I am trying to print a image in FR, I want to use LoadImageFromHbVar because I need to generate the image only for the report.
I found a topic about it but for me don't work, some body work with this function?
Marcelo Via Giglio wrote:ShumingWang,
thanks very much for your response, I found my problem, we MUST to define the variable like a PRIVATE (don't work with other definition), then we need to relax the xHarbour compile switch
because with private variables I get error message "Ambiguous reference" I don't know why?
M -> myvar
oBmp:= TBitmap():Define()
oBmp:hBitMap := BuildCode( CODEBAR_QR, "QR", HB_ZEBRA_FLAG_QR_LEVEL_MASK ) //create bitmap in memory
hDib := DibFromBitmap( oBmp:hBitMap ) // read dib from bitmap
DibToStr( hDib ) // convert dib to string
GloBalFree( hDib )
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