Today I'm reconfiguring one of my laptops and I installed IIS on Windows 7 so I decided to show here an older version of my FiveWeb based project.
Keep in mind that this is far from the current version, but it will serve to show at least part of Fiveweb capabilities.
I don't want to show the current, almost finished version because it contains some sensitive info about companies and Employees.
But in any case, the link shows the working app and you can get an impression how and what Fiveweb can do.
The login form is "nailed" to one login and one company data, for testing purposes. Just hit enter
Then tray not to change to much data while checking the app. I suggest you to explore the menu options and dialogs functionality
The laptop which this IIS and app is on is a small slow laptop, so do not expect any lighten speed. I tested the final app on some server with i7 processor and a lot of memory and upload speed on my personal server of 4/Mbps and the app runs very fast and good. Of course if the client internet speed is not fast enough, the result will be slower.
The IIS is Windows 7 IIS.
I can disable the IIS and run Vertrigo server and the same functionality achieved.
It uses DBF
If you want to try Fiveweb and FastReport, then try "Hours Report" report from "Reports" menu option. Keep in mind that only the data from 2013 year exists in this testing environment files. Also to see the printouts by FR, check the "Employees Data" menu option and then upper right button "Master List"
Other reports are finished but not included in this old app version.
I will keep this link open today and then will turn it off, because I am using this laptop for some other jobs. "OK" on login screen, cannot change anything here)
You can use the tablet also (I tested on 10.1 inch Samsung and was able to work)
You can use any operating system and any browser - the results are the same (or almost the same, but the functionality and controls are equally ordered - no problem with compatibility)
The project is not finished yet, I expect to be finished at the end of May
Enjoy exploring only today!
Boris (Codemaker )