create an arra from txt file

create an arra from txt file

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:27 pm

I have a file txt "level1.txt" type :


I wish insert all into a array having only one field of 81 space

atest:= { Space(81) }

I made this but it make error

ctext:= Memoread(cFile)
nLinea :=MLCOUNT(cTexto)

for n=1 to nLinea

the error
It make error because it count me 1998 lines but the sum of lines are 999
then add other fields to array

I cannot post the file because it contains 82748 characters. The maximum number of allowed characters is 60000 for this forum
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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Re: create an arra from txt file

Postby ukoenig » Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:16 pm


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#include ""

LOCAL oText:= TTxtFile():New( "level1.txt" ), aTest := {}, n

FOR n = 1 to oText:RecCount()
      AADD( aTest,  oText:ReadLine() )
      MsgAlert( aTest[n], "Array-line : " + ALLTRIM(STR(n)) )


Line 2


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Uwe :)
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Re: create an arra from txt file

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:15 pm

thanks Uwe,

some files.txt are very very big
how I can make to have a show text type : " Load level2.txt in n seconds"
I try with a timer but it not run good
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: create an arra from txt file

Postby James Bott » Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:59 pm


It will be much faster the way you did it--loading the entire file into memory then parsing it, rather than reading each line from the disk.

Your coding mistake is here:

nLinea :=MLCOUNT(cTexto)

Should be:

nLinea :=MLCOUNT(cTexto, 81) // was missing the line length

I would also suggest setting cTexto to nil right after you are done parsing it so the memory will be recovered.
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Re: create an arra from txt file

Postby derpipu » Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:30 pm

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FUNCTION Txt2Array( cCAdena, nCaracteres)
  LOCAL aTexto := {}, nCuantos := LEN(cCadena) / nCaracteres, nBrinco := 0
  DEFAULT nCaracteres := 1

  nStart := 1; nxLen := nCaracteres; cxTexto := cCAdena
  cTxt := SUBSTR( cxTexto, nStart, nxLen )

  DO WHILE nBrinco < nCuantos/*! EMPTY(cTxt)*/

    AADD(aTexto, cTxt )
    nStart += nxLen
    cTxt := SUBSTR( cxTexto, nStart, nxLen )

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Re: create an arra from txt file

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:06 am


James Bott wrote:I would also suggest setting cTexto to nil right after you are done parsing it so the memory will be recovered.

Better limit the scope of the variable.

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Re: create an arra from txt file

Postby sambomb » Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:58 pm

Opens a file on the operating system level.
FOpen( <cFileName>, [<nMode>]) --> nFileHandle

This is a character string holding the name of the file to open. It must include path and file extension. If the path is omitted from <cFileName>, the file is searched in the current directory.
A numeric value specifying the open mode and access rights for the file. #define constants from the FILEIO.CH file can be used for <nMode> as listed in the table below: File open modes Constant Value Description
FO_READ *) 0 Open file for reading
FO_WRITE 1 Open file for writing
FO_READWRITE 2 Open file for reading and writing
*) default

Constants that define the access or file sharing rights can be added to an FO_* constant. They specify how file access is granted to other applications in a network environment.
File sharing modes Constant Value Description
FO_COMPAT *) 0 Compatibility mode
FO_EXCLUSIVE 16 Exclusive use
FO_DENYWRITE 32 Prevent other applications from writing
FO_DENYREAD 48 Prevent other applications from reading
FO_DENYNONE 64 Allow others to read or write
*) default

Reads characters from a binary file into a memory variable.
FRead( <nFileHandle>, ;
@<cBuffer> , ;
<nBytes> , ;
[<nOffset>] ) --> nBytesRead

This is a numeric file handle returned from function FOpen() or FCreate().
A memory variable holding a character string must be passed by reference to FRead(). It must have at least <nBytes> characters.
This is a numeric value specifying the number of bytes to transfer from the file into the memory variable <cBuffer>, beginning at the current file pointer position.
This is a numeric value specifying the number of bytes to skip at the beginning of <cBuffer> where the result is copied to. This allows to copy the data from the file into the middle of a string buffer. The default value is zero. Note that the sum of <nBytes>+<nOffset> must be smaller than or equal Len(<cBuffer>).

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// The example reads an entire file in blocks of 81 bytes and fills them into an array

   #define BLOCK_SIZE     81

      LOCAL cBuffer     := Space( BLOCK_SIZE )
      LOCAL nFileHandle := FOpen( "level1.txt")
      LOCAL aBlocks     := {}
      LOCAL nRead

      IF FError() <> 0
         ? "Error opening file:", FERROR()

      DO WHILE .T.
         nRead := FRead( nFileHandle, @cBuffer, BLOCK_SIZE )
         IF nRead == BLOCK_SIZE
            AAdd( aBlocks, cBuffer )
            // end of file reached
            AAdd( aBlocks, SubStr(cBuffer,nRead) )

      FClose( nFileHandle )
      ? Len( aBlocks ), "Blocks of", BLOCK_SIZE, "bytes read"

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Re: create an arra from txt file

Postby James Bott » Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:28 am

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//Test program with Str2Array() function.

#include ""

Function Main()

   local cFile:="level1.txt", cText:="", aArray
   local nLineLength:=81
   local cSample:=""
   // Create the sample file
   cSample:= cSample+"001700509573024106800501002700295018009400305652800007465080071000159004908007053"+CRLF
   cSample:= cSample+"029650178705180600100900500257800309600219005900007046573400021800020453010395000"+CRLF
   cSample:= cSample+"008203500009670408346050702430010059967005001000496203280034067703500904004107020"+CRLF
   cSample:= cSample+"800005216045862007670009500769204030020001765001670009004096800907400601306107940"+CRLF
   memowrit( cFile, cSample)

   // Read the file
   cText  := Memoread(cFile)
   // convert to an array with line
   aArray:= str2Array( cText, nLinelength )
   msgInfo( len(aArray),"Length of array")
   msgInfo( aArray[1],"First element of array")
return nil

Function str2Array( cText, nLineLength )
   local aArray:={}
   local cLine:=""
   local nLines := MLCOUNT( cText, nLineLength )

   for n=1 to nLines
Return aArray
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