Number Of Complete Months

Number Of Complete Months

Postby acwoo1 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:48 am


How do I find out how many complete months between two dates.
(eg. from 31/03/2014 to 30/09/2014)



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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:26 am


Please try this:

MsgInfo( Month( CToD( "30/09/2014" ) ) - Month( CToD( "31/03/2014" ) ) )
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby acwoo1 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:07 am


Thanks for your help.

If I change it to from 31/09/2014 to 31/03/2015, I get -6.
How to get around this ?



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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby Massimo Linossi » Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:28 am

if result < 0
result += 12
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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby sambomb » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:42 pm

acwoo1 wrote:Hi

Thanks for your help.

If I change it to from 31/09/2014 to 31/03/2015, I get -6.
How to get around this ?



Using FHH1304+harbour+bcc582

Abs() ?

nVar := 1
? nVar //1
? Abs(nVar) //1

nVar := -3
? nVar //-3
? Abs(nVar) //3
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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby sambomb » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:46 pm

Check this
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* Programa ....: DateTime.PRG
* Autor .......: Samir
* Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:13
* Revisado em .: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:13
* Classe para tratar uma Date e Time em conjunto

#include ''


   //-- Propriedades -----------------------------------------------------//

   //-- Atributos a serem acessados
   DATA Date                AS Date       INIT Date()       READONLY
   DATA Time                AS Character  INIT Time()       READONLY
   DATA Secs                AS Numeric    Init 0            READONLY

   //-- Uso interno da classe
   DATA nSecsMinute         AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
   DATA nSecsHour           AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
   DATA nSecsDay            AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
   DATA nSecsMonth          AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN
   DATA nSecsYear           AS Numeric    Init 0            HIDDEN

   //-- Métodos ----------------------------------------------------------//

   //-- Construção
   METHOD New(cDateIni,cTimeIni)                            CONSTRUCTOR
   METHOD End()

   METHOD Absolute(dDateReference)

   //-- Uso Interno
   METHOD Verify()                                          HIDDEN
   METHOD UpdateVar()                                       HIDDEN

   //-- Modificar atributos da classe
   METHOD SetDate(dDate) INLINE ( ::Date := dDate )
   METHOD SetTime(cTime) INLINE ( ::Time := cTime, ::Secs := Secs(cTime) )

   //-- Add Time
   METHOD AddHour(nTime)                                    //PUBLIC
   METHOD AddMinute(nMinute)                                //PUBLIC
   METHOD AddSecond(nSecond)                                //PUBLIC

   //-- Add Date
   METHOD AddDay(nDay)                                      //PUBLIC
   METHOD AddMonth(nMonth)                                  //PUBLIC
   METHOD AddYear(nYear)                                    //PUBLIC

   //-- Remove Tempo
   METHOD RemHour(nTime)                                    //PUBLIC
   METHOD RemMinute(nMinute)                                //PUBLIC
   METHOD RemSecond(nSecond)                                //PUBLIC

   //-- Remove Date
   METHOD RemDay(nDay)                                      //PUBLIC
   METHOD RemMonth(nMonth)                                  //PUBLIC
   METHOD RemYear(nYear)                                    //PUBLIC

   //-- Compatibilidade ( Aceitar comandos no plural ) -------------------//

   //-- Add Tempo
   METHOD AddHours(nHour)        INLINE   ::AddHour(nHour)
   METHOD AddMinutes(nMinute)    INLINE   ::AddMinute(nMinute)
   METHOD AddSeconds(nSecond)    INLINE   ::AddSecond(nSecond)

   //-- Add Date
   METHOD AddDays(nDay)          INLINE   ::AddDays(nDay)
   METHOD AddMonths(nMonth)      INLINE   ::AddMonth(nMonth)
   METHOD AddYears(nYear)        INLINE   ::AddYear(nYear)

   //-- Remove Tempo
   METHOD RemHour(nHour)         INLINE   ::RemHour(nHour)
   METHOD RemMinutes(nMinute)    INLINE   ::RemMinute(nMinute)
   METHOD RemSeconds(nSecond)    INLINE   ::RemSecond(nSecond)

   //-- Remove Date
   METHOD RemDays(nDay)          INLINE   ::RemDay(nDay)
   METHOD RemMonths(nMonth)      INLINE   ::RemMonth(nMonth)
   METHOD RemYears(nYear)        INLINE   ::RemYear(nYear)



METHOD New(xDateIni,cTimeIni) CLASS TDateTime
* Initiate the object
* Parametros: Nenhum
* Retorno: Self (Object)
* Autor .......: Samir
* Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:20

   Default xDateIni := Date(), cTimeIni := Time()
   If ValType(xDateIni) = "C"
      ::Date := cTod(xDateIni)
   elseif ValType(xDateIni) = "D"
      ::Date := xDateIni
      ::Date := Date()
   ::Time := cTimeIni
   ::Secs := Secs(cTimeIni)

   ::nSecsMinute := 60                  //-- FIXO
   ::nSecsHour   := ::nSecsMinute * 60  //-- FIXO
   ::nSecsDay    := ::nSecsHour   * 24  //-- FIXO

   //-- Atualizar Seconds do Month/Year

return Self


* Release the object from memory
* Parametros: Nenhum
* Retorno: Nil
* Autor .......: Samir
* Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:20

   Self := Nil

return nil


METHOD UpdateVar() CLASS TDateTime
* Update the second counting vars
* Parametros:
* Retorno: Nil
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 13:52:18

   ::nSecsMonth   := ::nSecsDay    * LastDay(::Date)
   ::nSecsYear    := ::nSecsDay    * If ( IsBissexto(::Date), 366, 365 )

return nil

METHOD Verify() CLASS TDateTime
* Verify if happen and Date update based on the Seconds
* Parametros: Nenhum
* Retorno: Nil
* Autor .......: Samir
* Date ........: 2/3/2010 às 10:30:20

Local lRewind := .F.

   //-- Verify if is negative or positive
   If ::Secs < 0
      lRewind := .T.
      ::Secs := Abs(::Secs)

   //-- Increase
   If !lRewind

      //-- Verify if increase one Day
      While ::Secs > ::nSecsDay

         ::Secs -= ::nSecsDay


      //-- Update time with the rest
      ::Time := TString(::Secs)

   //-- Decrease

      //-- Verify if decrease one Day
      While ::Secs > ::nSecsDay

         ::Secs -= ::nSecsDay


      //-- If time is negative, make reference to the last day

      //-- Update time with the rest
      ::Time := TString(::nSecsDay - ::Secs)


return nil


METHOD AddHour(nHour) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Hour
* Parametros: nHour
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:33:57

   Default nHour := 1
   ::Secs += nHour * ::nSecsHour

return nil


METHOD AddMinute(nMinute) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Minute
* Parametros: nMinute
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30

   Default nMinute := 1
   ::Secs += nMinute * ::nSecsMinute


return nil


METHOD AddSecond(nSecond) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Second
* Parametros: nSecond
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58

local Result := nil

   Default nSecond := 1

   ::Secs += nSecond


return nil


METHOD AddDay(nDay) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Day
* Parametros: nDay
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:37:46

local Result := nil, nMax := 0, nEndMonth := 0, nAux := 0, cAux := ""

   Default nDay := 1

   ::Date := ::Date + nDay

return nil


METHOD AddMonth(nMonth) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Month
* Parametros: nMonth
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30

local Result := nil

   Default nMonth := 1

   ::Date := IncMonth(::Date,nMonth)

return nil


METHOD AddYear(nYear) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Year
* Parametros: nYear
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58

local Result := nil, nDayAux := 0, nMonthAux := 0, nYearAux := 0, cDateAux := ""

   Default nYear := 1

   nDayAux      := Day(  ::Date())
   nMonthAux    := Month(::Date())
   nYearAux     := Year( ::Date())

   nYearAux += nYear

   cDateAux += StrZero(nDayAux,2)   + "/"
   cDateAux += StrZero(nMonthAux,2) + "/"
   cDateAux += StrZero(nYearAux,4)

   ::Date := CtoD(cDateAux)

return nil


METHOD RemHour(nHour) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Hour
* Parametros: nHour
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:33:57

local Result := nil

   Default nHour := 1
   ::Secs -= nHour * ::nSecsHour


return nil


METHOD RemMinute(nMinute) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Minute
* Parametros: nMinute
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30

local Result := nil

   Default nMinute := 1
   ::Secs -= nMinute * ::nSecsMinute

return nil


METHOD RemSecond(nSecond) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Second
* Parametros: nSecond
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58

local Result := nil

   Default nSecond := 1

   ::Secs -= nSecond

return nil


METHOD RemDay(nDay) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Day
* Parametros: nDay
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:37:46

local nMax := 0

   Default nDay := 1
   ::Date := ::Date - nDay
return nil


METHOD RemMonth(nMonth) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Month
* Parametros: nMonth
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:30

   Default nMonth := 1
   ::Date := DecMonth(::Date,nMonth)

return nil


METHOD RemYear(nYear) CLASS TDateTime
* Add Year
* Parametros: nYear
* Retorno: NIL
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 10:34:58

local nDayAux := 0, nMonthAux := 0, nYearAux := 0, cDateAux := ""

   Default nYear := 1
   nDayAux      := Day(::Date())
   nMonthAux    := Month(::Date())
   nYearAux     := Year(::Date())
   nYearAux -= nYear
   cDateAux += StrZero(nDayAux,2)   + "/"
   cDateAux += StrZero(nMonthAux,2) + "/"
   cDateAux += StrZero(nYearAux,4)
   ::Date := CtoD(cDateAux)

return nil


METHOD Absolute(dDateReferencia) CLASS TDateTime
* Obter um valor absoluto em Seconds da Date mais Time
* Parametros: dDateReferencia
* Retorno: nValorAbsoluto
* Autor: Samir
* 17/11/2010 - 10:51:08

local nValorAbsoluto := 0, nDays := 0

   Default dDateReferencia := cTod("01/01/1920")

   nDays := Abs( ::Date - dDateReferencia)

   nValorAbsoluto := nDays * ::nSecsDay

   nValorAbsoluto += ::Secs

return nValorAbsoluto

static function IsBissexto(xDate)
* Verificar se um ano é bissexto ou não
* Parametros: xDate
* Retorno: lResult
* Autor: Samir
* 2/3/2010 - 11:15:02

local lResult := .T., nYear := 0

   If ValType(xDate) = "D"
      nYear := Year(xDate)
   elseif ValType(xDate) = "N"
      nYear := xDate
   elseif ValType(xDate) = "C"
      If IsDigit(xDate)
         If Len(xDate) = 2 .or. Len(xDate) = 4
            nYear := Val(xDate)
            lResult := .F.
         lResult := .F.
      lResult := .F.

   If lResult

      If nYear % 4 = 0 .and. nYear % 100 != 0
         lResult := .T.
      Elseif nYear % 100 = 0 .and. nYear % 400 = 0
         lResult := .T.
         lResult := .F.


      MsgInfo("Invalid Date parameter")

Return lResult


function LastDay( dDateVal )
Local nLastDay, nMonthNum, nNumDays

   If dDateVal = NIL
      dDateVal := Date()
   ElseIf Valtype( dDateVal ) == 'N'
      nMonthNum := dDateVal
   ElseIf Valtype( dDateVal ) == 'D'
      nMonthNum := Month( dDateVal )
      Return 0

   nNumDays  := 31

   Do Case
      Case nMonthNum = 4 .or. nMonthNum = 6 .or. nMonthNum = 9 .or. ;
         nMonthNum = 11
         nNumDays := 30
      Case nMonthNum = 2
         If Year( dDateVal ) % 4 = 0 .and. Year( dDateVal ) % 100 != 0
            nNumDays := 29
         Elseif Year( dDateVal ) % 100 = 0 .and. Year( dDateVal ) % 400 = 0
            nNumDays := 29
            nNumDays := 28

Return( nNumDays )


function IncMonth(dDate, nMonth)

local Result := dDate, nDia := 0, nAno := 0, nMes := 0, cData := ""

   nDia := Day(dDate)
   nMes := Month(dDate)
   nAno := Year(dDate)

   nMes += nMonth
   nMonth := nMes

   if nMes > 12
      if nMes % 12 == 0
         nMes := 12
         nMes := nMes % 12
         nAno += Trunc(nMonth / 12,0)

   if (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) $ "4,6,9,11") .and. nDia >= 30
      nDia := 30
   elseif (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) == "2") .and. nDia >= 28
      nDia := 28

   cData := AllTrim(Str(nDia,2,0)) + '/' + AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) + '/' + ;

   if Empty(CTOD(cData))

   Result := CtoD(cData)

Return Result


function DecMonth(dDate, nMonth)

local Result := dDate, nDia := 0, nAno := 0, nMes := 0, cData := ""

   nDia := Day(dDate)
   nMes := Month(dDate)
   nAno := Year(dDate)

   nAno -= Trunc(nMonth / 12,0)

   nMes -= ( nMonth % 12 )

   if nMes <= 0

      if nMonth % 12 == 0
         //nMes := 12
         nMes := Month(dDate)

         nAno -= 1
         nMes += 12


   if (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) $ "4,6,9,11") .and. nDia = 31
      nDia := 30
   elseif (AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) == "2") .and. nDia >= 29
      nDia := 28

   cData := AllTrim(Str(nDia,2,0)) + '/' + AllTrim(Str(nMes,2,0)) + '/' + ;

   Result := CtoD(cData)

Return Result

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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby acwoo1 » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:09 pm


Thanks for your help.

How to show that the number of complete months from 31/01/2014 to 01/03/2014 is 1 instead of 2.



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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:46 pm


MsgInfo( Month( CToD( "01/03/2014" ) ) - Month( CToD( "31/01/2014" ) ) - 1 )
regards, saludos

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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:58 pm

acwoo1 wrote:Hi

How do I find out how many complete months between two dates.
(eg. from 31/03/2014 to 30/09/2014)



Using FWH1304+Harbour+bcc582

I suggest two alternative function. Both give the same result.
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function MonthsLapsed_1( dDate1, dDate2 )

   local nMths

   nMths := CEILING( ( dDate2 - dDate1 ) / 30.4 )
   do while ADDMONTH( dDate1, nMths ) > dDate2

return nMths

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function MonthsLapsed_2( dDate1, dDate2 )

   local nMths

   nMths    := ( Year(  dDate2 ) - Year(  dDate1 ) ) * 12 + ;
               ( Month( dDate2 ) - Month( dDate1 ) )

   if Day( dDate2 ) < Day( dDate1 ) .and. dDate2 < EOM( dDate2 )

return nMths

Note: ADDMONTH(), CEILING(), EOM() are available in CT.LIB for xHarbour and HBCT.LIB for Harbour.

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Re: Number Of Complete Months

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Jan 04, 2015 10:45 pm

The DateTime class is excellant and could be quite useful till DateTime datatyes were implemented in (x)Harbour.

Now that DateTime type ( "T" ) is available both for memory variables and field variables, we can straight away use these new types. The days of dealing with Dates separately and Times separately as Chracter values are gone years back.

t := DateTime()
? t // --> 05-01-2015 03:48:00

Add Hour : t += 1/24
Add Minute : t += 1/1440

Add Time 03:40:26
t += TimeToSecs( "03:40:26" ) / 86400

Add number of days : t += nDays

For adding months and years we can use the readily available function ADDMONTH() in ct.lib. Actually this function was avaialable even during 16-bit Clipper days in CA-Tools library.

nResult := ADDMONTH( dDate, (plus or minus ) nMths )
nResult := ADDMONTH( dDate, (plus or minus ) 12 * nYears )

There is one issue:
ADDMONTH() function accepts pure Date variable only. This is because this function is an implementation of the very old CA-Tools function.

We can have a small derived function to use this with DateTime values also:

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function FW_ADDMONTH( tDate, nMths )

   if ValType( tDate ) == 'T'
      return FW_DTOT( ADDMONTH( FW_TTOD( tDate ), nMths ) ) + ;
             FW_TIMEPART( tDate ) / 86400

return ADDMONTH( tDate, nMths )

This function returns Date variable if the input is date type and DateTime variable if the input is DateTime data type.

DateTime field types:
If we are using DBFCDX rdd, we can have field type "T" for storing DateTime values.
We can have field type "=". In this case RDD automatically udpdates this field with system datetime when inserted or updated.

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