Google Maps
- Posts: 310
- Joined: Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:10 am
Re: Google Maps
If possible can you send me the webmap.prg and any includes if required.
If possible can you send me the webmap.prg and any includes if required.
Re: Google Maps
I would like also become a copy please to try it
many thanks
jds (not for professional use)
many thanks
jds (not for professional use)
- TimStone
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- Location: Trabuco Canyon, CA USA
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Re: Google Maps
The code is provided by Gale Ford. Here is the link: ... show_sub=1 ... show_sub=1
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Re: Google Maps
I am not sure Rafael is responding to the Google map issue any more.
You can download my simple class with examples using link below.
You can download my simple class with examples using link below.
- TimStone
- Posts: 2956
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- Location: Trabuco Canyon, CA USA
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Re: Google Maps
I see my link that I posted got truncated somehow.
The code works great for me.
I see my link that I posted got truncated somehow.
The code works great for me.
Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
Re: Google Maps
If you download the webmap class try the sample below. Click the "Show in FW window" button.
I added the <iframe> code to a local html file in ShowInWin() function. This should give you enough ideas to do what you want.
I added the <iframe> code to a local html file in ShowInWin() function. This should give you enough ideas to do what you want.
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""static cStreet, cCity, cCountrystatic cStreet2, cCity2static cStreet3, cCity3static cStreet4, cCity4static cStreet5, cCity5static cWhatsNearstatic nZoomLevelfunction Main() local oDlg, oActiveX local aWhatsNear default cStreet := PadR( "BROADWAY 500", 80 ), ; cCity := PadR( "NEW YORK CITY", 80 ), ; cCountry := PadR( "USA", 80 ), ; cStreet2 := space( 80 ), ; cCity2 := space( 80 ), ; cStreet3 := space( 80 ), ; cCity3 := space( 80 ), ; cStreet4 := space( 80 ), ; cCity4 := space( 80 ), ; cStreet5 := space( 80 ), ; cCity5 := space( 80 ) cWhatsNear := '' nZoomLevel := 0 aWhatsNear := { ; '', ; 'Hotel', ; 'Gas', ; 'Food', ; 'Parks', ; 'Car Parts', ; 'Truck Parts', ; 'Railroads' ; } DEFINE DIALOG oDlg RESOURCE "map" REDEFINE GET cStreet ID 200 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cCity ID 300 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cCountry ID 400 OF oDlg REDEFINE COMBOBOX cWhatsNear ITEMS aWhatsNear ID 140 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cStreet2 ID 202 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cCity2 ID 302 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cStreet3 ID 203 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cCity3 ID 303 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cStreet4 ID 204 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cCity4 ID 304 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cStreet5 ID 205 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET cCity5 ID 305 OF oDlg REDEFINE GET nZoomLevel ID 141 OF oDlg REDEFINE BUTTON ID 1 OF oDlg ACTION ShowInWin() REDEFINE BUTTON ID 150 OF oDlg ACTION ShowFull() ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTEREDreturn nilfunction ShowFull() local oWnd, oActiveX, oBar local cEvents := "" local oWebMap oWebMap := WebMap():new() oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet, cCity,,, cCountry ) // you can format address yourself or just // type address string like in google maps // using :AddStop() instead of :AddStopSep() // // oWebMap:AddStop( alltrim( cStreet )+','+; // alltrim( cCity )+' '+alltrim( cCountry ) ) // or // oWebMap:AddStop( 'My Address Info' ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet2, cCity2 ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet3, cCity3 ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet4, cCity4 ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet5, cCity5 ) oWebMap:cWhatsNear := cWhatsNear oWebMap:nZoomLevel := nZoomLevel oWebMap:GenLink() if .not. empty( oWebMap:cLink ) //oWebMap:cLink, ShellExecute( 0, "open", oWebMap:cLink,,,5 ) //tracelog( oWebMap:cLink, ShellExecute( nil, "open", oWebMap:cLink,0,0,1 ) ) // You can also use this for more control oActiveX := TOleAuto():New("InternetExplorer.Application") oActiveX:Visible := .T. oActiveX:Toolbar := .T. oActiveX:Statusbar :=.T. oActiveX:MenuBar := .T. oActiveX:Navigate( oWebMap:cLink ) */ sysrefresh() endifreturn nilfunction ShowInWin() local oWnd, oActiveX, oBar local cEvents := "" local oWebMap local cHtml, cHtmlFile oWebMap := WebMap():new() oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet, cCity,,, cCountry ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet2, cCity2 ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet3, cCity3 ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet4, cCity4 ) oWebMap:AddStopSep( cStreet5, cCity5 ) oWebMap:cWhatsNear := cWhatsNear oWebMap:nZoomLevel := nZoomLevel oWebMap:GenLink() if .not. empty( oWebMap:cLink ) DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Google Map Demo" ; FROM 0, 0 TO 600, 800 pixel oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "Shell.Explorer" ) // oActiveX = TOleAuto():New("InternetExplorer.Application") oWnd:oClient = oActiveX // To fill the entire window surface // these setprop options do not work? oActiveX:SetProp( "Visible", .T. ) oActiveX:SetProp( "Toolbar", .T. ) oActiveX:SetProp( "Statusbar", .T. ) oActiveX:SetProp( "MenuBar", .F. ) // Test iframe // Added this test 1/28/2014 to see if it could show just map. cHtmlFile := 'c:\temp\temp.html' cHtml := [<html>]+CRLF cHtml += [<head>]+CRLF cHtml += [<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">]+CRLF cHtml += [<title>Google Map Demo</title>]+CRLF cHtml += [</head>]+CRLF cHtml += [<body>]+CRLF cHtml += [<p>]+CRLF cHtml += [<iframe width="700" height="500" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="]+oWebMap:cLink+[&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="]+; oWebMap:cLink+[&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>]+CRLF cHtml += [</p>]+CRLF cHtml += [</body>]+CRLF cHtml += [</html>]+CRLF memowrit( cHtmlFile, cHtml ) oActiveX:Do( "Navigate", 'c:\temp\temp.html' ) //oActiveX:Do( "Navigate", oWebMap:cLink ) sysrefresh() // MsgInfo( oActiveX:GetProp( "StatusBar" ) ) ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd sysrefresh() endifreturn nilfunction EventInfo( event, aParams, pParams, oActiveX ) local cMsg := "Event: " + cValToChar( event ) + CRLF local n cMsg += "Params: " + CRLF for n = 1 to Len( aParams ) cMsg += cValToChar( aParams[ n ] ) + CRLF next if event == "BeforeNavigate2" //MsgInfo( aParams[ 2 ] ) //SetEventParam( pParams, 7, .t. ) // Comment this to allow navigation endifreturn cMsg + CRLF