METHOD SendEmail() CLASS TPreview
local oMail
local cName := If( ::oReport != nil, ::oReport:cName, ::oDevice:cDocument ) + ;
" " + DtoS( Date() ) + StrTran( Time(), ":", "" ) + ".pdf"
FWSavePreviewToPDF( Self )
cName = hb_CurDrive() + ":\" + CurDir() + "\" + AllTrim( cName )
- DEFAULT cPDF := cGetFile( "PDF File (*.pdf)|*.pdf|", "Select PDF File to Save", ;
- CurDir(), .t. )
+ DEFAULT cPDF := cGetFile( "PDF files | *.pdf |",;
+ "Select PDF File to Save",, ;
+ CurDir(), .T.,,,;
+ hb_CurDrive() + ":\" + CurDir() + "\" + ;
+ If( oDevice:IsKindOf( "TPreview" ),;
+ oDevice:cName, oDevice:cDocument ) + ".pdf" )
remove: BOOL bSave = IF( hb_pcount() > 4 && HB_ISLOG( 5 ), hb_parl( 5 ), FALSE );
add: BOOL bSave = IF( HB_ISLOG( 5 ), hb_parl( 5 ), FALSE || hb_parc( 8 ) );
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