C" ; ::cUserID := cUserID ; endif
if valtype( cPassWord ) == "C" ; ::cPassWord := cPassWord ; endif
return( Self )
METHOD Connect() CLASS TAdoConnect
local cStr := "Provider=" + alltrim( ::cProvider ) + ";" + ;
"Data Source=" + alltrim( ::cDataSource ) + ";" + ;
"Database=" + alltrim( ::cDataSource ) + ";" + ;
"User id=" + alltrim( ::cUserID ) + ";" + ;
"Password=" + alltrim( ::cPassWord )
::oConnect := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Connection" )
::cError := Ole2TxtError()
if ::cError == "S_OK"
MsgRun( "Jungimasis prie serverio ...", alltrim( ::cDataSource ), { || ::oConnect:Open( cStr ) } )
return( Self )
METHOD ConnectDS() CLASS TAdoConnect
if ::oConnect != NIL .and. ::oDataShape == NIL
::oDataShape := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Connection" )
::cError := Ole2TxtError()
::oDataShape:ConnectionString := "Provider=MSDataShape;Data " + ::oConnect:ConnectionString
if ::cError == "S_OK"
MsgRun( "Jungimasis prie serverio ...", alltrim( ::cDataSource ), ;
{ || ::oDataShape:Open() } )
return( Self )
METHOD RecordSet( cSql, cWhere, nCursorType, nLockType, nMaxRows ) CLASS TAdoConnect
local oRecSet
local oConnect := ::oConnect
local bOldError
DEFAULT nCursorType := adOpenDynamic, ;
nLockType := adLockOptimistic
if upper( cSql ) == "SHAPE" // DataShaping is used
if ::oDataShape == NIL
oConnect:= ::oDataShape
cWhere := NIL
else // Normal Sql
if cWhere != NIL .and. .NOT. " WHERE " $ cSql
cSql += ( " WHERE "+ cWhere )
cWhere := NIL
if " WHERE " $ cSql .and. !( cSql = "SELECT " )
cSql := "SELECT * FROM " + cSql
oRecSet := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.RecordSet" )
if ( ::cError := Ole2TxtError() ) == "S_OK"
:CursorLocation := adUseClient
:LockType := nLockType
:CursorType := nCursorType
:ActiveConnection := oConnect
:Source := cSql
if nMaxRows != NIL
:MaxRecords := nMaxRows
:CacheSize := 40
return( oRecSet )
METHOD OpenTable( cSql, cWhere, nCursorType, nLockType, nOptions, nMaxRows, lSilent ) CLASS TAdoConnect
local oRecSet
local oTable
// not using nOptions right now
DEFAULT lSilent := .t. // ( valtype( nMaxRows ) == "N" .and. nMaxRows == 1 )
oRecSet := ::RecordSet( cSql, cWhere, nCursorType, nMaxRows )
if lSilent
MsgRun( "Lenteles atidarymas ...", "Prasome palaukti ...", { || oRecSet:Open() } )
oTable := AdoTable():New( oRecSet )
return( oTable )
METHOD GetTables() CLASS TAdoConnect
// This SQL works only for Oracle
// Either use specific SQL for each or use slower ADOX
METHOD Close() CLASS TAdoConnect
#ifdef __XHARBOUR__
return( Self )
Adodef.ch :
Code: Select all | Expand
// defines for the ADO Stuff
// LockType
#define adLockUnspecified -1
#define adLockReadOnly 1
#define adLockPessimistic 2
#define adLockOptimistic 3
#define adLockBatchOptimistic 4
// CursorType
#define adOpenUnspecified 1
#define adOpenForwardOnly 0
#define adOpenKeyset 1
#define adOpenDynamic 2
#define adOpenStatic 3
// Cursor Location
#define adUseClient 3
#define adUseServer 2
// Options
#define adCmdUnspecified -1
#define adCmdUnknown 8
#define adCmdText 1
#define adCmdTable 2
#define adCmdStoredProc 4
#define adCmdFile 256
#define adCmdTableDirect 512
#define adHoldRecords 0x100
#define adMovePrevious 0x200
#define adAddNew 0x1000400
#define adDelete 0x1000800
#define adUpdate 0x1008000
#define adBookmark 0x2000
#define adApproxPosition 0x4000
#define adUpdateBatch 0x10000
#define adResync 0x20000
#define adNotify 0x40000
#define adFind 0x80000
#define adSeek 0x400000
#define adIndex 0x800000
// DataType
#define adEmpty 0
#define adTinyInt 16
#define adSmallInt 2
#define adInteger 3
#define adBigInt 20
#define adUnsignedTinyInt 17
#define adUnsignedSmallInt 18
#define adUnsignedInt 19
#define adUnsignedBigInt 21
#define adSingle 4
#define adDouble 5
#define adCurrency 6
#define adDecimal 14
#define adNumeric 131
#define adBoolean 11
#define adError 10
#define adUserDefined 132
#define adVariant 12
#define adIDispatch 9
#define adIUnknown 13
#define adGUID 72
#define adDate 7
#define adDBDate 133
#define adDBTime 134
#define adDBTimeStamp 135
#define adBSTR 8
#define adChar 129
#define adVarChar 200
#define adLongVarChar 201
#define adWChar 130
#define adVarWChar 202
#define adLongVarWChar 203
#define adBinary 128
#define adVarBinary 204
#define adLongVarBinary 205
#define adChapter 136
#define adFileTime 64
#define adDBFileTime 137
#define adPropVariant 138
#define adVarNumeric 139
// BookMark
#define adBookmarkCurrent 0
#define adBookmarkFirst 1
#define adBookmarkLast 2
// Field attributes
#define adFldMayBeNull 0x40
// Options
#define adOptionUnspecified -1
#define adAsyncExecute 16
#define adAsyncFetch 32
#define adAsyncFetchNonBlocking 64
#define adExecuteNoRecords 128
#define adExecuteStream 256
#define adExecuteRecord 512
// Resync
// objRecordset:Resync( affectrecords,resyncvalues )
// affect records
#define adAffectCurrent 1
#define adAffectGroup 2
#define adAffectAll 3 // default (only inside filter)
#define adAffectAllChapters 4
// ResyncValues
#define adResyncAllValues 2 // default
#define adResyncUnderlyingValues 1
// rs=objconn.OpenSchema(querytype,criteria,schemaid)
// ignore schemaid . provider specific
#define adSchemaTables 20
#define adSchemaColumns 4
// State constants
#define adStateClosed 0 //The object is closed
#define adStateOpen 1 //The object is open
#define adStateConnecting 2 //The object is connecting
#define adStateExecuting 4 //The object is executing a command
#define adStateFetching 8 //The rows of the object are being retrieved
I believe , that it is a new version of this , which can work and with harbour . But at first you must to check - exist any MS datasource for Oracle in local PC ? I was working with Oracle some years ago and alreday PC another , not the same . Now I checked and at this moment exist "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" in mine PC. Tomorow I can try it will work with Oracle directly or not ...
Rimantas U.
Re: Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
Carles ,
Found that - simply check if exist in your system msdaora.dll . In mine case - C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\msdaora.dll . This means that you have MS Oracle DB provider . And that must work , I hope ... . For me that is working .
Regards !
Found that - simply check if exist in your system msdaora.dll . In mine case - C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\msdaora.dll . This means that you have MS Oracle DB provider . And that must work , I hope ... . For me that is working .
Regards !
Rimantas U.
- Carles
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Re: Installation required to connect to Oracle 11g
Thanks, i'll try it.
Thanks, i'll try it.
Salutacions, saludos, regards
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