Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Send EPL Command to a USB printer
I try to send EPL commands to a USB Zebra Printer but I cannot.
How may I Use the tPrinter class to send only commands (raw data?)
With lpt printer i send data to lpt1. With usb I cannot do this.
How may I Use the tPrinter class to send only commands (raw data?)
With lpt printer i send data to lpt1. With usb I cannot do this.
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Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
With the USB Zebra Printer, you don't need to send EPL-commands.
Normaly there is a windows-driver, and you can use that printer with FWH, like a normal printer
Normaly there is a windows-driver, and you can use that printer with FWH, like a normal printer
FWH32+xHarbour | FWH64+Harbour | BCC | DBF | ADO+MySQL | ADO+MariaDB | ADO+SQLite
FWH32+xHarbour | FWH64+Harbour | BCC | DBF | ADO+MySQL | ADO+MariaDB | ADO+SQLite
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Marc Vanzegbroeck wrote:With the USB Zebra Printer, you don't need to send EPL-commands.
Normaly there is a windows-driver, and you can use that printer with FWH, like a normal printer
Marc Thanks for your reply.
I allready use the Zebra Driver to print Labels. But now I need to print to "too small" labels and special printouts :
a. Small Barcode 129
b. Vertical Description
and some other that i must use EPL commands to do it.
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Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
You can also print barcode and vertical text using the windows printer-driver.
I don't know what you mean with 'too small'. Is it a small font?
You can also print barcode and vertical text using the windows printer-driver.
I don't know what you mean with 'too small'. Is it a small font?
FWH32+xHarbour | FWH64+Harbour | BCC | DBF | ADO+MySQL | ADO+MariaDB | ADO+SQLite
FWH32+xHarbour | FWH64+Harbour | BCC | DBF | ADO+MySQL | ADO+MariaDB | ADO+SQLite
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
I Finally, used the Zebra Designer Driver Pass-through Mode and it works nice.
Here is the link with more information.
EPL2 is usefull when you need to print i.e. vertical Barcode and Horizontal description an price to a Label.
Here is the link with more information.
EPL2 is usefull when you need to print i.e. vertical Barcode and Horizontal description an price to a Label.
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
I found code to .net for send raw data to a printer driver.
It uses winspool.drv functions.
My problem is how to declare the DOCINFO type
Private Declare Function StartDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias _
"StartDocPrinterA" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, _
pDocInfo As DOCINFO) As Long
Is there any idea?
It uses winspool.drv functions.
My problem is how to declare the DOCINFO type
Private Declare Function StartDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias _
"StartDocPrinterA" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, _
pDocInfo As DOCINFO) As Long
Is there any idea?
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""#define FONT_BESAR chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(16)#define FONT_KECIL_1 chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(4)#define FONT_KECIL_2 chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(5)function Main() local cNext := "",i,cFile,nHandle local cPrinter := "Epson LX-300+" // this printer connected to USB port cFile := "printer.prn" if file(cFile) DeleteFile(cFile) endif nHandle := fcreate(cFile) if nHandle <= 0 ?"Error Create File "+cFile return .f. endif cNext += FONT_KECIL_1+"----------------------------------------------------------------"+CRLF cNext += ""+CRLF cNext += FONT_BESAR+"BIG FONT"+FONT_KECIL_1+" SMALL FONT"+CRLF cNext += ""+CRLF cNext += FONT_KECIL_1+"----------------------------------------------------------------"+CRLF fwrite(nHandle,cNext) fClose( nHandle ) nHasil := PrintFileRaw(cPrinter,cFile) ferase(cFile) if nHasil < 0 ?"Error to print "+cFile return .f. endif RETURN .t.
Best Regards
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Code: Select all | Expand
#pragma BEGINDUMP#undef UNICODE#include <windows.h>#include "hbapi.h"#include "hbvm.h"#include "hbstack.h"#include "hbapiitm.h"#ifndef __XHARBOUR__ #define ISCHAR( n ) HB_ISCHAR( n )#endif#define MAX_FILE_NAME 1024#define BIG_BUFFER (1024*32)HB_FUNC ( ENUMPRINTERS ){ UCHAR *Result ; DWORD x, Flags = PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL | PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS ; LPSTR Name = NULL ; DWORD Level = 5 ; PRINTER_INFO_5 *pPrinterEnum, *pFree; PRINTER_INFO_4 *pPrinterEnum4, *pFree4; DWORD cbBuf ; DWORD BytesNeeded=0 ; DWORD NumOfPrinters=0 ; OSVERSIONINFO osvi ; // altered to check Windows Version osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx (&osvi); if (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { Level = 4 ; EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum4,0,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters) ; if (BytesNeeded > 0) { Result = (UCHAR *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; *Result = '\0' ; pFree4 = pPrinterEnum4 = (PRINTER_INFO_4 *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; cbBuf = BytesNeeded ; if (EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum4,cbBuf,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters)) { for (x=0 ; x < NumOfPrinters ; x++, pPrinterEnum4++ ) { strcat(Result,pPrinterEnum4->pPrinterName) ; strcat(Result,";") ; } } hb_retc(Result) ; hb_xfree(Result) ; hb_xfree(pFree4) ; } else hb_retc("") ; } else { EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum,0,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters) ; if (BytesNeeded > 0) { Result = (UCHAR *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; *Result = '\0' ; pFree = pPrinterEnum = (PRINTER_INFO_5 *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; cbBuf = BytesNeeded ; if (EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum,cbBuf,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters)) { for (x=0 ; x < NumOfPrinters ; x++, pPrinterEnum++ ) { strcat(Result,pPrinterEnum->pPrinterName) ; strcat(Result,";") ; } } hb_retc(Result) ; hb_xfree(Result) ; hb_xfree(pFree) ; } else hb_retc("") ; }}HB_FUNC( WINDEFAULTPRINTER ){ DWORD x, y ; UCHAR lpReturnedString[MAX_FILE_NAME] ; x = GetProfileString("windows","device","",lpReturnedString,MAX_FILE_NAME-1); y = 0 ; while ( y < x && lpReturnedString[y] != ',' ) y++ ; hb_retclen(lpReturnedString,y) ;}HB_FUNC( PRINTFILERAW ){ UCHAR printBuffer[BIG_BUFFER], *cPrinterName, *cFileName, *cDocName ; HANDLE hPrinter, hFile ; DOC_INFO_1 DocInfo ; DWORD nRead, nWritten, rVal = -1 ; if (ISCHAR(1) && ISCHAR(2)) { cPrinterName= (UCHAR*)hb_parc(1) ; cFileName= (UCHAR*)hb_parc(2) ; if ( OpenPrinter(cPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL) != 0 ) { DocInfo.pDocName = (UCHAR*)hb_parc(3) ; DocInfo.pOutputFile = NULL ; DocInfo.pDatatype = "RAW" ; if ( StartDocPrinter(hPrinter,1,(char *) &DocInfo) != 0 ) { if ( StartPagePrinter(hPrinter) != 0 ) { hFile = CreateFile(cFileName,GENERIC_READ,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL) ; if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { while (ReadFile(hFile, printBuffer, BIG_BUFFER, &nRead, NULL) && (nRead > 0)) { if (printBuffer[nRead-1] == 26 ) nRead-- ; // Skip the EOF() character WritePrinter(hPrinter, printBuffer, nRead, &nWritten) ; } rVal = 1 ; CloseHandle(hFile) ; } else rVal= -6 ; EndPagePrinter(hPrinter) ; // 28/11/2001 10:16 } else rVal = -4 ; EndDocPrinter(hPrinter); } else rVal= -3 ; ClosePrinter(hPrinter) ; } else rVal= -2 ; } hb_retnl(rVal) ;}#pragma ENDUMP
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Fafi thanks a lot for help.
I'll try the code.
I must compile it with bcc? (I'm not so familiar to C)
I'll try the code.
I must compile it with bcc? (I'm not so familiar to C)
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Add all that code at the end of your fichero.prg and compile as you normally
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
El secreto de la felicidad no está en hacer lo que te gusta, sino en que te guste lo que haces
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
cnavarro wrote:Add all that code at the end of your fichero.prg and compile as you normally
Yes like this :
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""#define FONT_BESAR chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(16)#define FONT_KECIL_1 chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(4)#define FONT_KECIL_2 chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(5)function Main() local cNext := "",i,cFile,nHandle local cPrinter := "Epson LX-300+" // this printer connected to USB port cFile := "printer.prn" if file(cFile) DeleteFile(cFile) endif nHandle := fcreate(cFile) if nHandle <= 0 ?"Error Create File "+cFile return .f. endif cNext += FONT_KECIL_1+"----------------------------------------------------------------"+CRLF cNext += ""+CRLF cNext += FONT_BESAR+"BIG FONT"+FONT_KECIL_1+" SMALL FONT"+CRLF cNext += ""+CRLF cNext += FONT_KECIL_1+"----------------------------------------------------------------"+CRLF fwrite(nHandle,cNext) fClose( nHandle ) nHasil := PrintFileRaw(cPrinter,cFile) ferase(cFile) if nHasil < 0 ?"Error to print "+cFile return .f. endif RETURN .t.#pragma BEGINDUMP#undef UNICODE#include <windows.h>#include "hbapi.h"#include "hbvm.h"#include "hbstack.h"#include "hbapiitm.h"#ifndef __XHARBOUR__ #define ISCHAR( n ) HB_ISCHAR( n )#endif#define MAX_FILE_NAME 1024#define BIG_BUFFER (1024*32)HB_FUNC ( ENUMPRINTERS ){ UCHAR *Result ; DWORD x, Flags = PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL | PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS ; LPSTR Name = NULL ; DWORD Level = 5 ; PRINTER_INFO_5 *pPrinterEnum, *pFree; PRINTER_INFO_4 *pPrinterEnum4, *pFree4; DWORD cbBuf ; DWORD BytesNeeded=0 ; DWORD NumOfPrinters=0 ; OSVERSIONINFO osvi ; // altered to check Windows Version osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx (&osvi); if (osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { Level = 4 ; EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum4,0,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters) ; if (BytesNeeded > 0) { Result = (UCHAR *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; *Result = '\0' ; pFree4 = pPrinterEnum4 = (PRINTER_INFO_4 *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; cbBuf = BytesNeeded ; if (EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum4,cbBuf,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters)) { for (x=0 ; x < NumOfPrinters ; x++, pPrinterEnum4++ ) { strcat(Result,pPrinterEnum4->pPrinterName) ; strcat(Result,";") ; } } hb_retc(Result) ; hb_xfree(Result) ; hb_xfree(pFree4) ; } else hb_retc("") ; } else { EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum,0,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters) ; if (BytesNeeded > 0) { Result = (UCHAR *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; *Result = '\0' ; pFree = pPrinterEnum = (PRINTER_INFO_5 *) hb_xgrab(BytesNeeded) ; cbBuf = BytesNeeded ; if (EnumPrinters(Flags,Name,Level,(LPBYTE) pPrinterEnum,cbBuf,&BytesNeeded,&NumOfPrinters)) { for (x=0 ; x < NumOfPrinters ; x++, pPrinterEnum++ ) { strcat(Result,pPrinterEnum->pPrinterName) ; strcat(Result,";") ; } } hb_retc(Result) ; hb_xfree(Result) ; hb_xfree(pFree) ; } else hb_retc("") ; }}HB_FUNC( WINDEFAULTPRINTER ){ DWORD x, y ; UCHAR lpReturnedString[MAX_FILE_NAME] ; x = GetProfileString("windows","device","",lpReturnedString,MAX_FILE_NAME-1); y = 0 ; while ( y < x && lpReturnedString[y] != ',' ) y++ ; hb_retclen(lpReturnedString,y) ;}HB_FUNC( PRINTFILERAW ){ UCHAR printBuffer[BIG_BUFFER], *cPrinterName, *cFileName, *cDocName ; HANDLE hPrinter, hFile ; DOC_INFO_1 DocInfo ; DWORD nRead, nWritten, rVal = -1 ; if (ISCHAR(1) && ISCHAR(2)) { cPrinterName= (UCHAR*)hb_parc(1) ; cFileName= (UCHAR*)hb_parc(2) ; if ( OpenPrinter(cPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL) != 0 ) { DocInfo.pDocName = (UCHAR*)hb_parc(3) ; DocInfo.pOutputFile = NULL ; DocInfo.pDatatype = "RAW" ; if ( StartDocPrinter(hPrinter,1,(char *) &DocInfo) != 0 ) { if ( StartPagePrinter(hPrinter) != 0 ) { hFile = CreateFile(cFileName,GENERIC_READ,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL) ; if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { while (ReadFile(hFile, printBuffer, BIG_BUFFER, &nRead, NULL) && (nRead > 0)) { if (printBuffer[nRead-1] == 26 ) nRead-- ; // Skip the EOF() character WritePrinter(hPrinter, printBuffer, nRead, &nWritten) ; } rVal = 1 ; CloseHandle(hFile) ; } else rVal= -6 ; EndPagePrinter(hPrinter) ; // 28/11/2001 10:16 } else rVal = -4 ; EndDocPrinter(hPrinter); } else rVal= -3 ; ClosePrinter(hPrinter) ; } else rVal= -2 ; } hb_retnl(rVal) ;}#pragma ENDUMP
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Could you post some code using USB Zebra Printer .
How to fix the size of labels ?
How to use a Isbt128 Font .
Thanks .
Could you post some code using USB Zebra Printer .
How to fix the size of labels ?
How to use a Isbt128 Font .
Thanks .
Re: Send EPL Command to a USB printer
Jack wrote:Hi,
Could you post some code using USB Zebra Printer .
How to fix the size of labels ?
How to use a Isbt128 Font .
Thanks .
Tell me about ESC Command.. for Zebra Printer...
Please post here..thanks