proofing value

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Ehab Samir Aziz
Posts: 334
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proofing value

Post by Ehab Samir Aziz »

I need to show a value(var_cAcNb) that prove that my program is running well :

Code: Select all | Expand

function Dlg32Test()*------------------------   local oDlg, oBtn1, oBtn2   local cFilter := "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" + ;   "All files (*.*)|*.*|"   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Choose File" FROM 1,1 TO 33,70   @ 1,4 BUTTON "Get File" Action Msginfo(cGetFile32(cFilter, "Select File")) SIZE 75,15   @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action fillDB(oDlg) SIZE 75,15   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on init (oDlg:Refresh())return nil..PROCEDURE FillDB(oDlg)*----------------------..        test->( dbAppend() )        test->ACNB := cAcNb        @30,40 say var_cAcNb of oDlg pixel.....return nil 

How can I how show the var_cAcNb variable in dynamic way ?
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Antonio Linares
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Re: proofing value

Post by Antonio Linares »

Code: Select all | Expand

function Dlg32Test()*------------------------   local oDlg, oBtn1, oBtn2   local cFilter := "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" + ;   "All files (*.*)|*.*|"   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Choose File" FROM 1,1 TO 33,70   @ 1,4 BUTTON "Get File" Action Msginfo(cGetFile32(cFilter, "Select File")) SIZE 75,15   @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action fillDB( oSay ) SIZE 75,15   @ 30, 40 say oSay PROMPT Space( 20 ) of oDlg pixel   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on init (oDlg:Refresh())return nil..PROCEDURE FillDB(oSay)*----------------------..        test->( dbAppend() )        test->ACNB := cAcNb        oSay:SetText( var_cAcNb ).....return nil 
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Ehab Samir Aziz
Posts: 334
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Re: proofing value

Post by Ehab Samir Aziz »

That is not working . Here is the full code :

Code: Select all | Expand

static oSayfunction Dlg32Test()*------------------------   local oDlg, oBtn1, oBtn2    local cFilter := "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" + ;   "All files (*.*)|*.*|"   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Choose File" FROM 1,1 TO 33,70   @ 1,4 BUTTON "Get File" Action Msginfo(cGetFile32(cFilter, "Select File")) SIZE 75,15   @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action fillDB(oSay) SIZE 75,15   @ 90, 10 say oSay PROMPT "Account number :"  of oDlg pixel   @ 90, 120 say oSay PROMPT Space( 20 ) of oDlg pixel   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on init (oDlg:Refresh())return nil//   @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Get Application" Action Msginfo(cGetDir32("Select Folder")) SIZE 75,15//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//PROCEDURE FillDB(oSay)*----------------------LOCAL oFile := TFileRead():New( cFile )LOCAL cTemp := "",cTemp1:= "",cTemp2:= "",cTemp3:= "",cTemp4:= "",cTemp_var:= ""LOCAL cAcNb := ""Local nRecNo:=0,old_nRecNo:=0//msginfo(cFile,0)//? cFileCreateDBF()oFile:Open()IF oFile:Error()    msgStop( oFile:ErrorMsg( "FileRead: " ) )ELSE    WHILE oFile:MoreToRead()                                cTemp1:=cTemp:= oFile:ReadLine()                                        IF cTemp1 $ "BANK OF ALEXANDRIA"                         cTemp1:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp2:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp3:= oFile:ReadLine()        cAcNb := padL( allTrim( subStr( cTemp3, 30 ) ), 12 )        test->( dbAppend() )        test->ACNB := cAcNb        oSay:SetText( cAcNb )        oSay:Refresh()                                    cTemp_var := cTemp1 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp2 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp3 + chr(013) + chr (010)                                        test->TEXT += cTemp_var                                endif                               test->TEXT += ( " " + allTrim( cTemp ) + chr(013) + chr (010) )            ENDDO    oFile:Close()ENDIFtest->( dbCloseArea() )RETURN 
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Antonio Linares
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Re: proofing value

Post by Antonio Linares »

From the WHILE ... END loop, please call Sysrefresh() so the dialog controls can refresh
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
Ehab Samir Aziz
Posts: 334
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Re: proofing value

Post by Ehab Samir Aziz »

Within the while ..Enddo loop , that is not working .

Code: Select all | Expand

function Dlg32Test()*------------------------   local oDlg, oBtn1, oBtn2    local cFilter := "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" + ;   "All files (*.*)|*.*|"   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Choose File" FROM 1,1 TO 33,70   @ 1,4 BUTTON "Get File" Action Msginfo(cGetFile32(cFilter, "Select File")) SIZE 75,15   @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action fillDB(oSay) SIZE 75,15   @ 80, 30 say "Account Number" of oDlg pixel   @ 80, 80 say oSay PROMPT Space( 20 ) of oDlg pixel   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on init (oDlg:Refresh(),oSay:refresh(),sysrefresh())return nil//   @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Get Application" Action Msginfo(cGetDir32("Select Folder")) SIZE 75,15//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//PROCEDURE FillDB(oSay)*----------------------LOCAL oFile := TFileRead():New( cFile )LOCAL cTemp := "",cTemp1:= "",cTemp2:= "",cTemp3:= "",cTemp4:= "",cTemp_var:= ""LOCAL cAcNb := ""Local nRecNo:=0,old_nRecNo:=0//msginfo(cFile,0)//? cFileCreateDBF()oFile:Open()IF oFile:Error()    msgStop( oFile:ErrorMsg( "FileRead: " ) )ELSE    WHILE oFile:MoreToRead()                                cTemp1:=cTemp:= oFile:ReadLine()                                        IF cTemp1 $ "BANK OF ALEXANDRIA"                         cTemp1:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp2:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp3:= oFile:ReadLine()        cAcNb := padL( allTrim( subStr( cTemp3, 30 ) ), 12 )        test->( dbAppend() )        test->ACNB := cAcNb         oSay:SetText( cAcNb )         oSay:refresh()         sysrefresh()        //MsgInfo(cAcNb,0)                            cTemp_var := cTemp1 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp2 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp3 + chr(013) + chr (010)                                        test->TEXT += cTemp_var                                endif                               test->TEXT += ( " " + allTrim( cTemp ) + chr(013) + chr (010) )            ENDDO    oFile:Close()ENDIFtest->( dbCloseArea() )RETURN 
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James Bott
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Re: proofing value

Post by James Bott »


I am not sure what you are trying to do, but here is an example of changing a SAY and redisplying it. You must use the UPDATE clause in the SAY and oDlg:refresh() to get it to redisplay. Also, change the text in a SAY like this:

oSay:setText( cText )


Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""external ordkeyno, ordkeycount, ordKeygotofunction main()   //Dlg32Test()   *------------------------   local oDlg, oBtn1, oBtn2, oSay   local cFilter := "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" + ;   "All files (*.*)|*.*|"   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Choose File" FROM 1,1 TO 33,70      @ 80, 30 say oSay PROMPT "XXXXXXXXXXX" of oDlg pixel update      @ 1,4 BUTTON "Get File" SIZE 75,15 Action Msginfo(cGetFile32(cFilter, "Select File"))      @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application"  SIZE 75,15 ;          Action ( oSay:setText("YYY"), oDlg:refresh() )      //@ 80, 30 say "Account Number" of oDlg pixel   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on init ;      (oDlg:Refresh(),sysrefresh())return nil 
Ehab Samir Aziz
Posts: 334
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Re: proofing value

Post by Ehab Samir Aziz »

The calling of oSay:setText( cText ) should be done from outside procedure called : fillDB(oSay) likr this : oSay:SetText( cAcNb )

@ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action fillDB(oSay) SIZE 75,15

Code: Select all | Expand

PROCEDURE FillDB(oSay)*----------------------LOCAL oFile := TFileRead():New( cFile )LOCAL cTemp := "",cTemp1:= "",cTemp2:= "",cTemp3:= "",cTemp4:= "",cTemp_var:= ""LOCAL cAcNb := ""Local nRecNo:=0,old_nRecNo:=0//msginfo(cFile,0)//? cFileCreateDBF()oFile:Open()IF oFile:Error()    msgStop( oFile:ErrorMsg( "FileRead: " ) )ELSE    WHILE oFile:MoreToRead()                                cTemp1:=cTemp:= oFile:ReadLine()                                        IF cTemp1 $ "BANK OF ALEXANDRIA"                         cTemp1:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp2:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp3:= oFile:ReadLine()        cAcNb := padL( allTrim( subStr( cTemp3, 30 ) ), 12 )        test->( dbAppend() )        test->ACNB := cAcNb         oSay:SetText( cAcNb )         oSay:refresh()         sysrefresh()        //MsgInfo(cAcNb,0)                            cTemp_var := cTemp1 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp2 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp3 + chr(013) + chr (010)                                        test->TEXT += cTemp_var                                endif                               test->TEXT += ( " " + allTrim( cTemp ) + chr(013) + chr (010) )            ENDDO    oFile:Close()ENDIFtest->( dbCloseArea() )RETURN 
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James Bott
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Re: proofing value

Post by James Bott »


The calling of oSay:setText( cText ) should be done from outside procedure called : fillDB(oSay) likr this : oSay:SetText( cAcNb )

@ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action fillDB(oSay) SIZE 75,15

OK, but you can't refresh using oSay:refresh() you must refresh the dialog (oDlg:refresh()) so you will have to also pass oDlg.

fillDB( oSay, oDlg)

Or, better yet, just return cText from fillDB() then you can do oSay:setText( cText ), oDlg:refresh() in the original routine.

@ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action (oSay:setText( fillDB() ), oDlg:refresh()) SIZE 75,15

Sample Code:

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""external ordkeyno, ordkeycount, ordKeygotofunction main()   //Dlg32Test()   *------------------------   local oDlg, oBtn1, oBtn2, oSay   local cFilter := "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" + ;   "All files (*.*)|*.*|"   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Choose File" FROM 1,1 TO 33,70      @ 80, 30 say oSay PROMPT "XXXXXXXXXXX" of oDlg pixel update      @ 1,4 BUTTON "Get File" SIZE 75,15 Action Msginfo(cGetFile32(cFilter, "Select File"))      @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application"  SIZE 75,15 ;          Action ( oSay:setText( fillDB()), oDlg:refresh() )      //@ 80, 30 say "Account Number" of oDlg pixel   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTERED on init ;      (oDlg:Refresh(),sysrefresh())return nilfunction fillDB( )return "YYY"

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Re: proofing value

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Mr Ehab Samir Aziz

While there are several ways of doing it, here is one, with least changes from your original code.

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""function Main()*------------------------   local oDlg, oBtn1, oBtn2   local cFilter := "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|" +  "All files (*.*)|*.*|"   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Choose File" FROM 1,1 TO 33,70   @ 1,4 BUTTON "Get File" Action Msginfo(cGetFile32(cFilter, "Select File")) SIZE 75,15 OF oDlg   @ 2.5,4 BUTTON "Process Application" Action fillDB(oDlg) SIZE 75,15 of OdLG   @ 5, 4 SAY 0 PICTURE "@Z 999,999" SIZE 40,10OF oDlg   ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTEREDreturn nilPROCEDURE FillDB(oDlg)*----------------------   local n   for n := 1000 to 2000      oDlg:aControls[ 3 ]:SetText( n )      SysWait( 0.01 ) // just for delay   next   oDlg:aControls[ 3 ]:SetText( 0 )return 

Compile and test

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Ehab Samir Aziz
Posts: 334
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Re: proofing value

Post by Ehab Samir Aziz »

This error appears for the lines :

Path and name: F:\programs\clipper\FWH\DocuCollect\DocuCollect.exe (32 bits)
Size: 1,397,248 bytes
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 10 secs
Error occurred at: 16/05/2013, 19:18:52
Error description: Error BASE/1132 Bound error: array access
[ 1] = A { ... }
[ 2] = N 3

Stack Calls
Called from: DocuCollect.prg => FILLDB(241)
Called from: DocuCollect.prg => (b)DLG32TEST(200)
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Re: proofing value

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

I did not use acdb

There is no error in my program. Please compile my program as it is first. It works without any errors.

Then study why and how it works and then adapt to your situation. The error is in your adaptation.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Ehab Samir Aziz
Posts: 334
Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:54 pm

Re: proofing value

Post by Ehab Samir Aziz »

What is this array standing for please ?
Why it is indexed by three oDlg:aControls[ 3 ] ?
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Re: proofing value

Post by nageswaragunupudi »

Ehab Samir Aziz wrote:What is this array standing for please ?
Why it is indexed by three oDlg:aControls[ 3 ] ?

I shall explain everything.
But first thing can you tell me did you compile and test the program I posted as it is without any changes? What is the result?

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Ehab Samir Aziz
Posts: 334
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Re: proofing value

Post by Ehab Samir Aziz »

Code: Select all | Expand

procedure FillDB(oDlg)*--------------------------LOCAL nLOCAL oFile := TFileRead():New( cFile )LOCAL cTemp := "",cTemp1:= "",cTemp2:= "",cTemp3:= "",cTemp4:= "",cTemp_var:= ""LOCAL cAcNb := ""Local nRecNo:=0,old_nRecNo:=0CreateDBF()oFile:Open()IF oFile:Error()    msgStop( oFile:ErrorMsg( "FileRead: " ) )ELSE    WHILE oFile:MoreToRead()                                cTemp1:=cTemp:= oFile:ReadLine()                                        IF "BANK OF ALEXANDRIA" $ cTemp1                        cTemp1:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp2:= oFile:ReadLine()        cTemp3:= oFile:ReadLine()        cAcNb := padL( allTrim( subStr( cTemp3, 30 ) ), 12 )        test->( dbAppend() )        test->ACNB := cAcNb        oDlg:aControls[ 3 ]:SetText( cAcNb )      SysWait( 0.01 ) // just for delay        ? cAcNb                    cTemp_var := cTemp1 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp2 + chr(013) + chr (010) +;                            cTemp3 + chr(013) + chr (010)                                        test->TEXT += cTemp_var                                endif                               test->TEXT += ( " " + allTrim( cTemp ) + chr(013) + chr (010) )            ENDDO            //for n := 1000 to 2000         //next   oDlg:aControls[ 3 ]:SetText( 0 )    oFile:Close()ENDIFtest->( dbCloseArea() )RETURN 

Path and name: F:\programs\clipper\FWH\DocuCollect\DocuCollect.exe (32 bits)
Size: 1,397,248 bytes
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 8 secs
Error occurred at: 18/05/2013, 18:21:18
Error description: Error BASE/1132 Bound error: array access
[ 1] = A { ... }
[ 2] = N 3

Stack Calls
Called from: DocuCollect.prg => FILLDB(239)
Called from: DocuCollect.prg => (b)DLG32TEST(200)
Called from: => TBUTTON:CLICK(0)
Called from: => TBUTTON:HANDLEEVENT(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(0)
Called from: => SENDMESSAGE(0)
Called from: => TDIALOG:COMMAND(0)
Called from: => TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT(0)
Called from: => TDIALOG:HANDLEEVENT(0)
Called from: => DIALOGBOXINDIRECT(0)
Called from: => TDIALOG:ACTIVATE(0)
Called from: DocuCollect.prg => DLG32TEST(203)
Called from: DocuCollect.prg => (b)BUILDMENU(129)
Called from: => TMENU:COMMAND(0)
Called from: => TWINDOW:COMMAND(0)
Called from: => TWINDOW:HANDLEEVENT(0)
Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(0)
Called from: => WINRUN(0)
Called from: => TWINDOW:ACTIVATE(0)
Called from: DocuCollect.prg => MAIN(80)

CPU type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz 1533 Mhz
Hardware memory: 1600 megs

Free System resources: 90 %
GDI resources: 90 %
User resources: 90 %

Compiler version: Harbour 1.0.0 Intl. (Rev. 9201)
Windows version: 5.1, Build 2600 Service Pack 3

Windows total applications running: 23
2 M
3 Default IME
4 Start Menu
5 CiceroUIWndFrame
6 SysFader
7 TF_FloatingLangBar_WndTitle
8 VBoxSharedClipboardClass
9 VBoxTrayToolWnd
10 Choose File
11 XMS Data Manager
12 C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
13 DocuCollect
14 F:\programs\clipper\FWH\DocuCollect\DocuCollect.prg - Notepad++
15 {A7E495BF-9589-4a6e-8479-DDA2D8D3C05F}
16 MCI command handling window
17 Acrobat IEHelper
18 Connections Tray
19 Power Meter
20 MS_WebcheckMonitor
21 DDE Server Window
22 AcrobatTrayIcon
23 Program Manager

Variables in use
Procedure Type Value
Param 1: O Class: ERROR
Param 1: O Class: TDIALOG
Local 1: U
Local 2: O Class: TFILEREAD
Local 4: C "A ط§ظ„ظ‚ط§ظ‡ط±ط©"
Local 5: C " ظ†ظˆط¹ ط­ط³ط§ط¨ RETAILطھظˆظپظٹط± ط°ظˆ ظ…ط²ط§ظٹط§ ظˆط¬ظˆط§ 12-07-2012 ط§ظ„طھط§ط±ظٹط®"
Local 6: C " ط­ط³ط§ط¨ ط±ظ‚ظ… 101000963001 P SEND BY POST 1 طµظپط­ط© ط±ظ‚ظ…"
Local 7: C ""
Local 8: C ""
Local 9: C "101000963001"
Local 10: N 0
Local 11: N 0
Local 12: S
Local 13: A Len: 2
Local 14: N 3
Local 15: U
Local 16: N 0
Local 1: O Class: TBUTTON
Param 1: N 2048
Param 2: N 0
Param 3: N 0
Local 1: O Class: TBUTTON
Local 2: U
Param 1: N 0
Param 2: N 2048
Param 3: N 0
Param 4: N 0
Param 5: N 4
Local 1: O Class: TBUTTON
Param 1: N 66236
Param 2: N 2048
Param 3: N 0
Param 4: N 0
Param 1: N 102
Param 2: N 66236
Local 1: O Class: TDIALOG
Local 2: O Class: TBUTTON
Local 3: N 0
Local 4: N 102
Local 5: N 66236
Param 1: N 273
Param 2: N 102
Param 3: N 66236
Param 1: N 273
Param 2: N 102
Param 3: N 66236
Local 1: O Class: TDIALOG
Param 1: N 4194304
Param 2: C "€ ب€   َ C h o o s e F i l e P   L  e B U T T O N G e t F i l e P  - L  f B U T T O N P r o c e s s A p p l i c a t i o n "
Param 3: N 131760
Param 4: O Class: TDIALOG
Param 1: U
Param 2: U
Param 3: U
Param 4: L .T.
Param 5: U
Param 6: L .T.
Param 7: B {|| ... }
Param 8: U
Param 9: U
Param 10: L .F.
Local 1: O Class: TDIALOG
Local 2: N 131760
Local 3: U
Local 4: U
Local 5: S
Local 6: O Class: TDIALOG
Local 1: O Class: TDIALOG
Local 2: U
Local 3: U
Local 4: C "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
Param 1: O Class: TMENUITEM
Param 1: N 20023
Local 1: O Class: TMENU
Local 2: O Class: TMENUITEM
Param 1: N 20023
Param 2: N 0
Local 1: O Class: TWINDOW
Local 2: N 0
Local 3: N 20023
Local 4: N 0
Param 1: N 273
Param 2: N 20023
Param 3: N 0
Param 1: N 0
Param 2: N 273
Param 3: N 20023
Param 4: N 0
Param 5: N 1
Local 1: O Class: TWINDOW
Param 1: N 131760
Param 1: C "MAXIMIZED"
Param 2: U
Param 3: U
Param 4: U
Param 5: U
Param 6: B {|| ... }
Param 7: U
Param 8: U
Param 9: U
Param 10: U
Param 11: U
Param 12: U
Param 13: U
Param 14: U
Param 15: U
Param 16: U
Param 17: U
Param 18: U
Param 19: U
Local 1: O Class: TWINDOW
Local 2: U
Local 3: U

Linked RDDs

DataBases in use

1: => TEST RddName: ADSCDX
RecNo RecCount BOF EOF
1 1 .F. .F.

Indexes in use TagName

Relations in use

Classes in use:
26 TREG32

Memory Analysis
180 Static variables

Dynamic memory consume:
Actual Value: 0 bytes
Highest Value: 0 bytes

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