New FTDN November 2014 (FWH 14.11)

New FTDN November 2014 (FWH 14.11)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:48 am

November 2014

* Fixed the unresolved external clock() when using Visual Studio:


* combobox.prg: Autofill feature was introduced when CBS_DROPDOWN
style is used in FWH13.05.

- The feature was made available when the conbobox is created on
window and dialog from resource. Now this is extended to dialg
created from source code too.

- The programmer has not option whether to enable/disable this
feature. Now this feature is enabled when lIncSearch is .t., as
originally intended.

- When the user enters text in a case different from the case of
an item, the user's text was over-written by the item's case.
Now if lCaseSensitive is .t., text entered by user in a different
case is preserved.

- Setting of lCaseSesitive was ignored. Now fixed. Eg. Assuming the
array of items contain "apple" and user enters "APPLE", if
lCaseSensitive is .t., the variable is set to "APPLE" otherwise
the variable is set to "apple".

* xbrowse: Added tolerance to legacy programs where bStrData is
directly defined returning a non-string value.

* Enhancement: FWH Printer Preview now includes the changes proposed
by Carlos Vargas. Many thanks Carlos!


* Fix: Minor fix to Class Splitter reported by Maurizio:


* Enhancement: Many enhancements on FWH Class TGdiPlus:

+ new methods for Class Graphics:

DrawArc: Draws an arc
DrawPath: Draws the lines of a previously created path
DrawImage: Draws an image for the GDI+ supported formats
DrawRoundRect: Draws a round rect

+ new method for Class Pen:

SetColor: allows to set a new color for the pen without having to build a new one
Parameters: Transparency, nRed, nGreen, nBlue

+ New Class Path : allows to draw several different lines of a path to later on draw
them on the screen


New: Creates a new Path
Destroy: destructor
AddLine: Add a line
AddRectangle: Add a rectangle
AddRoundRect: Add a round rect
AddArc: Add an arc
CloseFigure: Closes the path drawn with the previous methods
(Please review Method AddRoundRect source code to review its use)

+ New Clase GDIBmp: Allows the use of images


New( cFile, cResname ): Builds the GdiBmp object, from a file or from
resources (for bmps only, up to now)
Destroy: destructor
Save( cFile ): Saves the object into a new file with any of the supported

* New function GDIPlusConvertImage( cImageIni, cImageEnd )

Allows to convert an image type into a different one, just specifying
the source file and the tdestination file

+ samples\gdiplus3.prg is a new example showing all the previous


Many thanks to Manuel Alvarez (Mastintin). Big thank you Manuel!

* New: There is a new samples\buildxhb.bat for users:


Many thanks to Carlos Vargas!

* Enhancement and bug fix: New clause TRUEPIXEL to use the right pixel
coordinates when creating dialogs. FWH provide now a new function
FW_SetTruePixel( lOnOff ) to set it for the entire application.


Many thanks to Paco Garc¡a!

* Enhancement: New function FIMakeThumbNail( cSrcFile, cDstFile, nPixel )
based on FreeImage.dll FMakeThumbNail(). Many thanks to Carlos Vargas:


* New: xBrowse: New column data lRunBtnAction class TXBrwColumn.
When oCol:bEditBlock or oCol:aEditListTxt is not empty and
oCol:bEditValid sets oCol:lRunBtnAction to .T. and exits,
the bEditBlock / Listbox is executed immediately after the
oEditGet is closed.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New FTDN November 2014 (FWH 14.11)

Postby Yessica » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:51 am

Buenas noches Antonio.

Tengo un sistema hecho con la versión de fivewin para xHarbour 2.4. Deseo obtener la ultima versión de five por aquello de las pc que tienen Windows 8 a 64.

Mi duda es, hay que realizar cambios grandes en mis programas para utilizar la nueva version del fivewin??.

Agradecería tu ayuda por favor.
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Re: New FTDN November 2014 (FWH 14.11)

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:59 am


No hay que cambiar nada, en principio es sólo recompilar con Harbour 64 y usar FWH 64.

De todas formas comentarte que tu aplicación, al ser 32 bits, funciona perfectamente en Windows 64 bits :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New FTDN November 2014 (FWH 14.11)

Postby Yessica » Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:52 pm

Buen día Sr. Linares.

Agradezco su pronta contestación, en breve uno de mis compañeros se pondrá en contacto con usted, Pues deseamos adquirir la nueva versión. Somos de México, años atrás cuando obtuvimos por primera vez el fivewin quien nos daba soporte era el Sr. René Flores, el cual como nos dimos cuenta ya no está con usted.

Esperamos contar con su ayuda para poder llevar a cabo la implemetación de la nueva versión. Tenemos muchas dudas al respecto.

Por su atención gracias.
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Re: New FTDN November 2014 (FWH 14.11)

Postby Yessica » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:01 pm

Antonio, queremos llamarte pero es probable que tengamos mal el numero de teléfono, podrias darme el numero para llamarte, nosotros estamos en San Luis Potosí, Mexico. como te marcariamos para contactarte?. :oops:

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Re: New FTDN November 2014 (FWH 14.11)

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:10 pm


+34 602 46 35 71
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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