Fivedroid on Qt

Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Mart. » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:45 pm


I can not disagree more.
There are hundreds of thousands of apps in Google Play. There is little in Microsot Store. Microsoft is far behind in everything related to mobile devices.
Perhaps vd. not interested in Android or Google, but that's not indicating neither the market nor the majority of computer professionals. It seems, after how much we have seen, that the Android revolution has only just begun.

The tablet Surface is very expensive and does not provide the same style touch Android tablets, which of course, at least in Spain, are very cheap: € 125 can cost a good tablet ... l_core_8gb . html!

Microsoft was late and poorly to mobile devices. Evidenced by the fact that there are very few manufacturers that have incorporated tablets Windows 8 to their devices. If you had seen business opportunity, do not have availed themselves?

I've always been pro-Microsoft, but that does not mean you see the reality of things, and in this case the reality is overwhelming.


No puedo estar más en desacuerdo.
Hay cientos de miles de aplicaciones en Google Play. Hay pocas en la Store de Microsot. Microsoft va muy por detrás en todo lo relativo a dispositivos moviles.
Quizá vd. no tenga interés en Android o Google, pero eso no es lo que indica ni el mercado ni la mayoría de profesionales del sector informático. Pareciera, después de lo mucho que hemos visto, que la revolución Android sólo acaba de empezar.

La tableta Surface es muy cara y no aporta el mismo estilo touch que las tabletas Android, que por supuesto, al menos en España, son muy baratas: ¡ 125 € puede costar una buena tableta ... e_8gb.html !

Microsoft ha llegado tarde y mal a los dispositivos móviles. Lo demuestra el hecho de que son muy escasos los fabricantes de tablets que han incorporado Windows 8 a sus dispositivos. Si hubieran visto oportunidad de negocio, ¿ acaso no lo habrían aprovechado ellos mismos ?

Yo siempre he sido pro-Microsoft, pero eso no quita que vea la realidad de las cosas, y en este caso la realidad es contundente.

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Tue Jun 11, 2013 4:56 pm


Antonio Mart. wrote:There are hundreds of thousands of apps in Google Play.

Games are all that Android users want?

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:03 pm

I don't care if it is Android, Apple or Microsoft. Lets focus on bussiness opoertunities :-)

If some of you can do bussiness on Android, go for it. If your clients want Microsoft, go for it. Don't discard possibilities, thats the key :-)

Thats why I am thinking about building the same app for all of them. Same interface, same functionality: Execute PRGs, manage databases and provide a enough powerfull GUI API :-) The idea is that you forget about those OSes development tools. You just focus on the language that you know so well and on functionality.

You just develop your PRG with your daily coding tools and FiveTech Mobile (or similar name) execute your code. You just install (download, write, copy, etc,) your PRGs and select the autostart PRG and thats all.
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:20 pm


Antonio Linares wrote:I don't care if it is Android, Apple or Microsoft. Lets focus on bussiness opoertunities :-)

If some of you can do bussiness on Android, go for it. If your clients want Microsoft, go for it. Don't discard possibilities, thats the key :-)

Thats why I am thinking about building the same app for all of them. Same interface, same functionality: Execute PRGs, manage databases and provide a enough powerfull GUI API :-) The idea is that you forget about those OSes development tools. You just focus on the language that you know so well and on functionality.

You just develop your PRG with your daily coding tools and FiveTech Mobile (or similar name) execute your code. You just install (download, write, copy, etc,) your PRGs and select the autostart PRG and thats all.

It would be a dream... :-)

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby TimStone » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:07 pm

Antonio Linares,

I believe the key here is "Business apps", and that suggests ones that are useable on a desktop and tablet !

I'm not promoting one system over another except I don't see that Google is anywhere near providing solid business applications and connectivity across devices !

I have no involvement with "Play" apps, but I don't believe someone needs a version of FW to do those.

My concern is simple. We are still trying to stabilize applications with Harbour and MSVC. Builds with Harbour vs xHarbour have differences. I think the Mac is far more viable, and yet that also provides many complications for you to address. Now if you add Android, I think you will have no time to sleep or spend with your family ( or travel ... missing all the great pictures you posted from your last big trip ).

Some people hear statistics and don't look beyond the numbers. They hear that Microsoft grew only 20% while Android grew 80%. Well 20% of the Microsoft share is still huge, and much larger than 80% of the Android share ...

The other issue is "earnings". Can you make a good living against the competition in the Android Marketplace ? Not everyone will release a big seller.
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:59 pm


My concern here is profitability. If I create a FiveTech Mobile and have it available from the stores of those platforms, how much should I ask for them ?

1 US$ ? 2 US$ ? 3 US$ ? :-(

How many copies will I sell ? Is it worth to create it ? :-)

FiveWin is our best selling product since so many years, and though I know how important is R+D, I focus on FWH as it is the real product key and sales generator for FiveTech :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Marcelo Via Giglio » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:02 pm


I think your proposal is very interesting, with this approach we can develop business application (Tim) in many platforms, but you need a common GUI framework or you think to use a native gui for every environment?, I think QT can be a good solution for this.

best reagards

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby TimStone » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:23 pm


Exactly !

When people shop at an online store, ie. Apple, Microsoft, or Android, they have an expectation of very low prices. When you create a product to sell in one of these, you have to charge a low price or people will not buy it. If you could see the sales figures it would help. If a store has 500,000 items, then maybe there are 100 like what you are posting. What is the audience for your software ? If it is a business application, the audience is small. If you develop an app, and sell it for $1, and you sell 500 copies, you actually only net $350. Is it worth that ? Can someone feed their family on that ?

At least with the Windows 8 Pro tablets, you can create desktop apps and sell them direct for much better prices. They can even be listed in the store but sold and installed directly. You can't do that with iOS devices. Can you with Android ?

Also, when considering price, compare the price with the same installed memory ! Apps need that memory. My iPad with 128GB RAM costs only a little less than a Surface Pro with 128GB ... but the pro has all the connectivity, the ability for 32GB cards, USB, etc. It is also a complete computer in a tablet, not just something that runs apps.

Saving money is nice, but a business usually wants a quality solution and will pay to be sure they get it.

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Mart. » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:27 pm

[ENGLISH, by translator]
Today applications for tablets and smartphones are a necessary and mandatory for our desktop applications. This is so whether we like it more or less like us. Users demand mobility and wonder why I can not automatically obtain a ranking of sales on my smartphone or tablet?
As Antonio says, we should see this as a problem but as an opportunity. In the days of MS-DOS, the first Windows programs posed a problem, but also an opportunity. I think we should learn from history.
Applications for mobile devices are simple. I am content with having say, get, button and grid. I do not want to learn Java for an application with three buttons and two says. Antonio: seize that Harbour is to bring the xBase platform Android.

I add: the idea of ​​low prices Tim on Android do not understand. A company must also pay services desktop software and software services tablet. The non professional software has nothing to see here. Do customers think, ugh ... how expensive is your program, however Microsoft Office only costs € 99.00?

[SPANISH, native]
Hoy día las aplicaciones para tablets y smartphones son un complemento necesario y obligatorio para nuestras aplicaciones de escritorio. Esto es así nos guste más o nos guste menos. Los usuarios demandan movilidad y se preguntan ¿ por qué no puedo obtener automáticamente un ranking de ventas en mi smartphone o tablet ?
Como dice Antonio, no debemos ver esto como un problema, sino como una oportunidad. En los tiempos de MSDOS, los primeros programas Windows suponían un problema, pero también una oportunidad. Creo que tenemos que aprender de la historia.
Las aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles son sencillas. Yo me conformo con tener say, get, button y grid. No quiero aprender Java para hacer una aplicación con tres botones y dos says. Antonio: aprovechemos que Harbour es multiplataforma para llevar el xBase a Android.

Añado: la idea de Tim sobre bajos precios en Android no la entiendo. Una empresa pagará igualmente los servicios de software de escritorio y los servicios de software tablet. El software no profesional no tiene nada que ver aquí. ¿ Acaso los clientes piensan, uf... qué caro es su programa, en cambio Microsoft Office sólo cuesta € 99.00 ?
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:42 pm

Tim, Antonio,

We can install apps on Android having the APK file, no need to get it from the store. In this case, this is fine as we can ask a reasonable price for it, and we can implement software piracy control on it (requiring a login and password to work, related to the serial number of the device).

Is this possible on WIndows Tablets ? I think it is impossible on Apple, unless devices are jailbroken something that I don't think is "serious" for companies...
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby TimStone » Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:48 pm

RT apps go through the store with Windows. However, full applications install as you would on any computer ( using Win 8 Pro Desktop ). Also, there is an exception. If you have corporate accounts, you can get an installer for RT outside of the store.

Take a close look at Apps available for the Android platform. I just looked for Accounting apps. Cheap ? Yea ... $4 to $6. Helpful ? I'm not sure. The ones I saw you upload data to the company's server and it then saves it to an Excel spreadsheet! The other one exports data to a CSV and then you import that into the program of your choice. Most of the stuff is simple expense tracking ( like for employees ). Nothing of substance that I could see.

I would like to see a full fledged application working on an Android device. By that I mean, show me a full accounting package with Receiveables, Payables, General Ledger, and Bank Account ... all fully integrated and with its own storage capability !

I have three times that size of app running on my Samsung Slate Series 7 tablet ( which can be purchased right now on ebay for about $ 600 ).

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Mart. » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:01 am


Sí se puede. Mira este vídeo ... e-windows/ .
Es una opción prevista por Microsoft.

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:01 am


If the app compiles PRGs and executes them, as they are text files only, the storage requirements would be ok.

The app could work free for some time and then ask for login and password after the initial test time.

Problems ? the PRGs should be encrypted. So your PRGs don't get copied to other devices. We can do this.

I think the only risk is that someone cracks the runtime app. We all know what happens then (the app can become very popular, but dangerously decrease its profitability).
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Mart. » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:08 am


[ENGLISH, by trans]
IMHO you are mistaken. The issue is not making DESK software for tablets. The issue is that the tablets are a complement to today NECESSARY desktop programs.
Obviously an accounting program is not operating in a tablet, but customer relationship delinquent asked, the sales ranking for his smartphone.

[SPANISH, native]
A mi modo de ver tu estás equivocado. El tema no es hacer software de ESCRITORIO para tablets. El tema es que las tablets son un complemento NECESARIO hoy dia para los programas de escritorio.
Evidentemente que un programa de contabilidad no es operativo en una tablet, pero el cliente pedirá la relación de morosos, el ranking de ventas para su smartphone.
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Re: Fivedroid on Qt

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:12 am


I agree with you that mobile devices apps will me required more and more and that is very fine, as it means work opportunities to many developers.
regards, saludos

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